The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ April 2012

Published: Tue, 04/03/12

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

April 2012

Table of Contents

~It's Official! The Law of Agreement is Released by Weiser Books!
~Aaron Jacobson to be at the Patagonia, AZ Intenders Tour Event!
~Confidence and Balance
~Three Highest Light House Favorites
~Growing in Abundance Together
~Reminder: Tina and Lee Ching at the Temecula and San Diego Events!
~Vicki's Handcrafted Talking Feathers

It's Official! The Law of Agreement is Released by Weiser Books!

As of April 1st, Tony Burroughs' newest book, The Law of Agreement, is now on the shelves of all the Barnes and Noble and major bookstores across the country. Says Tony, "The Law of Agreement encompasses all the Intenders Information in one book. It is filled with compelling stories purposely designed to be enjoyable to read and very helpful at the same time."

The Law of Agreement Cover Photo

Here is a short excerpt from The Law of Agreement:

With each day that passes, we are seeing unprecedented changes take place all around us. The old ways, as represented by the insanity in government, economics, media, healthcare, education, and more, will continue to be increasingly cumbersome and eventually fade away, making room for a glorious new world. It's as if we've been aboard a submarine in wartime and have been submerged in the depths for far longer than we expected. The air inside is fetid and foul, food is running short, and the fear is so intense you can almost touch it. The sailors are edgy and fighting with each other at the drop of a hat. The whole environment inside the sub is ugly and getting worse.

And then, as if summoned by Gabriel himself, the claxon sounds, and the nose of the submarine tips upward. The order has come to rise to the surface. Can you imagine what this is like for the sailors who have been cooped up for so long? What a relief! What a feeling of expansion, as they step on deck and gaze out across the distant horizon! A whole new world, with all its possibilities and wonders, opens up before them!

This is what it's going to be like for us--just as soon as we let go of our old ways. Like the sailors on the sub, that's when we'll begin to rise upward into the light of a new day.

"I love this book! I wish everyone would read it! Out beyond the law of attraction is the Law of Agreement--having our world work for all of us. This beautiful, powerful, and joy-filled book teaches us very simply and clearly how we can make it happen." --Jo Ann Rotermund, speaker, workshop leader, and author of The Forgiveness Habit

To order your copy of The Law of Agreement now for $14.95, Click Here.

Aaron Jacobson to be at the Patagonia, AZ Intenders Tour Event!

So many of you have asked about the amazing musician who was on our On the Road with The Code DVDs, namely Aaron Jacobson, and we are honored to announce that after teaching for a time in the Philippines, Aaron has come home to southern Arizona and will join us in Patagonia on Friday, April 13 at 5:30 to entertain those in attendance. Aaron's energy is always a joy to be around and we love working with him when we can - so we invite you to join us, along with many of the Tree of Life people, for a night of great music, fun and spiritual empowerment in Patagonia. For more info about this event you can call Yosef at 520-394-0141.

To check out the entire schedule for The 2012 Intenders Law of Agreement Tour, you can go to

Confidence and Balance

Jason Walker is one of our regular contributors on The Facebook Intenders Founders Circle and we are very fortunate to have him with us. The following are portions of a longer post that Jason shared with us last week that we think speaks to many who are intending to become more empowered in these times of great change. Thank you again, Jason!

Who we think we are, how we view ourselves, and what we believe we can/cannot do not only manifests in our lives but also is that which others see about us. This is why confidence is so important . . . It's human to get beaten down, disappointed, depressed, discouraged, sad and angry or maybe act unkind at times. But what defines a master of his/her own destiny is the fact that this is not their main mode and they don't remain that way; alas, they are not stuck but free to create what they truly want to manifest. They don't keep making excuses for why they can't do what they need to do; they don't complain about how hard it is and how bad they have it; they simply do. And when they suffer or hit a slump, they do so with grace, kindness and dignity. You can always tell true character by how a person handles pain.

I aspire to be that person. I want to be that person so much that I have undergone not only severe changes in the past years but, most importantly, have worked my butt off. I have been privileged enough to have had (and still do have) friends, co-workers, or other inspirational people in my life that encourage me to live the life I wish to create.

I guess one could say that true happiness and success is achieved when one finds peace and love for oneself without being a doormat or without taking abuse. In the end, it all boils down to balance within you. Balance is the key to it all.

Three Highest Light House Favorites

When we go on the road for this tour we will be bringing along three favorite new items with us. As you know we are always on the lookout for products that are extremely beneficial to you in these fast changing times, and therefore we will be bringing our Intenders books as well as the Amazing Perkl-light, the Remarkable Red ReboundAIR and Barbara Bernadette's Healing Money Cards to these events. We have used all of these items and know each of them to have had wonderfully noticeable effects in our own lives.

For More Info or to Order an Amazing Perkl-light Now, Click Here.

For More Info or to Order a ReboundAIR Now, Click Here.

For More Info or to Order Barbara's Healing Money Cards Now, Click Here.

Growing in Abundance Together

Here is a wonderful, uplifting Vision that was shared recently by our new friend, Maura Bertotti, on our Facebook Intenders Founders Circle.

FYI: We will be joining Maura when our 2012 Intenders Tour gets to Soulful Awakenings in Lake Como, NJ on Saturday, June 2, 2012 at 7pm. Thank you, Maura, for your heartfelt words!

I see our World filled with Love, Light and Forgiveness, as every Plant, Tree & Flower Awakens to their Beauty and shares with us their every Glory. As we connect with the Vibration of Mother Earth in all her Splendor, we realize that WE are the Children, the Flowers and the Seeds the Universe has planted here to change the World! And all we have to do is keep Growing, Feeding and Aligning our own Souls, so that we may be the Strength & example for others to BLOOM & GROW IN ABUNDANCE together ! We Are Creating The Perfect Garden and you are a most intricate part of this ~ will you Align with me ?! ♥ ♥ ♥

You can Click Here to Align with Maura's Vision on The Vision Alignment Project.

Reminder: Tina and Lee Ching at the Temecula and San Diego Events!
Just in case you missed it in our last Intenders Newsletter, Tina Stober is coming to the mainland and will be with us at the Intenders Events in Temecula, CA on April 7th and in North Park in San Diego on April 10th. Tina will be channeling Lee Ching at both of these gatherings, just like in the original Intenders Spiritual Guidance Sessions. We highly recommend that you join us for these special moments with Tina and Lee Ching.

The Temecula Circle is being held at the home of Robbie Adkins at 45981 Classic Way, Temecula, CA 92592 with a potluck at 6pm and the Circle at 7pm. You can call Robbie at 951-5651-4834. The San Diego Circle is at The Controversial Bookstore at 3121 University Ave at 7pm and the phone number for reservations there is 619-296-1560.

To see the entire schedule for The 2012 Intenders Law of Agreement Tour, you can go to

Vicki's Handcrafted Talking Feathers
Those of you who have been in an Intenders Circle with us know that we pass a Talking Feather around the Circle so that the person who holds the feather is not interrupted while they are saying their Intentions and Gratitudes. We've found this to be an excellent way of keeping the Circle flowing at a steady pace and it also has helped to make better listeners out of all of us.

Intenders Talking Feathers

These beautiful Talking Feathers are each handcrafted and blessed by our Intenders Office Manager, Vicki Harding. For more information or to Order your Intenders Talking Feather now for $20, you can Click Here.


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