Homeschooling Kids to Finish Strong

Published: Mon, 02/20/23

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Kerry Beck here with another post from How To Homeschool My Child blog. 
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    Homeschooling Kids to Finish Strong - 2023-02-20 17:28:04-05


You’re headed into the home stretch of this year? Do you know where you’re really headed? Will you & your homeschooling kids finish strong?

3 tips for moms on homeschooling kids to finish strong this year


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“Go Behind the Scenes”
3 Tips for Moms
Homeschooling Kids
to Finish Strong This Year

Choose to join us on Monday, February 27 or Tuesday, February 28

Gain Confidence as you Finish 2023 school year &
follow a proven plan for success in your homeschool.

When you follow a proven plan, you can get rid of bad attitudes and focus on fun learning with your homeschooling kids. Move from tired & exhausted homeschool to learning for a lifetime as you finish your year strong. Even if you homeschool year-round, our class will give you ideas to find the right activities to raise your kids to think for themselves and be an influencer for Jesus.

You’re lucky to be here, because Christian Leadership Education allows you a proven strategy to homeschool and give your children leader skills at the same time.

I invite you to come to our free masterclass on Monday, February 27 or Tuesday, February 28.

3 tips for moms on homeschooling kids to finish strong this year

In this Masterclass you’ll discover:

Sign up for our FREE Homeschooling Kids Class below.

You’re about to see How Homeschooling Kids Can Change to Help You in a Big Way

Whether you’re overwhelmed trying to balance your home, homeschool and marriage OR struggling to know if you’re doing enough for your children, this can be the turning point you’ve been waiting for.

Much has changed in the past couple years, but the basics of Christian leadership education, raising your children to influence for Jesus remains the same.

Join me to get fully updated on what it takes to make the ultimate shift in your homeschool, so you finish strong and prepare your kids for real life, with the necessary skills your kids need.

This Masterclass is a
Must Attend if …

A Personal Invitation from Kerry

I homeschooled my 3 kids for ten years. I discovered what works & doesn’t work. Having a Masters in Education & Curriculum didn’t help me educate my own children. Walking daily with God & using His purpose for homeschooling helped me survive homeschooling & build lifelong relationships with my 3 adult children.

I let you know the bumps and the celebrations. Whether it’s sharing my spiritual battles or tips & tricks that worked for me to encourage my kids to learn for a lifetime, my desire is to help you.

Wherever you are right now, I will share what worked AND what didn’t work. I don’t live in an ivory tower. I live in the real world, just like you.

I made a huge shift in our homeschool half way through our ten years. This NEW masterclass is a exactly what I learned as a homeschool mom, to finish homeschooling kids strong each year. Mistakes I made and strategies that worked.

3 tips for moms on homeschooling kids to finish strong this year

If you’re committed to making this the year you finish strong in homeschooling kids. We will help you make the necessary changes in your home & homeschool, with specific ways you can be more consistent & not overwhelmed as you teach & parent.

By the end of the class you should know:

Sign up for our FREE Class below.

Don’t delay and kick yourself later.

The post Homeschooling Kids to Finish Strong appeared first on How To Homeschool My Child.


Kerry Beck


How To Homeschool My Child
Curriculum Connection
Box 4348, Bryan, TX 77805, USA

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