The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter #2 ~ November 2011

Published: Tue, 11/15/11

The Intenders Newsletter #2

November 2011

Table of Contents

~Intending From Your Higher Self
~I See A World Ebook Offer
~Tina on Manifesting from her Higher Self
~Our 2011 Christmas Specials
~HLH Counselors Feature - Julie Wilson
~ Money and Manifesting - an Evening with Tony Burroughs

Intending From Your Higher Self

In the spirit of bringing forth the most timely information about intending and manifesting, we would like to share a tip with you that will put you on the fast track. This tip will shed new light on your ability to create more consciously, and at the same time, it will provide you with immediate results.

The tip we refer to is intending from your Higher Self, and it is a relatively simple technique, especially for those of you who are regular meditators or spend some quiet time each day. If you are not taking some quiet time to yourself each day, we highly recommend that you begin to do so.

Here is how you do it: Go into a state of meditation for as long as it is comfortable for you - at least 5 minutes, although 15 - 20 minutes is preferable. As you do this, you will be better able to observe, but not grasp at or buy into your mind's chatter, and you will feel a detached calmness coming over you. As you relax into the calmness and yet remain alert, you will begin to feel more kind, more caring, more compassionate. At this point you are directly experiencing your Higher Self and you will know it because it feels so good. Prolong this calm state for as long as you can. And then, just before you are coming out of it, but before you go on about your day, say your intentions clearly and concisely. Say as many intentions as you like and before you finish be sure to ask that the Highest Good for the Universe, yourself and all concerned is served.

Now, you are free to completely let go of your intentions, knowing that your Higher Self has taken over and you need do nothing except remain alert for the manifestations to present themselves. We assure you that using this tip will provide you with fast, and in some cases, instantaneous results - for it places you in the flow of the great shift that is upon us and assures you of success.

The moment you become One with your Higher Self
everything becomes possible.

I See A World Ebook Offer

After having passed the 500,000 mark on our Vision Alignment Project we have renamed and expanded our Vision Alignment Project Ebook and sent it out to our publishers, with the intention that one of them takes it into the mass market mainstream. Also, at the wise suggestion of Seattle Intenderpreneur, Victoria Fatula, we changed the title to I See A World: The Best of The Vision Alignment Project, rewrote the introduction, added more than 100 new Visions, and edited out a few Visions that didn't seem to fit. Now with 238 pages containing 230 of our best Visions we are proud to release it - and to make it available free through the holidays for anyone who orders at least $8.95 worth of our products!

That means from now until the day after New Years, all Intenders and Highest Light House orders or donations over $8.95 will automatically receive a free copy of our new 238 page ebook, I See A World!

(Ed note: If you already purchased the first version of The Vision Alignment Project Ebook, we will gladly send you the expanded copy of I See A World for free. Just email our Office Manager, Vicki Harding, at {[email protected]} and let her know.)

Tina on Manifesting from her Higher Self

Here's a great story Tina told me last week about a Manifestation from her Higher Self. I'll do my best to relate it to you as she told it to me. She said:
As most of you know, I live on the Big Island of Hawaii where we started the Intenders. Last month the people who rent the downstairs area of my house had to move suddenly so I was thinking about how to get some new renters to come in. A few days went by and one night I woke up in the middle of the night worrying about having the empty space and no income from the rental. I remember my ego's thoughts vividly, "What am I going to do Now?" and "I have to do something!!" I was starting to feel afraid - you know what I'm talking about . . .

Then, all of a sudden, I decided to start meditating. I went into that Higher Self space that I go to when I'm channeling, made an intention around having new renters, and instantly the fears went away. I heard my Higher Self say, "You're going to be okay," and I felt wrapped in love, totally taken care of, knowing there is nothing whatsoever to be concerned about.

Two days later a lady named Eleanor called from the mainland. She had heard Tony on a (blog-talk) radio show and was thinking that the Intenders was just what she needed. She had looked up the Intenders website and saw me there and read the story about how we started the original Intenders Circle. "Is there still an Intenders Circle on the Big Island," she asked. When I said yes she said, "Mike, my husband, and I are thinking about moving to Hawaii. Do you know of any places to live near you?"

I told that I had an empty apartment downstairs from me - and the next thing she said was, "We'll take it!" That was about a month ago. They're all moved in now and they love it here! And, as for me, I couldn't have asked for better people to be my new neighbors.

Since our inception the Intenders has been blessed to have guidance from Tina Stober and her Higher Self. Because we are a grassroots community it is our intention that we are always available to those who are lined up with the Highest Good. Thus, it is our pleasure to let you know that Tina is available for private guidance sessions by calling 808-982-6774.
When you call to set up an appointment please be considerate that it is several hours earlier in Hawaii. Tina typically receives donations of between $50 to $200 for an hour of her time - and, believe us, it is always well worth it!

Our 2011 Christmas Specials

Tis the season again and this year we are glad to bring you three Christmas Specials. The first one is our annual Stocking Stuffer Special that is always so popular at this time of year. Consisting of 10 Intenders Handbooks and 10 Highest Light Teachings, this is the perfect gift idea for those of you who have a lot of friends and family. $60 for 20 Empowering Handbooks.

Our second Christmas Special is our Complete Intenders Collection Special which, during the holidays, we are offering for only $60 as well. A regular $77 value, The Complete Intenders Collection contains 14 Discs - The Intenders Handbook 2 CD set, The Highest Light Teachings 2 CD Set, The Law of Agreement 3 CD Set, On the Road with The Code 2 DVD Set, Living by Manifesting 3 DVD Set and Tony's Powerful Keynote Speech to the American Massage Therapy Association National Convention DVD.

And just for the holidays, if you order both of these Christmas Specials, we've created our Peace on Earth Package. You can have all 20 Handbooks and all 14 Discs for $100. (And . . . remember that you will also receive our new I See A World Ebook automatically with this purchase!)

For More Information or to Order one of our Christmas Specials now, you can Click Here to go to our Shopping Cart.

Highest Light House Counselors Feature - Julie Wilson

We talk to so many people nowadays who are in a bind in one way or another and that's the main reason we created our new Highest Light House Counseling Network. It is our foremost intention that we are available to help people who need it in these most volatile of times. Accordingly, we are going to begin featuring one or two of our HLH Counselors in our newsletters each month so that you will have a place to turn if you need help.

This week it is we are proud to introduce you to Julie Wilson from our home state of Colorado. Julie's work is heart centered with the goal of assisting your body to heal naturally by getting to the root cause of any pain, illness or disease found in your physical, emotional or spiritual body. Julie is certified in Quantum Energetics Structured Therapy, Theta Healing, Cell and Organ Regeneration and Life Coaching. In addition, she has extensive experience in distance healing and is able to use a combination of healing methods to customize sessions according to each individual's needs. Regardless of where you are located in the world, this powerful energy healing work can be beneficial for you.

I have been blessed with Julie's powerful healing gift many times. Whenever I have low energy, pain or feel like my spirit is out of balance, I call Julie and the results are always amazing! I use her services to tweak my mind/body/spirit to keep myself happy and healthy. CC - Florida

For Information and how to contact Julie, Click Here.

Money and Manifesting - An Evening with Tony Burroughs
With two books being brought out by major publishers in 2012, Intenders author and co-founder, Tony Burroughs, is starting to schedule his next tour, beginning soon on the west coast. An Evening with Tony Burroughs is a 2 to 2 1/2 hour event in which Tony will tell stories for the first hour, speaking on the topic of Money and Manifesting with Your Higher Self. For those of you who don't know it, Tony holds an Economics degree in Money and Banking. Coupled with his 18 years of making intentions and consciously living by manifesting using the Intenders teachings, this gives him a unique perspective into how to create the life of your choosing regardless of what others around you may be going through.

The second hour will be an actual Intenders Circle where everyone will take part. Tony will start it off by showing you how he states his intentions, so be prepared to have some fun and manifest some magic of your own! The cost of these events will be $20 per person with a limited number of scholarships available per event.

All the Intenders books and products will be on hand during the evening including Barbara Bernadette's Healing Money Cards that so many are raving about!

Like our Intenders Circles, these events are lighthearted and can be held in private homes or anywhere where there is enough room to hold plenty of people.

For More Information about getting on the tour schedule for An Evening with Tony Burroughs, email {[email protected]}


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