6 Christmas Math Activities

Published: Thu, 12/15/22

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    6 Christmas Math Activities - 2022-12-15 06:02:00-05


In the past, I’ve shared ways to integrate writing into Christmas. Today, I’d like to offer Christmas math activities that you can integrate into your advent & Christmas activities for kids.

christmas math activities

Baking & Cooking
As you bake & cook, your kids will learn their measurements. You can even convert to the metric system, to teach them alternative measurements. They will learn about temperature, as well.

Buying Gifts for Others
When you buy gifts with cash, your kids will discover the value of a budget. I recommend the envelope systems (or ziploc system). Your child has a ziploc of cash & that’s all they can spend on their gifts. This might be for family members or senior citizens or a child on the local Angel tree.

Our family followed ideas for Christian Christmas gift giving

Decorating with Lights
Let your kids measure where you will hang lights. Once they get the total feet of lights to be hung, they can determine how many strands of lights they need. You can either buy lights or find the ones you already have. Either way, they must determine how many strands based to the total feet of lights hung.

Calendar Countdown
For younger kids that are learning days of the week & months of the year, you can use a advent calendar countdown to reinforce these concepts. Or use a Christmas tree advent calendar.

Cooking for Large Families or Giving
If you have a larger family, you often need to double, triple or quadruple your recipes. Let your kids figure out the new amounts before you bake or cook.

If you are baking for gifts, allow your kids the opportunity to see how much you need in your final count. Once that’s determined, let them change the recipe amounts to fit the new total.


Christmas Cards
Once your have a Christmas card list, let your kids determine how much money they will need to buy stamps for your Christmas card list. You can also let them decide how many boxes of Christmas cards you will need. If you do online Christmas cards, your kids can decide the best deal between different Christmas card companies.

Now you have 6 Christmas math activities to integrate into your kids’ homeschooling this season.

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.Question: What are other ways you teach math during Advent or Christmas? You can leave a comment by clicking here.

The post 6 Christmas Math Activities appeared first on How To Homeschool My Child.


Kerry Beck


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