2022 Advent Calendar Countdown

Published: Sun, 10/23/22

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Kerry Beck here with another post from How To Homeschool My Child blog. 
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    2022 Advent Calendar Countdown - 2022-10-23 06:53:00-04


I remember when my kids were living at home and I’d sign up for every possible Christmas & Advent activity possible. I even used a calendar like an Advent Calendar Countdown 2022 to keep track of all our busyness.

Although I didn’t realize it at the time, I was setting us up for an explosion on Christmas Day. By then, we had not focused on Jesus. Instead we were busy doing activities that did not focus on the real meaning of Christmas…and I was headed to be stressed out at Christmas time.

Are you overwhelmed & stressed at Christmas?
Is there just too much hustle & bustle before Christmas?
Do you run out of time during the Christmas season?
Do the days leading up to Christmas seem worthless to you?

How often do you find yourself saying:

I wish . . .
…I knew how to change our Christmas celebration so Christ is the center.
…I could actually enjoy the Christmas season, instead of being so stressed.

Not only do I want to keep Christ in Christmas, I hope to spread goodwill to you. I know that you might really struggle with Christmas and the days leading up to it.

If are overwhelmed, too busy, or trying to find time to focus on the real meaning of Advent & Christmas, I want to invite you to grab my Advent Calendar 2022 Countdown for free.


How does the Advent Calendar 2022 Countdown work?

Kerry’s Advent Calendar 2022 Countdown sends you FREE daily ideas to add meaning to your family’s Christmas holiday traditions & activities. Don’t spend time yourself trying to research the best way to celebrate Advent, Christmas & the holidays.

Use Kerry’s free Advent Activities Calendar. You get one idea each day for the next 25 days! Just open your email and celebrate the history of Christ’s Advent.

Be sure to grab Kerry’s free gift to you … to help you put Christ back into Christmas right here:

The post 2022 Advent Calendar Countdown appeared first on How To Homeschool My Child.


Kerry Beck


How To Homeschool My Child
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