[igoddess] Bodicea + warrior goddesses + an affirmation to help + turning 50

Published: Sun, 10/27/19


Greetings gorgeous goddess sister! In this current environment of climate change, political chaos and gender equality battles, this newsletter is brought to you by the warrior Goddess Bodicea...

Bodicea: constructive energy

Bodicea stands Amazon-like, her feet grounded and body erect, garbed as Warrior Queen, leading her followers confidently. Like the tigress mother who protects her young, she harnesses her anger to seek justice for those dear to her.

goddess affirmationWhy would you need Bodicea's message today?

If Bodicea is speaking to you today, you may be experiencing a blockage, or what you see as a huge injustice. You want to scream, maim and kill with Bodicea’s fierce anger transformed into superhuman energy!

More About Bodicea

The great Celtic queen whose name means “victory” became synonymous with terror and savagery as she amassed an army of 20,000 Celts.

She cut a path of ruthless destruction as she led her people in violent revolt against the Roman Governor of the province of Britannia, killing an estimated 70,000 people who stood in her way.

She destroyed three cities including London, before disappearing – it is thought that she took her own life rather than be taken prisoner by the Romans.
Read more about
about Bodicea.

What Would Bodicea Do?

… If she were in your situation, she would rally her tigress mother energy and seek justice. She would ensure that her adversaries were made accountable for their actions. She would do so knowing that ultimately, the best revenge lies within living a wonderful life.

An affirmation to help...

Incidences of conflict are rife in politics, workplaces, schools and even within families. They may arise when individuals have different ideas about the best course of action, they disagree on moral issues, or one party is expecting the other to read their mind.

Conflict isn’’t necessarily a bad thing –– it helps you debate the merits and pitfalls of the issue at hand. It becomes damaging, however, if a resolution is avoided because you and the other party are afraid of conflict.

You may have been conditioned to be afraid of confrontation because you’’ve been taught to expect rejection or an adverse reaction.

You can condition yourself to be another way, which will help reduce stress levels and promote intimacy and security in your relationships. Do this by staying calm and positive, focusing on a mutually satisfying resolution, and adhering to your true desires for peace.

Thoughts on turning 50

Click the image to share your experiences with 
transitioning to the next stage in life, on Facebook.


Warrior Goddess Archetype

History is saturated with the deeds, ingenuity and strength of Warrior Queens: Greek goddess Athena, Celtic queen Bodicea, Egyptian pharaoh-queen Hatshepsut, Elizabeth I, Marie Antoinette… the list is as endless as it is inspirational.

All these queens share common attributes of resilience, poise, self-assurance and a dynamic presence.

Warrior queens have unshakeable trust in their abilities to lead. Without hesitation they are prepared to stand up for their rights and the rights of others who rely on them for security.

They forge ahead despite (or because of) obstacles.

They carve their own path and lead by example.

They stay balanced in times or duress, and connected to their traditions and sources of inspiration whether they be at war or in peace.

They are in tune with their physical body and respond to threatening situations rationally.

And, they are deeply connected with Mother Earth and humanity.

(Excerpt from The Goddess DIET, See a Goddess in the Mirror in 21 Days)

Shine on beautiful one,
Anita Revel


Thanks for being my sister...

Blissed be,
Anita Revel

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