The Intenders Newsletter ~ October 2022

Published: Tue, 09/27/22

The Intenders of the Highest Good
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The Intenders Newsletter

October 2022

Table of Contents

~Merlin on the New Camelot and the Law of Precipitation New YouTube
~Stay Above It All: The 11th Intent of The Code Ebook - Free Download
~An Excerpt from Stay Above It All on Bradley’s Story ~ Manifesting in Hard Times
~The Intenders 3 Handbook Trilogy
~A Brief Intro to the Intenders

Merlin on the New Camelot and the Law of Precipitation

Merlin on the New Camelot and the Law of Precipitation

The Intenders are currently in the process of making a series of YouTubes based on Merlin and Arthur's insightful conversations in Stay Above It All. The YouTube above is our third in the series entitled Merlin on the New Camelot and the Law of Precipitation. It's a powerful voice of truth and we intend that you click on it, enjoy it and share it with all your friends. Stay Tuned to The Intenders YouTube Channel for more from Merlin and Arthur in the days to come.

To watch the first two Merlin and Arthur videos, you can Click Here

Stay Above It All: The 11th Intent of The Code Ebook - Free Download

What with more and more people watching our new videos, our latest book, Stay Above It All ~ The 11th Intent of The Code: Merlin and Arthur on Power, Precipitation, Pandemics and Manifesting the Best Outcomes You Can Imagine is beginning to get some traction. We intend that it is going viral now!
Stay Above It All Ebook

We are giving this ebook away free with no conditions, no data collection, or money required. We do this in the Spirit of helping mankind/womankind rise up and out of the current mainstream madness and into a place where we are not overly affected by what's going on in our world today. As the new 11th Intent of The Code says,

"I am present and perfect in this moment. My judgments and reactions in check, I forgive myself and everyone else. Now I am innocent, free and untouched by the ways of the world. I am Immortal Spirit and I Stay Above It All!"

To download Stay Above It All for free, simply Click here.

To Download a revised copy of The Code Poster with the 11th Intent, Click here.

An Excerpt from Stay Above It All - Bradley’s Story on Manifesting in Hard Times

Recently, my nautical buddy, Bradley, and I were eating lunch at the local marina cafe, and he was saying that he thought it was going to be considerably harder to sell his boat because of the pandemic. In fact, when I mentioned a more positive approach, he began arguing that the pandemic was causing all sorts of slow downs and interruptions in the economy, etc.

I thought about this for a moment. Clearly, he was arguing for an outcome he really didn’t want to have happen. “Brad,” I finally said, “I know you may not want to hear this, but the pandemic — and the economy that surrounds it — truly have no relationship to your ability to manifest the sale of your boat. They’re two unrelated things. If, however, you choose to believe the media, and you connect these two unrelated issues by thinking your boat won’t sell because of the pandemic, then that’s what you’ll manifest — and it won’t sell!”

“You mean,” he said, “all I’ve got to do is change my thinking and my boat will sell?”

“Of course,” I replied. “As the old saying goes: ‘As you think (and speak), so it shall be for you.’ And that applies to manifesting a pleasant lunch by the lake, a pandemic, or the sale of your boat. All you’ve got to do is intend it.”
(Ed Note: Brad made his intention, and two weeks after our conversation, his boat sold for the exact price he wanted.)
What you are looking to create
is a happy, positive life—
and the more you intend
that your thoughts are positive and happy,
the more that is what you will create.

The Intenders 3 Handbooks Trilogy Special

The Highest Good Trilogy

Our most popular product nowadays is our Quartet of Intenders Handbooks. Since our printed version of The Highest Light Teachings Handbook is currently sold out, we have revised it to include The Intenders Handbook, The Highest Good Handbook, and The Ascenders Handbook and have renamed it to The Intenders Trilogy of Handbooks. Each of these 3 Handbooks are beautifully bound and each fits nicely in your pocket or purse so, like many of our readers, you can pick one up anytime anywhere and find positivity and upliftment. The 4 Handbook Quartet is still available as an ebook.

At our current price of $14.95, you will receive all 3 Handbooks in print. To order our Intenders Handbook Trilogy in print or our Quartet in ebook format, you can click here or on the button below.

The Highest Good Trilogy     More info

See all of our Intenders Books and Ebooks Here.

A Brief Intro to the Intenders

The Intenders of the Highest Good are committed to helping you integrate the Law of Attraction / Intention Process into your daily life. It is our firm intention that we all understand that our thoughts and words are the tools we use to create our everyday reality, including our good health. Accordingly, in our books and newsletters, we tell stories and share messages designed to help you create the best possible future you can for yourself and others.

Because of the world situation in recent days, we have talked a lot about applying the Law of Attraction to our health and well-being issues. We intend that the info in this newsletter serves you well. For the Highest Good of the Universe, ourselves and everyone concerned.
So be it and so it is!
You can visit us  at



Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 13 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 3.3 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we are seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.

105 Highland Avenue, Pagosa Springs, CO 81147

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