[igoddess] My husband had an affair... + How to be skinny!

Published: Tue, 05/06/14

"My husband had an affair"...

"He had an affair left his family," wrote a grieving wife upon discovering her husband's infidelity.

"I have no idea what to do but cry!"

Goddesses, I have been there, in these shoes, and if it is any consolation to anyone else this is happening to...
It was the making of me.
I have been in the space where there is no light, not even at the end of the tunnel.

I have tunneled under the bed-covers never wanting to come out. I have plummeted to the depths of physical pain, of the heart breaking into two. I have spent years asking myself, "Why?"

And at the end of this journey, I reached a point where I stopped doubting, stopped playing the loop of self-deprecating questions, stopped feeling stagnant and small. I even reached a point where I stopped caring!

I just took a deep breath, and said, "Well then..."

And, for days at a time I could smile again. I could feel confident again that I'm actually a beautiful person.
I could go for weeks without thinking about the betrayal - not even once - until eventually the weeks stretched into months and my worries became daily celebrations of freedom, self-discovery, and deeper journeying into self-appreciation and care.
I can't say that I'll ever be able to forgive my ex-husband for what he did, but I am now at a stage where I can thank him.

Looking back now, I recognise that deep down I knew it wasn't working for us.

I wasn't strong enough to withstand his emotional manipulation of me. I wasn't self-aware enough to demand that my needs and wants were as important as his. And I wasn't experienced enough to know that the way he was treating me, wasn't "love".

Anyhoo, thanks to his leaving me, I was forced to become strong, to become self-aware, and to become self-loving.

For it's in the act of self-loving, that a person becomes whole.

When you're a whole person, you don't need a "better half" (or even an "other half") to complete you. You are self-sufficient, your own best friend, and a magnet to other healthy, balanced and complete people.

Goddess, if you are in a painful space right now, I wish you an easy transition to the next stage in your life!
Scroll down to view some goddess-mentor inspiration to help you through this time...

Wise woman blessing

At this time, I am reminded of the Wise Woman Blessing:

As you walk through life, may you...

... look behind with fond memories and forgiveness;

... look ahead with intention and anticipation;

... look around with gratitude and awe; and

... look inwards with acceptance of your inner wow-factor.

~ Blissed be,
Anita Revel (c) 2009

(You can view and share the blessing here)

Fun Time

For when you're having a "fat day"... Remember this:

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Who said this?

"I've already had amazing results in life & biz, including an overall sense of being in my feminine power in a more consistent manner."

Answer: It was Alex Allesandra, Women's Holistic Therapist + Coach, and graduate of the Level 1 "Goddess For Life" coach certification program.

She also says:

I've already gotten 5 new coaching clients! I'm elated!
Get more details about learning more skills to help you in your own business (and personal life!) from the Get Certified page


For sadness to joy? Amaterasu is your gal.

Amaterasu's traditional day is the Kiku no Sekku - the Chrysanthemum Festival of Japan. The chrysanthemum is a plant that flourishes more freely if it is pinched back in spring - this is the process whereby the growing shoots are slightly damaged in order to promote more vigorous growth outwards rather than upwards.
It is an interesting analogy to our own lives - we naturally grow stronger with each adversity we overcome.

For self-care and love: Kwan Yin (one of my favourites)

She is here to tell you to release factors that inhibit you, that prevent you from connecting with others.

Melt those walls of ice around your heart; forgive the person who you feel has committed a grievance against you; open your heart and radiate love so that love can come back to you.

And for understanding the upheaval: Kali

What would Kali do? She would know that the upheaval is only a means to an end - she will always end up in a better place than where she started.

Shine on beautiful one,
Anita Revel

Got it? I'd love to hear your feedback...

I have opened up comments on Kwan Yin's page to hear your experiences directly. How did you find using her influence/story helped you find more self-compassion and care? How did you feel after visualising being gentle? What were your results?

Blissed be,
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