[igoddess] Sad news... (and some happy news too) + Kwan Yin to overcome overwhelm

Published: Mon, 04/15/13

Sad news...

Oh , I know this is sad news, but don't worry! There is good news to follow - like, how to overcome overwhelm!

Here we are with the first quarter of 2013 complete. After hearing over and over that 2012 was a huge challenge for many women, I am now celebrating...

Even I found 2012 to be "occasionally monochrome and grindy, sometimes colourful and bursty, every so often revelationary, but always - always - giving me something worth looking "onwards and upwards" for."

It broke my heart to see so many women struggling with financial hardship, the collapse of structures they had relied on for so long, the enforced shuffling of priorities and the loss of what little leisure time we had.

Happy news

2013 arrived with a massive tidal wave of new energy and optimism.
The good news is that upon hearing the tsunami of cries for help, it rallied me into action.

I put my head down (and bum up!) and launched a new business in the very first week of the new year.

Already I have clients who are turning up regularly for my Goddess For Life(TM) coaching program for sacred and savvy goddesses. They are blogging their successes, and one even made a video sharing her learnings on "intuition" within an hour of arriving home.

The wave continues

Yes, yes, yes, more goddesses are signing up for my life-and-business coaching each and every week. In fact, in just 49 sleeps time, several will be joining me in Bali for a sun-and-swimming-soaked immersion into clarifying their life's dreams.

Yikes! Women are gathering in just 49 sleeps?

I know, right? 49 sleeps doesn't sound like we've got a lot of time for planning your trip to Bali to join us!

But you know what?

If you look at your to-do list and start to hyperventilate, I've got a simple solution for you... It worked for me when I wrote down my list of things to get done before packing my bag to Bali in 49 sleeps' time -
  • 7 weddings in 2 weeks,
  • finish my photography course,
  • complete a Goddess For Life coaching certification course,
  • play in a tennis grand final, 
  • join my 5 year old in her first ever fun run,
  • teach my husband how to cook for himself,
  • train my husband to get Miss 5 into bed on time,
  • join my book club group on a day's outing, and
  • spend a month touring England...

To overcome overwhelm...

... I looked at the list and rather than caving into "overwhelm", I just said, "Stuff it, I can do what I can, and not what I can't."

Or as Anais Nin put it more eloquently, We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are.

This means that we tend to view things in the context of our own personal conditioning and prejudices.

If we are conditioned to think that slogging through a list of "things to do" is, well, a slog, then it will be so.

If, on the other hand, we can change our pre-conceived notion or previous experience of slogging through a to-do list, it will affect our expectation of what is ahead.

For example, if just for one day you can train yourself to think, "I can do what I can do," and to get through your list in order of priority, or what brings you the most joy, you will discover that the to-do list will just melt away.

Overwhelm is the state of having your thoughts, emotions or senses overpowered by stress, worry and fatigue.

Prolongued overwhelm leads to inertia - of being "stuck", of feeling powerless and unable to see an easier, lighter way.

Using the strategy outlined above, you will find that as if by magic, the way will become clear for you to do all these things and more.

Try it please, goddess sister, and let me know what happens.

It works for other things too...

This mindset shift can be applied to other aspects of your life too. Let's put it in the context of the upcoming retreat in Bali... You might be dearly wishing
  • to visit Bali in a safe environment, 
  • to gather with women,
  • to be pampered within an inch of your life, 
  • to eat fresh, nutritious food,
  • to gain clarity around your personal or business life,
  • to bounce off other women travelling similar paths as yourself...

But what is getting in the way?
Write down every objection or blockage you have that's in the way of you celebrating your divine. As you go through the list, listen to your inner voice and feel the tell-tale signs of your intuition.

Is it right that you should come to Bali? Is it helpful? Will it foster your emotional and personal wellbeing to a much deeper and satisfying level? Will you return home more energised, more capable, and more shiny than ever before?

Let the answers be your focus, rather than the list of but-but-buts.

Still in doubt? Kwan Yin is your gal

Kwan Yin is one of the first goddesses I met during a guided visualisation back in the late 1990s. In my visualisation, she showed me a picutre of the world on my shoulders. It felt heavy and oppressive. Then she showed me the world simply rolling off. I immediately felt lighter and more joyful.
What a rush!
Then she showed me leaves swirling in the wind. This was to become my trigger-image for happiness, love and light.

Now, whenever I see leaves on a tree or blowing along a path, I am reminded to simply, take the world off my shoulders to lighten up!

She remains one of my personal fave goddesses, and I encourage you to take on board some of her compassionate, loving energy and give yourself a break!

Got it? I'd love to hear your feedback...

I have opened up comments on my blog to hear your experiences directly. How did these techniques work for you to help you overcome overwhelm?

Blissed be,
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