The Intenders Newsletter ~ November 2020

Published: Wed, 11/11/20

The Intenders of the Highest GoodShare This Newsletter

The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

November 2020

Table of Contents

~Maskley's Believe it or Not
~Gratitude for your Donations!
~Our Body Manifests Whatever Our Mind Tells It To
~Linda's Wonderful Intention Story: No More Doubting!
~The Intenders Quartet of Handbooks Sale
~Everything You Need Is Here For You: A Closing Word from Lee Ching


Maskley's Believe it or Not!

The following conversation took place back at the coffee shop with several of us gathered around as an older stranger was explaining the Intention Process / Law of Attraction to a feisty young man who had asked about how it all related to the pandemic. . .

"You can't put a mask on your thoughts."

"What are you talking about?"

"I said you can wear a mask on your face to keep from breathing in so-called germs, but it won't protect you against your thoughts."

"My thoughts? They can't hurt me, can they?"

"They sure can. In fact, they're much more likely to make you sick than a bunch of little bitty bugs you can't see."

"Now you've lost me. Are you saying that there are two ways I can get sick: by breathing in germs as well as by thinking I can get sick?"

"That's right. You can think yourself sick or you can ingest germs and get sick. But it's important to remember that you've created the germs in the first place by believing in them. Everything depends on what you believe."

"That's crazy! I'm not creating any germs! Why would I want to do that?"

"You don't know you're doing it. You see, everything we manifest in our lives starts out with a thought. In other words, first comes the thought, then comes the experience. So, if a person is thinking or believing that s/he can be attacked by invisible germs and get sick, then they manifest those germs and open the door for sickness to enter into their body."

"My beliefs can do that?"

"They sure can! You see, a belief is a strong, often stubborn, one-sided thought. If you're believing in something - it could be anything - then you're in the process of creating it and bringing it into your daily life."

"This is all new to me. Are you sure about that?"

"Absolutely! Your body will manifest whatever your mind tells it to. It'll create whatever you believe in. So, if you believe in the possibility of catching someone else's sickness, you run the risk of having to live it out."

"Let me understand. You're telling me that in order for a disease to be contagious, I have to believe it's contagious. Is that right?"

"Yes, that's correct! But you don't have to believe in a disease if you don't want to. Nobody can force you to believe in something if you choose not to believe it."

"Well, it sure looks like a lot of folks out there have chosen to believe in their sicknesses. Otherwise, they wouldn't be wearing all those odd looking masks.'

"That's mostly true. There are some people, however, who put on a mask only because the stores won't let them in without one. But you're right. Generally speaking, if they're wearing a mask, they're believing they can get sick. And as a result, it's the mask wearers who run a greater risk of dealing with the pandemic than the non-mask wearers because of their beliefs. Understand?"

"I think so. You know, when I really think about it, I don't want to be wearing a mask, and I don't want to be believing that I can catch a disease and get sick. What can I do?"

"For openers, be clear in your mind that even if you have to put on a mask to be able to go into a store, or because it's become illegal to go without one, that it has nothing to do with what you believe about your health. Then, secondly and most important, whenever a thought that you could get sick crosses your mind - whether it comes from inside you, or comes from a well-meaning friend, or from the TV - immediately disregard that thought and apply its opposite."

"Apply its opposite? How do I do that?"

"That's the easy part. You simply tell yourself that you are fine; that you're in perfect, optimal health at all times. Period! End of thought!"

"End of thought? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that when you apply the opposite, positive, healthy thought, it will take you to a special place in your mind where your thinking and believing stops, if even for a moment."

"And then what happens?"

"Peace of mind, my new friend. Peace of mind."

Excerpt from Tony's new book, The Best Outcome You Can Imagine. Coming in 2021.

For every point of view you have,
its opposite is equally available to you.

Gratitude for your Donations!

In last month's Intenders Newsletter we asked for donations in order to keep our websites intact and to allow Tony to continue writing his new almost-finished book, The Best Outcome You Can Imagine. Many of you graciously responded and sent in donations - and for this we'd like to express our deep gratitude to you. You've helped us keep our inspiring free message programs (The Vision Alignment Project and our daily Bridge Messages) going out to the world, and now we're close to having our websites be fully secure and operational again. We thank you, one and all, for your gifts.

If you missed last month's newsletter and would like to donate to us to help us keep inspiring stories like the ones in this newsletter made available to the world, there are several ways to donate to us by clicking here.


Our Body Manifests Whatever Our Mind Tells It To

Many years ago the Rosicrucians set up experiments to show us the power that our thoughts have upon our body. They hypnotized people and then approached them with a normal pencil or pen, telling them that it was a burning hot poker, like a branding iron. Then they touched the pen to the person's arm and guess what? The person immediately cried out in pain and a large reddish blister began to form. Almost instantaneously, the arm took on all the physical characteristics of having really been burned.

Our mind is much more active and astute than we give it credit for, and it knows the symptoms of every disease in the Physician's Desk Reference (PDR). Since we were young children, we were taught all about diseases in our schools and from the TV, and most of us never realized that just by hearing the name of a disease, our mind, if allowed to go unchecked, will send its messages to the body to begin replicating the symptoms associated with the disease. (That's why we in the Intenders have always refrained from the naming of sicknesses and diseases.)

Said another way, when we believe a doctor or someone else when they tell us we have a particular disease, we lump ourselves in with everyone else who has ever had similar symptoms to ours, not realizing that our mind, in it's infinite wisdom, will begin to send messages to our body, telling it to create the symptoms we are believing in. And, since our thoughts are always creating our experiences, our body will immediately comply with the mind's wishes and begin to manifest the disease we believe we have.

That's the way diseases are created. When we agree with them, we make them stronger. Isn't it time for us to consider becoming much more careful about what we agree upon, lest we create it?

It is we who create our reality,
not somebody else
unless we give them our agreement

Excerpt from The Law of Agreement by Tony Burroughs

Linda's Wonderful Intention Story: No More Doubting!

For years I didn't understand why all these weird experiences kept coming my way. It was usually little things, frustrating things. I'd have car trouble when I was running late; I'd go shopping for items I needed, and they'd be out of them; I'd go out on blind dates that wouldn't work out. It seemed like it was one thing after another. My entire life felt like it was destined to create problems for itself.

Then, one evening I went to an Intenders Circle and our hostess, Diane, was explaining that it's wise to watch our thoughts. In her introduction to newcomers (like me), she said that we're all living under the Law of Attraction - she also called it the Intention Process - and that the people who are the happiest are the ones who get what they want, while attracting less of what they don't want.

According to her, the Law works like this: Everything we're thinking has the potential to work its way into our daily life; it just depends on how much attention we put on it. The more we keep our attention on a thought, the more it's apt to manifest. "This is important," she said, "because it explains why some people keep drawing unwanted, adverse events into their lives. It's because they're holding their thoughts on undesirable experiences; they're doubting or worrying, both of which tend to bring them the exact opposite of what they really want."

"When we're doubting or worrying," she said, "we're envisioning things going wrong ... and so they do! That's when we need to 'change the channel', like we would on the TV when the program we're watching isn't enjoyable anymore. We simply stop thinking about what we don't want, and switch to thinking about what we do want. Then everything gets better for us."

She went on for another few minutes expanding on the Law to make sure we understood what she was saying, then she told us about the Highest Good. She said that it would keep us from having so many undesirable things happen to us. Even if we caught ourself mulling repetitive, unserving thoughts over in our mind, the Highest Good would override these doubts and worries and make sure we began drawing better experiences into our life.

Well, the little talk Diane shared with us that night changed everything for me. Now I understood how my thoughts were affecting my daily life. It made me pay more attention to what I was thinking and manifesting for myself. That Intenders Circle was just under a year ago and, since then, I've been watching my thoughts more closely, and I "change the channel" whenever I notice that I'm doubting or worrying - and you know what? No more car problems. No more fruitless trips to the store. No more strange blind dates because I met the man of my dreams! Now with the Highest Good at work in my life, I'm not attracting those frustrating situations like I used to. Thanks to my new friend, Diane, and the Intenders, I'm enjoying my life like never before.
Linda Poznanski

Thank you for sharing your story with us, Linda!
Excerpted from The Highest Good Handbook by Tony Burroughs

Think about what you do want,
and don't think about what you don't want.

The Intenders Quartet of Handbooks Sale

The Highest Good Quartet

Filled with empowering stories, descriptive insights, Lee Ching quotes and inspiring intentions designed to help you become a more successful manifestor, our Quartet of Intenders Handbooks is our most popular product nowadays. We have recently completed our updated Quartet, which includes The Intenders Handbook, The Highest Good Handbook, The Ascenders Handbook, and The Highest Light Teachings Handbook. Each of these 4 Handbooks are beautifully bound and each fits nicely in your pocket or purse so, like many of our readers, you can pick one up anytime anywhere and find empowerment and upliftment.

At our current $14.95 special, you receive all 4 Handbooks for the price of 3. To order our Intenders Handbook Quartet in print or ebook, you can click here or on the button below.

NEW! The Highest Good Quartet  512 pages.    More info  $14.95     

See all of our Intenders Books and Ebooks Here.

Everything You Need Is Here For You: A Closing Word from Lee Ching

Everything you need is here for you. You need only look around to see that this is true. The trees provide their wood for building your shelters; they bring shade from the sun, block the wind in times of storms, and make perches for the little birds to sing you their songs.

The animals offer loving companionship and comfort when you are alone. They pull your plows, run your races, fetch your food, and even offer their own bodies so that yours may be sustained. What more could you ask of them?

Your friends and enemies alike fill your life with every kind of experience. They dance with you, sing with you, work with you, love with you. Without them, you would not want to be here. Even your opponents present you with opportunities for growth and regeneration. For it is a great truth that every time you forgive, you are rejuvenated. Every time you turn an unloving relationship around, you are refreshed and renewed.

Your brothers and sisters with whom you walk this Earth are gifts unto you, each one bringing something new, something you need for your own fulfillment. Even Mother Earth, Herself, laughs as you laugh, cries as you cry, cheers when you cheer. She is with you always, in her heart, and in yours.

All of life supports you. There is not a rock, a branch, a hillside, a drop or an ocean of water that turns away as you approach. All are here for you to work with, to play with, to commune with, to create and recreate with. The world is a joyous playground offering itself for you to do with as you please. There is only one rule of thumb you need follow:

Take care of it

Take care of it all so it can thrive and enjoy its experience fully and freely.
Take care of it, so it can, in turn, take care of you.


Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 3 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook , or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we are seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to keep going and bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.