Hunt Fitness

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New Bench Press Specialization Program

Published: Mon, 08/21/23

Hi I have a NEW bench program for you! The Hunt Fitness Bench Press Specialization Program is for anyone who wants to take their bench to the ne t…

Drug Testing in the Olympics Revisited

Published: Fri, 08/18/23

Hi I have a unique article for you today. Should the Olympics still test for performance enhancing drugs? I know, it's a wild question. Read the…

Don’t Overcomplicate Your Fitness

Published: Fri, 07/28/23

Hi It's Friday, which means we have a new episode of the Absolute Strength Podcast for you. In this episode, Derek and I discuss ways to simplify your…

What is Functional Fitness? | Ep 397

Published: Wed, 07/26/23

Hi I have a question for you. What is functional fitness? It's one of the most misunderstood topics in the industry. Everyone "knows" what it is, but…

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