The Intenders Newsletter ~ December 2020

Published: Wed, 12/02/20

The Intenders of the Highest GoodShare This Newsletter

The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

December 2020

Table of Contents

~The Law of Mistraction
~A Vision from the Grandmothers
~Our Intenders Christmas Stocking Stuffer Special
~A Holiday Greeting from Lee Ching

The Law of Mistraction

Here's another snippet from Tony's new book, The Best Outcome You Can Imagine, scheduled for release in 2021.

"Did you ever wonder why so many people are drawing unwanted experiences into their lives? It's all a huge Mistraction!”

"A Mistraction? What are you talking about? Is it something like a distraction?”

"No, a distraction is anything that pulls our attention away from whatever we're thinking about. A mistraction is worse. It's when we're stubbornly holding our attention on thoughts we really wouldn't want to be manifesting for ourselves. It's dwelling on worst case scenarios.”

"So, what's the big deal? It really doesn't seem to be hurting anything.”

"It's hurting everything, my friend. Mistraction is the reason our world is in the mess it's in. And it's the reason for all of our personal problems and challenges, as well.”

"I don't understand. Are you sure you're not making it all out to be something bigger than what it really is?”

"Not a chance! In fact, it's running rampant in our world today; we see it everyday, all the time. If you listen in on the average conversation between any two people nowadays, you'll likely hear several instances of Mistraction.”

"I still don't get it. Can you give me an example?”

"Sure. Let's say you're talking with a friend and he begins to talk about all the sickness that he says is going around. He further goes into detail, describing all the symptoms, statistics and suffering, as well as the possibility in his mind that it's highly contagious and you could catch it and get sick yourself. Now . . if you go along with him and buy into what he's saying, you place yourself in harm's way by entertaining the idea that you could get sick. This is a classic Mistraction.”

"Hmmm. I'm beginning to see what you mean.”

"Good! Because we have the power to make our lives better by holding onto positive, uplifting thoughts. And we also have the power to make our lives worse by holding onto ideas and beliefs that don't serve us or anyone else.”

"I suppose this Mistraction that you're talking about holds true for things other than diseases and illnesses. It works for anything we'd want to manifest, including economic, environmental and emotional issues as well, yes?”

"That's right. It's the Law of Attraction turned upside down. Instead of using this empowering Law to attract good, positive experiences into our lives, we're using it nowadays to "mistract” a whole slew of unwanted experiences into our lives.”

"So, the Law of Mistraction comes into play when I'm attracting unwanted, undesirable experiences into my life. is this correct?”

"Yes. You've got it! The only question now is can you remain aware of the Law long enough to stop bringing all the adversity into your life.”

"And how do I do that?”

"Well, to begin with, you'll want to start watching your thoughts and words a lot closer than you have been. Now that you're realizing that your thoughts and words are having such a pivotal impact on your future, you'll be needing to monitor them much more diligently than ever before in order to weed out all of your "mistractions”. When you're able to turn those pesky, negative thoughts and words around, or turn your attention away from them entirely, then the negative, unwanted experiences will eventually stop coming your way.”

"Wow! That's all there is to it. All I've got to do is think and speak more positively - and envision only the most positive outcomes and results I can imagine - in every situation, no matter what it is - then everything in my life will get better.”

"Precisely! From the moment you begin to turn your thinking and speaking in a more positive direction, your positive experiences will follow.”

"OMG! Now I'm beginning to see what you mean when you say that all our worldly woes would go away if we, as a whole, would refrain from thinking about and talking about them all the time. Everything would change!”

"Absolutely! Like I said, it all hinges on what we're putting our attention on. We can either continue to think and talk about unwanted things like wars, pandemics and potential calamities, and thus reinforce them, make them stronger and draw them to us. Or, we can start thinking and talking only about our abundance, our safety, our serving, sharing and caring for one another and thus attract these desirable things into our world.”

"Okay! From now on I'm going to watch what I'm thinking and saying much closer because, in my heart of hearts, I really only want to be attracting happy times into my life, instead of "mistracting” anymore unhappy times into my life.”

"Good thinking, my friend. Our rewards are always assured when we're more careful about what we're creating with our everyday thoughts and words.”

We get what we say we want
and we get what we say we don't want

A Vision from the Grandmothers

This Vision comes in Lorraine Norrgard who was a participant at the recent Gathering of the Grandmothers. Lorraine shares it from the fourth session of their gathering, focusing on our world, the earth and beyond. We are in total alignment with this amazing Vision and we intend that you are too. Thank You, Lorraine!

Won't it be wonderful when

...all of the inhabitants of the earth are in covenant of right relationship ...kindness and consideration of the whole universe informs our life choices ...all people value and cultivate peace, cooperation, and compassion within themselves and all nations value and cultivate peace, cooperation, and compassion amongst each other, knowing that we are one and we are all connected.

...harmonic reciprocity is the way we relate knowing that what we do for all other beings, we are actually doing for ourselves and what we do for ourselves affects all of existence now and in the future.

...we realize that we are one with higher consciousness and our collective consciousness, and that we take responsibility for our thoughts, words, and deeds, knowing that everything we do in life affects all of life.

...climate change is no longer an issue and we have evolved to a harmonic co-existence ...the earth is honored and tended to in a sacred way and we live in right relationship ...the how or not knowing the how does not deter us from pursuing our visions ...we live in right relationship with ourselves, others the earth and beyond ...we all renew and bless our living space with ceremony.

...sending and receiving love and compassion are part of our daily practice ...we slow down enough to be present to notice the beauty and abundance the earth offers ...each one of us takes responsibility for not using plastic, for being conscious, every moment of our day, of mother earth and what she needs, and sing her praises for having carried us this far ...nations worldwide trust and look out for each other's interests as assiduously as their own, and peace and cooperation prevail

...we remember there will be either a high or low vibrational emittance from every thought. The higher the vibration the brighter the light created. Through the practice of loving and positive thinking we will aid the benevolent ones and light workers in our collective defense of the earth, the world and the universe against the darkness.

...we, as a species, evolve to the point where reflection, both personal (internal) and external are automatic and inform decisions we make every day.

Are you in Alignment with this Vision?

You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button or Link below.

Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.

To SIGN UP for the VAP, Click here.

Our Intenders Christmas Stocking Stuffer Special
with FREE SHIPPING through December.

If you have several friends to buy Christmas presents for, along with our bulk Handbook specials we are offering our Holiday Stocking Stuffer again for you this year. These Handbooks fit perfectly in your Christmas stockings as well as your purse and pocket so you can pick them up anytime and receive uplifting and empowering guidance from them.

You will receive 10 Copies of our original bestseller,
The Intenders Handbook
10 Copies of our newest bestseller,
The Highest Good Handbook
(a $100.00 value)
All 20 Handbooks for $64 with Free Shipping!


Stocking Stuffer Special

  Our NEW Holiday Stocking Stuffer Special       More info  $64     


All Four of our Intenders Handbooks! 512 pages.    More info  $14.95     
The Highest Good Quartet

To check out all of our Intenders books, ebooks and Bulk Specials you can go to:

We're so grateful for your Donations!

A Holiday Greeting from Lee Ching

You have sought long and hard to reach this place of Oneness with all things, and now a light shines in the distance and calls you to the pinnacle where your vistas expand and your true destiny awaits. You are no longer a child of the Earth; now you are a child of the Universe, spreading your newfound wings and ready to fly. And fly you shall. Indeed, you will soar beyond the mountains and valleys of this world, beyond the moon and stars, beyond this dimension and others to follow. Your Spirit is unlimited and all the Universe is open for your exploration. Adventures beyond your wildest imaginings await now that you've left your old world behind. Now you're excited and expanded in all directions. Now you are free.
Lee Ching (from The Highest Good Handbook)

You will be walking in the footsteps of angels,
for you will be making them yourself.

All of our Intenders Books and Products can be seen in our Catalog  by Clicking Here. We will be shipping books out everyday at Christmastime.


Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 3 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook , or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.