[igoddess] 3 Ways to be Fabulous + Women with large backsides... + Feeling the urge to shine?

Published: Fri, 02/07/14

Girl Get Your Goddess On...

Want a catchy theme song to start your day with up-beat, happy sass ? Well, you've got it!

"Girl, Get Your Goddess On" is sung by one of my favourite musicians, Prita, and can be viewed here.

Here's the chorus:

Girl, get your goddess on,
Shine your light all day long.
You go ahead, be fabulous!
Permission granted,
Go get your dreams,
Just go ahead, be fabulous.

Three Ways to be Fabulous

The chorus of Prita's cover tells us to "go ahead, be fabulous." It inspired me to come up with 3 Ways to be FABULOUS.

In short, they are:
  1. Get out of your own way
  2. Walk with beauty
  3. Assume correctly!
Go ahead, be fabulous --> read the tips here

Giggle Time

Mini-Retreat / Margaret River /  25-27 April 2014

These retreats are so popular I'm running another one!

The "Sacred Savvy Goddess" is 3-part workshop series hosted by Goddess For Life coach and mentor Anita Revel.

In this series, we will address issues (and provide you with empowerment tools) surrounding your:
  • Health -- Based on the 7 states of wellbeing, you can choose how you want to improve any aspect of your life, whether it be physical, transitional, personal, emotional, creative, mental or spiritual.

  • Heart -- Discover how to hear your heart's calling, and how to answer the call!

  • Hip-pocket -- Open your eyes, heart and mind to abundance, and ditch old beliefs around "lack" to the curb.
By the end of this workshop series and investment in your future happiness, you will feel fully connected your inner goddess and willing to do and be the best person you were born to be.

Book your spot / Get more details here


Feeling the urge to shine? Hathor inspires us to shape-shift and shine!

Hathor's esoteric attributes are about emotions and feelings. Hathor brings the gift of shape-shifting - she lets you transform from a woman coping with the daily mondo to the woman you really want to be.

You will recall in my last email, I talked about my fitness (or rather, the lack of fitness).

Well, I'm pleased to report that not only did I complete the 8 weeks fitness plan, I've upped my game.

With Hathor's help, I've taken my fear of sweat and pain, rolled it up into a ball, and totally chucked it out. My fear has gone.
I am now embracing moving, puffing, stretching, and feeling alive.
In fact, I'm now into a 5-month fitness plan and aiming to compete in my first ever running race in my life!

(It happens to be a "Tough Mudder" style mud-fest, but hey... What better way to embrace my new shape-shifted self than to aim BIG? LOL)

How's that for a massive shape-shifting effort?!

I am 1000% happy with my efforts so far. It's me, walking my talk....

My clients motivate me as much I motivate them. As they commit to upping their game and improve their fitness, (or finances, or feminity, or whatever), I am inspired to up my game also.

And you know what? I love it!

It's why I keep running the Sacred Savvy Goddess workshops. It gives me such a high to see the light-bulb go on, the clarity dawn, the urge to shine ignited...

I hope I will see you at one of my events in the near future. It will be an honour to help you, to work with you, and to launch you onto your personal highway to fabulous-ness.


Got it? I'd love to hear your feedback...

I have opened up comments on Hathor's page to hear your experiences directly. How did you lift yourself out of a rut? How did you shape-shift? What were your results?

Blissed be,
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PO Box 1800
Margaret River WA 6285, Australia

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