[igoddess] Bast: enjoy play time + studies show that women with large backsides...

Published: Mon, 08/27/18


Greetings gorgeous goddess sister! Today's broadcast is brought to you by...

Bast: enjoy play-time...

goddess affirmationWhy would you need Bast's message today?

If Bast is speaking to you today, it is likely you are subscribing to the patriarchal “no pain, no gain” formula. Bast is here to tell you that you  have permission to enjoy your life without having to go through pain to get to the good stuff.

More About Bast

Bast’s mother goddess energy is mostly nurturing, but like all mothers, is occasionally a disciplinarian for the greatest good of all. She encourages you to enjoy play-time, but enforce your boundaries and accept consequences of letting them be crossed!  

What Would Bast Do?

… If Bast were in your situation she would follow a recipe for wholeness of body, mind and spirit, finding the perfect balance between discipline and fun.

In honour of Bast, who is here to help focus on what truly pleases you, I've put together a collection of fun quizzes and games. Pop along and have a play!

Play Goddess Quizzes and Games

Good luck! Let's know how you go! I'd love to see some feedback on the Goddess For Life Facebook page! Speaking of which...

Constructive Fun Time

Tag a friend who could be a little more playful about their attributes....

women with big butts
Click the image to "like and share"
on Facebook. Let a sister know she is awesome-saucesome!

Did you know...

I've put together a collection of essential oil "killer kits" -- use these oils to kill whatever it is that's bugging you!

To work with Bast energy, I'd recommend Kit 2: Play All Day!

Icks that manifest in the sacral chakra

* I’m so so friggin’ busy I can’t stand it!
* I’ve got creative block!
* I’m fat and ugly!
* I’m always broke!
* Why am I so addicted to junk food?
* I’m so unmotivated!
* I’m scared to try…
* I’ve got no time!

Invoke your Magical Muse Archetype: Explore your wildest dreams; envisage endless possibilities, play ’til your heart’s content. Remember the truly gorgeous, playful and sassy being you were born to be.

This set contains the sacral chakra blend to help you feel super-charged and sexy; third eye blend to ignite your psychic insight and promote crystal clear clarity; and crown chakra blend to carry you across the timeless, spaceless plane between heaven and earth to connect you with Nuit's gift of bliss.

Suggestions for use: Anoint your sacral chakra, in a clockwise motion while swaying and rocking your hips. At the same time affirm your sexiness and self-worth with an appropriate affirmation – eg “I am worthy of me time today”… ; anoint your crown chakra with the full intention of crossing the ethereal bridge to bliss; and burn the third-eye blend in the background to gently coax your creative intuitive self into action.

Shine on beautiful one,
Anita Revel

Got it? I'd love to hear your feedback...

I have opened up comments on my website to hear your experiences directly. Would love to hear from you :D

Blissed be,
Anita Revel
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