[igoddess] Do affirmations for shedding kilos work? Yes... and no. Here's why.

Published: Mon, 03/10/14

Affirmations for losing ze saddle bags. Do they work?

"Affirmations for losing (rhymes with "mate") is a search term that brings hundreds of women to my site every single day.

Which, to me, is a bit disturbing. 

Don't get me wrong... On one hand, I think it's GREAT that women are seeking to feel fitter and more fabulous by shedding excess flabby-do-da.

What disturbs me, however, is that they're searching for
(rhymes with) "mate" loss alone.

(rhymes with) "mate" loss in itself, is not a stand-alone issue.

A woman who thinks she has to lose ze saddle bags may not be doing it for the right reasons.

If she's doing it because she feels fat (in comparison to the models in magazines), or she needs to wear a size lollypop (to fit in with the friends), then no amount of affirmations is going to help in the long run.

This is because a healthy body goes hand-in-hand with a healthy attitude towards your sacred self.

Boosting your sense of self-worth and self-appreciation are key contributing factors to (rhymes with) "mate" loss or gain. 
Boost your sense of self-worth and deservedness and your attachment to baggage and low-esteem will naturally fall away (as will your excess flabby-do-da).

Likewise, build your self-confidence, self-appreciation and self-love, and you will become less obsessed about the numbers on your scales, and more loving of your natural beauty.
self-worth and self-respect how to guide with affirmations for weight-loss
Note: The affirmations shared here are a direct excerpt from my eBook called Money & Mojo, Enrich Your Self-Worth and Respect.

Available in eBook format for just 99 cents!

Kick-ass affirmations that work

Here are just some of my favourite affirmations (tried and true!) for abundance and self-appreciation --> get affirmations that work, here  (free!)

Inspiration Time

For times when you are caught up with others' opinions of you; for when you worry about what others might think; for when you get bogged down with what people expect of you...

Remember this:

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Who said this?

"Hands down this is one if the best certification programs I have ever taken!"

Answer: It's part of a testimonial from the latest Goddess For Life coach certification graduate, Julie Randazzo.

She also says:

There is no skimming the topics in this course. Anita is extremely thorough and makes sure you really know your stuff.
Get more details about learning more skills to help you in your own business (and personal life!) from the Get Certified page


For ridding excess baggage? Artemis is your gal.

I know that for a sacral-chakra-feminine-divine centric message, you might assume I'd pick a feminine role model, like Aphrodite, Baubo, or Ishtar...

But considering that lasting
(rhymes with) "mate" loss is embedded in lasting "baggage loss", I was intuitively led to choose Artemis as the bearer of this month's inspiration.

Her message to modern goddesses is --
"If you are feeling threatened by a project or circumstance that seems to be leading nowhere, don't be afraid to nip it in the bud - Artemis offers you the strength to rid your life of excess baggage, to confront the forces that threaten you, to destroy the elements of destruction in your life. Once this is done, you can redirect your energy and celebrate new life."

"Baggage" in the case of (rhymes with) "mate" loss, could be the underlying emotional wounds that lead to comfort eating. Or the feelings of ugliness that rise from a low self-esteem. Or the abuse of food as a means of control (where everything else seems out of control).

Once the baggage has been unpacked and sorted, the body will find its own rhythm and "happy place" in accordance with its owner's attitude towards it. That is --
Love your body and it will love you back.

Abuse your body and it will not cooperate as a healthy, functional, sacred vehicle for your soul.

Call on Artemis as your role model as you tackle the "package" that makes you think you need to lose numbers on the scales.

Once you're in a space of self-love, self-acceptance and deservedness, you'll find you may not need affirmations for skinny-minniness at all!

Shine on beautiful one,

Got it? I'd love to hear your feedback...

I have opened up comments on Artemis' page to hear your experiences directly. How did you find using Artemis' influence/story helped you find more self-acceptance? How did you unpack that baggage? What were your results?

Blissed be,
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