The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter #2 ~ January 2012

Published: Tue, 01/17/12

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

January 2012

Table of Contents

~The Ladder
~Way Ahead of Our Time
~High Tech Water Purifiers at Highest Light House
~Lee Ching, Tina Stober, and our HLH Counseling Network
~A Wonderful Highest Good Story

The Ladder

My first mentor, BJ, and I sat in his little coffee shack overlooking the entire southern Kona coast of the Big Island. I had asked him about the best way to live happily in these strange, changing times. He leaned back against an old tapa cloth wall hanging, paused for a moment as if to gauge his answer carefully, and then replied, "Helping others and being of service will ultimately bring you to your highest state of fulfillment." Then he told me a short story . . .

"Imagine you and a friend climbing a ladder and everything you both want is at the top of the ladder. Since it's a fairly long way to the top, you lead the way because you have climbed this ladder before and your friend has not. Then, with just a rung or two to go before reaching the top, with the goal almost in sight, you stop and move aside and pull your friend up, allowing her to pass you - and you say, "Here, you go first."

"This," he said, "is the attitude you need to take if you truly want to be happy in this world. Put others first . . . because after all is said and done, and when you've learned all you have to learn in this life, what you will have found is that you and your friend are One and it is only yourself that you helped to the top of the ladder."

Way Ahead of Our Time

One of the shifts we see happening almost everyday is that people are now realizing that they need to come together if they are going to reach their goals in life. Our competitive way of life is becoming more cumbersome by the day and people can no longer profit off of their fellow travelers if they are going to be happy and move forward. Indeed, with each day that passes, those who hold onto the old self centered ways are experiencing challenges and issues that won't go away until they begin to take their friends and neighbors into consideration.

Coming together in forward thinking communities is the answer - and yet our mainstream, consensus reality still does not support it. The status quo advocates do not want people coming together because they lose their power when people discover their own power. This explains why we haven't been on Oprah or other mainstream media venues showing people how to hold an Intenders Circle (even though we've requested it many times). The powers-that-be are blocking it.

We spent years developing and refining the format of our Intenders Circle so that it would be put into place at this time when it is needed most. An Intenders Circle is one of the most social, empowering and uplifting ways for people to gather together with their like minded and lighthearted friends in community. If you've never experienced the feeling in an Intenders Circle we highly recommend that you do. Likewise, if you want to accelerate your proficiency at getting the things you want in life to come to you (and have a lot of fun while you're at it), you can start your own Intenders Circle. We've made it easy for you.

Our Create Your own Community Package is still our bestseller and it includes 10 Intenders Handbooks and 1 Intention Process DVD that shows you exactly how we host an Intenders Circle. For More Info or to order yours now for $39, Click Here.


We met Wilma Bennett a couple of years ago at an Intenders Circle where she gave us a copy of her controversial, sometimes quirky, often courageous, and always enjoyable to read book, Vibrations. At that time we were not in a position to help her get it out to the world, but now we are. Thus, we are honored to bring you 86 pages of one of the most fun and insightful little books we've run across in awhile.


"Wilma provides a clear and entertaining explanation of the amazing basics of how everything spiritual works. Her ability to see fascinating patterns and connections makes this must-know information an enjoyable read." ~ Patrick J. Harbula, author of The Magic of the Soul

For More Info or to order your copy of Vibrations now, Click Here.

High Tech Water Purifiers at Highest Light House

WHAT! Fresh, pure water without chlorine, fluoride, and who knows what else. With the intention to make the cleanest, purest water available to you, we at Highest Light House are now offering Nano Silver Ionization Purifiers made with the newer cutting edge technology from the forefront of modern physics referred to as "Nano-Technology". These solutions are considerably more concentrated than colloids and are made up of much smaller particles. Our Ionization Purifiers utilize particles that measure less than 10 nanometers. Therefore, since these particles are smaller than the smallest viruses and bacteria they effectively inactivate them.

Industrial 80 Gallon Ionizer Photo

Perfect for all communities, commercial and industrial applications, neighborhood water supplies, fish farms, swimming pools, as well as individual home applications, we are now carrying several models to suit any needs. The advantage of our Ionization Purifiers includes the ability of the user to electrically control the amount of ions and nano particles going into the water. There are no filters or chemicals to add; installation is easy and the units are portable; and only small amounts of electricity (less than a 60 watt lamp) are required.

To find out more about our State of the Art Water Purification Systems, Click Here.

(The time will come when we place our hands in the water, see it in its highest light, and the water will come pure, clean and clear. When that day arrives, these systems won't be needed. Until then, however, the products we offer are the most advanced, state-of-the-art water purification systems we could find.)

Lee Ching / Tina Stober and our HLH Counseling Network

In the spirit of bringing high quality guidance your way, we remind you that if you have a challenge of any kind our Highest Light House Team of Counselors is always available to you. Ranging from life coaches, health coaches, spiritual channels, animal communicators and experienced card readers, we strive to offer you the best in spiritual and personal assistance. Each one charges differently, with some giving you free introductory time while others have set fees and sliding scales. For More Info, Click Here.

And, as always, our resident guide, Lee Ching, is ready to help you at anytime by calling Tina Stober at 808-982-6774 in Hawaii. Lee Ching was our original spiritual guide when we first started The Intenders, having shown us, among other things, how to set up our Intenders Circles. Tina accepts donations from $50 to $200 for an hour of her time - and believe us, it is worth it!

A Wonderful Highest Good Story
Here is a story that happened to me many years ago in Indonesia. It made such an impression on me that I included it in The Law of Agreement which comes out in all the major bookstores in March and April.

Cathy and I decided to take off on the back roads of Bali on our motor scooters and found ourselves in a small, forested, up-country village outside of Ubud, visiting with some of the locals while we sipped sodas and sweated from the intense heat. One of the villagers, an old man with a huge, welcoming smile, took a liking to us and was telling us a story.

As he explained, all of the small villages and towns of Bali had their own artistic specialty: some were predominately silversmiths; some worked with fabrics and made beautiful batiks; some painted detailed scenes of Bali life; and some were known for their fine woodcarvings.

He gestured gracefully with his hands as he told us that his village took great pride in carving the bright colored fish that Bali is so famous for. They had been fish carvers for many generations, keeping with the old ways of their ancestors by sawing the fallen trees with a large two-man bow saw. In this way they would cut the tree into thin slices and then take the slices to the artists who carved them into beautiful fish. It was a laborious task, but they were happy people and they liked doing it that way. One day, one of his neighbors down the road bought a chain saw and started slicing the trees with it. Everything changed overnight! The neighbor was instantly producing fish slices a hundred times faster than everyone else in the village. Right away, a few other neighbors saw what was happening and they bought chain saws too.

According to our new friend, the chain saw carvers produced so many fish so fast that they were able to drop their prices and they cornered the market, practically driving the old-timers out of business. Not only that, the quality of life in the village changed dramatically because of the noise factor. What had once been a quiet, peaceful place to live was now loud with the buzzing of chain saws all day long. As things got worse, the elders of the village, who were chosen to act on behalf of the village as a whole, called a meeting. After listening to everyone's point of view, it was decided that the use of chain saws was not good for the village.

The old man's eyes opened wider as he finished his story. When the elders made their proclamation, no one said a word in disagreement. The neighbors who were using the chain saws were quite happy to respect the goodwill of everyone in the village, and they put their chain saws away immediately. The peace and quiet of village life returned and the markets stabilized within days because the Balinese villagers knew something that the rest of us had forgotten. They knew that everything worked best when the highest good of the whole community was honored.
~from The Law of Agreement by Tony Burroughs published by Weiser Books.

The Law of Agreement is already released in Audiobook and Ebook and is available at Highest Light House by Clicking Here.


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