The Intenders Newsletter ~ Spring Equinox 2022

Published: Mon, 03/21/22

The Intenders of the Highest Good
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The Intenders Newsletter

Spring Equinox 2022

Table of Contents

~The New Book ~ Stay Above It All
~Arthur’s Story
~Merlin Explains Lumping to Arthur
~Freedom by Staying Above It All
~The Intenders 4 Handbook Quartet Special
~About the Intenders

The New Book ~ Stay Above It All

Hello Everyone! It’s been a couple of months since our last newsletter came out because I took some time off to write our new Intenders book, Stay Above It All ~ The 11th Intent of The Code. It is being released next month, but in the meantime, here are a couple of teasers for you to enjoy.

It is our intention that this new book, which takes off where our bestseller, The Code, ended, is a bestseller in it’s own right and that it clarifies so much of what has been going on in our world today.

Arthur’s Story

In the waning days of the old world of governance, the people had no direction, no trustworthy stewardship. They were disoriented, their scarcity-driven civilization was dying. They put little or no thought about how to go on. The world managers — those who had taken it upon themselves to guide the people — were failing miserably. Chaos stood on the horizon; the common good forsaken, people wandered aimlessly . . . A miracle was desperately needed to point humanity, not only back in the direction of peace on Earth, but also to the peace in their own hearts and minds. Months and years went by as the people waited . . .

Many turned to God in these darkest of days — and as it always happens when two or more are gathered to connect with God/Great Oneness — He responded by sending a young man to bring love and healing back to the people.

This charismatic youth, Arthur Penn, by name, had been through this same worldly situation before, in his last life in the British Isles, in a place called Camelot. Though he doesn’t recall it, Arthur brought his people together at that time to live in a peace and harmony that should have lasted for generations. But alas, his beautiful Camelot eventually spoiled from within and was lost to uncaring warlords, warlords whose descendants still wield the sword of power and control over the world’s people today.
br> And yet, out of that horrible chaos and confusion, a prophecy arose and began quietly circulating through the pubs and public houses. It rekindled the myth of King Arthur and his return to lead his people out of harm’s way and into their highest calling in the days to come. Some said it was only a myth, a Celtic fiction of days long gone. There were others, however, whose ancestors had passed down the stories of old, others who swore the story of Camelot wasn’t a myth: that it was real. These elders bore witness to the great King Arthur Pendragon who lived and led his people to a time of peace and prosperity centuries before. And they also talked of a time, a time nigh at hand, when the great King would return to lead the people once again . . .

(Excerpt from Stay Above It All by Tony Burroughs. Coming in Spring 2022.)

Though you have asked for that which you desired,
there is so much more awaiting to be given to you

Merlin Explains Lumping to Arthur

A: “The pandemic disease is real, isn’t it?”

M: “Only if you believe it is, Arthur. Then it’s real for you. But otherwise, it’s not real.”
A: Hold it right there! Everywhere I look, every friend I talk to, every newscast on TV — all of these are telling me it’s real. It must be real or people wouldn’t believe in it so readily.”

M: “Yes, they would. Look at all the things people used to believe in that aren’t there anymore, or have been shown to be untrue: the WMDs in Iraq, the gold-backed dollar, a free Tibet, a flat Earth, the Easter Bunny, political accountability, customer service, the US Constitution, your privacy, no civilian casualties; the list goes on and on.”
A: “What are you saying, Merlin?”

M: “I’m saying that the only place they exist is in your mind. I’m saying that they exist only in what you call your “past”, but that the past is a construct of your mind, too. It isn’t here and now unless you believe it is.”
A: “You’re beginning to piss me off. How can you possibly say that this disease isn’t real? People are dying in droves from it everyday.”

M: “Yes, people are dying everyday, just like they always have. And when they pass, someone attaches a label to the cause of their death, giving it a name and subtly suggesting that others can die of the same thing. But, in truth, they can’t.”
A: “What! That’s insane! People die of the same thing all the time.”

M: “No, Arthur, they don’t. Every person dies in a circumstance that is individual to them. Just like no two people have the same fingerprints, or DNA signature, or the same physical characteristics, no two people die of the same thing. Everyone leaves their body in their own way. But to lump everyone into the same category, then give it a name, and say that they all die from the same disease just isn’t true.”
A: “How so?” (a bit confused).

M: “Ask yourself, Arthur: Why would you want to lump yourself in with a group of sick people? What does it serve?”
A: (A long pause, then) “Jeez, you’ve got me there.”

M: “The only thing these people have in common is that they died. Everything else is hype, perpetuated by those who make a profit from it all. I’ll say it again: the disease is manmade and reinforced by people believing in it. As soon as we withdraw our belief in it, it goes away.”
A: “But others will still be suffering from it, yes?”

M: “Yes, however that’s because they bought into the hype to begin with and then created it for themselves. We — you and I — can go on about our days happily and healthfully because we’re not thinking about it. We’re not believing in it, so we’re not attracting it. We’re not precipitating it. We’re Staying Above It All.”
A: “So, you’re telling me that it’s all happening in our minds. Do I have that right?”

M: “That’s correct. The pandemic is a disease of the mind, not of the body, unless we choose to agree that it’s real. It first happens in our head, and then, if we put enough attention on it, it manifests in our body. That’s how everything we precipitate, or manifest, works. It starts in our mind and works its way into our body from there, if we continue to believe in it.”
A: “Again, Merlin, you’re saying is that if we don’t pay any attention to all the talk of pandemics and we Stay Above It All, we won’t have to experience them. Is that right?”

M: “Yes, that’s right, Laddie, with one exception.” A: “ And what’s that?”
M: “Sometimes people have to deal with health issues because of actual physical poisons or toxins they’ve ingested. But that’s another story altogether. . .”

What we desperately need nowadays is mass education on the myths of contagion and the creation of diseases and belief systems. People need to relearn how to think positively. At the same time, we need to immediately stop putting more toxins in our environment and in our bodies — and that includes questionable vaccines and all manmade dissonant substances in our food, our air, our water and in our electromagnetic realms. In short, it’s the toxins that are killing people, not a manufactured virus. There is no virus out in the physical world unless we create it in ourselves via the Law of Attraction by believing in it.

Freedom and Staying Above It All

Clearly, a change is on the horizon. People will not allow their freedoms to be taken away indefinitely. How it all plays out, however, is not as clear. For there will be many who take to the streets and protest, and there will be many who choose not to protest or be activists. And yet, they, too, will take their freedom quietly, almost unnoticeably. They’re the ones who know they need not march or wave placards. Instead, they will think themselves free and Stay Above It All. They’ll take their individual freedom back, not by using guns or yelling slogans, but by changing their minds. Indeed, the Law of Attraction will set us free. If we’re using it to manifest freedom in our outer world, we may have to wait until more of us are able to Stay Above the current system. If, however, we are using the Law of Attraction to manifest our inner freedom, it can happen in an instant.

For it’s in the privacy of our own hearts and minds that we declare ourselves free. No longer will we bow down to uncaring masters and so-called leaders. Now we’ll take the noble path: the one that rejects violence and opposition, the one that stakes its claim on behalf of freedom and compassion and peace for all. No more restraints. No more separation. No more divided and conquered. We’re free to be happy again — because we’re free on the inside. Now we’re Staying Above It All!

You change your outer world by first changing your inner world

The Intenders 4 Handbooks Quartet Special

The Highest Good Quartet

Our most popular product nowadays is our Quartet of Intenders Handbooks. With the reprint of The Highest Light Teachings Handbook, we have completed our updated Quartet of The Intenders Handbook, The Highest Good Handbook, The Ascenders Handbook, and The Highest Light Teachings Handbook. Each of these 4 Handbooks are beautifully bound and each fits nicely in your pocket or purse so, like many of our readers, you can pick one up anytime anywhere and find positivity and upliftment.

At our current $14.95 special, you receive all 4 Handbooks for the price of 3. To order our Intenders Handbook Quartet in print or ebook, you can click here or on the button below.

The Highest Good Quartet  512 pages.    More info

See all of our Intenders Books and Ebooks Here.

About the Intenders

The Intenders of the Highest Good are committed to helping you integrate the Law of Attraction / Intention Process into your daily life. It is our firm intention that we all understand that our thoughts and words are the tools we use to create our everyday reality, including our good health and our abundance. Accordingly, in our books and newsletters, we tell stories and share messages designed to help you create the best possible future you can for yourself and others.

Because of the world situation in recent days, our last several newsletters have talked about applying the Law of Attraction to our health and well-being issues. We intend that the info in this newsletter serves you well. For the Highest Good of the Universe, ourselves and everyone concerned. So be it and so it is!

Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 13 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 3.3 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we are seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

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