The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ January 2012

Published: Tue, 01/03/12

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The Intenders Newsletter
Happy New Year!

January 2012

Table of Contents

~The Heart of Man
~NEW! Subtle Energy Healing Tools
~The Intenders 2012 Tour
~Kim Hughes - Shaman Extraordinaire
~Intenders and Politics
~Vicki's Highest Light Pendulums

The Heart of Man

Let's start off the New Year with an old saying. I'm not sure who originally said this, but it was written down for me on a scrap of paper by a friend many years ago and I've carried it in my billfold ever since. It goes like this:

Eyes have not seen
Ears have not heard
Nor has entered into the Heart of Man
That which the Father
Has in store
For the one who Loves Him.

This is our New Year's Intention for all; that the Love which He has in store for us is entering our Hearts now and is spreading, far and wide, outward from there. For the Highest Good, So Be It and So It Is!

NEW! Subtle Energy Healing Tools

We at Highest Light House are honored to announce that we are now carrying a wide assortment of tools for creating your own frequencies. Now you can dial a frequency, broadcast it throughout the room, send it long distance, infuse it into a liquid, make your own remedies, balance your own vibrations, and much more.


Whether you want our latest cutting edge Intentionator or the simple but amazing Perki-Light - now you can balance out the discordant, toxic frequencies in your environment by filling your living area and your body with positive frequencies. It's as easy as flipping a switch.

For More Info or To Order one of our Subtle Energy Healing Tools, Click Here.

The Intenders 2012 Tour

Those of you who replied to our previous announcement about Tony Burroughs 2012 Intenders Tour will be contacted throughout January to set up exact dates and places. If you did not contact us yet and would like to be on the schedule, please email {[email protected]} and we will get back in touch with you soon.

This year's events will last two hours each and will include several new stories from Tony, as well as an Intenders Circle and an energy exercise that will leave you feeling wonderful! The individual cost is $20 per person with scholarships available. You will soon be able to keep track of our 2012 Tour Schedule by visiting our Highest Light House Events Page.

Kim Hughes - Shaman Extraordinaire

As our Highest Light House resident Shaman, Kim Hughes says: "It is my mission to help people find, trust, and deepen their connection to their Sacred Selves. My other studies include becoming a Certified Heart-Centered Hypnotherapist through Wellness Institute; studying with Anodea Judith of Sacred Centers, taking the basic Sound Healing certification with the gifted American sound shaman Tom Kenyon; learning Life Coaching at; completing a four-year shamanic training with Moon Dove of Heart of Shamanism, and working with Sri Shyamji Bhatnagar, a Hindu yogi of sound; and listening to my own Sacred Self throughout. Currently I am studying the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition at THOTH (The Heart of the Healer Foundation), and am a member of the Society for Shamanic Practitioners."

Needless to say, we are very grateful to have Kim on our HLH Counselors Network Team. If you need counseling or coaching of any kind, you can reach her by emailing [email protected] or visit Kim's Highest Light House Counselors Page.

Put quite simply, Kim has worked closely with me to change my life from the inside out. As a coach, she has supported me through major life changes. But the greatest impact she has had on my life is that she has been a true partner in my efforts to follow my dreams and listen to my heart. With her unwavering strength, clarity of insight, and commitment, I have learned new skills that support me every day. I trust her completely to guide me through critical business decisions and also matters of the heart. She is one of the strongest and most gifted people I know, and I give her my highest recommendation."
- Maura Fallon-Mcknight, Nov 2009

Intenders and Politics

Politics by its definition is the art of controlling people. But it's a strange day, indeed, when the people of a country have voted (through their representatives) to allow themselves to be tortured, to be taken without notice from their own homes, to trash their precious Bill of Rights, and more. What we are seeing at the beginning of 2012 is a blatant example of the people feeding the hand that's biting them, and it would be easy to oppose all of the recent political skullduggery. But it may not be wise.

As Lightworkers who are here at this time to bring forth a new way of life, we are best served by seeing the perfection of it all, by seeing it in its Highest Light, as a gift that shall reveal itself in full when we no longer oppose anyone. For it is in the opposing that we continue to separate ourselves from the 100%. As long as we are are examples of peace, however, who oppose no one (lest we become just like those we oppose), we play into no one's hands and no longer unconsciously feed the fires of the fight.

There are many ways of playing our part in a world in the throes of change. Instead of physically butting heads and carrying guns we can make intentions. We can pray. We can hold the vision of the highest and best good at work in all situations. For too long have we wallowed deep in the angry swamplands of separations, oppositions, us vs them games, and so forth. Now, however, it is time for us to rise tall by intending, by praying, and by holding the light. Not by fighting, but by envisioning. Not by complying but by withholding our support from agendas that speak of harming anyone or anything. We're the ones who are to stay joyful and uplifted regardless of what's going on all around us. That's our job. That's what we're here to do.

Vicki's Highest Light Pendulums ~ Divine 2012 for Yourself!
If you're at the point where you've heard enough other prophecies and predictions for the coming year, perhaps you might want to get your own Highest Light Pendulum and divine some answers for yourself.

Vicki's Highest Light Pendulums

Learning to use a pendulum is easy. All you have to do is make a statement such as, "It's in my Highest Good if I eat this food, meet this friend, take this job, etc." and the pendulum will start swinging in one direction or another. It is for you to learn which way it swings that tells you your "Yes" and your "No." You can even divine exact percentages and statistics once you get more proficient using your pendulum.

Each Highest Light Pendulum is handcrafted and blessed by Intenders office Manager, Vicki Harding and comes with a complete instruction sheet. Vicki checks each pendulum to see which one is perfect for you. You can mention color preferences in the Comments Box on the Shopping Cart.

Dear Vicki:
I have a couple of pendulums that I have enjoyed using over the years, but I was always drawn toward your crystal pendulums and necklaces. Every time I placed an order from the Intenders Shopping Cart, I would think about purchasing one of your crystal creations. I finally ordered a pendulum. I was so excited to see which color you would select for me. When the packaged arrived, I could hardly contain my excitement. This beautiful blue crystal pendulum was sent with loving care, and I immediately felt the powerful vibrations. I prayed that this crystal would provide me information for my highest and greatest good, and wow, it did provide powerful insights. I will use as often as is necessary. Thank you for giving us your love through your wonderful creations. I would encourage anyone to purchase one of your products. Thank you again.
Barbara Pence from Kentucky

To Order your Highest Light Pendulum now for $20, Click Here. or For More Info, Click Here


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