The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter #2 ~ March 2012

Published: Tue, 03/20/12

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter #2

March 2012

Table of Contents

~From Hitchhiking to Rebounding - A Double Intention Story
~The Law of Agreement is Now Available in Print!
~The 2012 Intenders Tour is Growing
~Tina and Lee Ching to join the Temecula and San Diego Tour Events
~The ReboundAIR is Here!

From Hitchhiking to Rebounding - A Double Intention Story

Right before Christmas in 2011 I purchased a new car at a dealership in Redding, CA, over two hours from where I live. Since I couldn't drive a second car home I decided to hitchhike to pick up the new car. Before leaving I made an intention that I have a wonderful ride with someone who was interesting and enjoyable to be with, and that he or she was also someone who I could learn from.

To digress slightly, I must also tell you that I tend to hibernate in the winter months, adding perhaps more weight than I really need to carry, and this year was no exception. In fact, I had already gained around 20 extra pounds and was intending to get back to my normal weight and find a way to do it that would put me in shape at the same time.

So, back to my story. I was hitchhiking on a backwoods country road beside the beautiful Klamath River and after about 15 minutes of standing there with my thumb out, a clean, white rent-a-car pulled up and the fellow reached across the passenger seat and opened the door for me. He's appeared to be around 50 years old (actually he turned out to be 70!) and introduced himself simply as Al. We started chatting and I asked him what he did for a living, and he replied that he was an inventor and an author. I said I'm an author too, and we hit it off right away.

As we traveled I questioned him some more about his livelihood and he further explained that he was the inventor of the rebounder mini-trampoline and went on to say that it was the most efficient piece of exercise equipment in the world. His book about rebounding had sold over a million copies and his children were champion athletes to boot. At this point I turned and took a closer look at him and noticed that he was in excellent physical condition, which he attributed to bouncing on his ReboundAIR everyday. He went on the tell me all about the amazing benefits of rebounding - and his tales were so interesting that I began taking notes.

The time flew by and, as it turned out, he was headed back to Utah after a business meeting in CA, but he ended up driving me well out of his way and dropped me off right in front of the car dealership in Redding. Long story short, within a short time, I purchased a half-fold ReboundAIR and have been bouncing everyday since then. My weight is back to normal and I haven't felt this good in years. My two intentions had both manifested: I got a great ride with a very interesting person, namely Al Carter, who pioneered the art of rebounding - and I came out of my hibernation feeling like a million dollars!
~Tony Burroughs
* Scroll down to learn more about the ReboundAIR.

The Law of Agreement is Now Available in Print!

The long awaited release of The Law of Agreement by Tony Burroughs has just been announced by our publisher, Weiser Books. As many of you know, this timely, empowering work was recorded and made into an audiobook over a year ago and the comments we've received about it are exciting to say the least. Now you will be able to have a hard copy of The Law of Agreement so you can easily refer to it and remind yourself to either agree with the ideas that you're being presented with - or to withhold your agreement and retain your power for yourself.

The Law of Agreement Cover Photo

"An awesome book! Tony is a shining gift to the world. He directs you to raise your consciousness, sign a new contractual agreement with yourself, stand in your power, and be the best you that you can be. Follow the call for manifestation and freedom. Journey beyond your own magnificence in this fabulous classic. Well done, Tony!" --Yvonne Oswald, award-winning, bestselling author of Every Word Has Power

"I love this book. I make margin notes as I read a book, and I count 45 places where I wrote Yes! or Wow! or Right! or Insightful!, etc. Because it goes a long way toward making the world a better place, The Law of Agreement may be one of the most important books you will ever read." --Wilma E. Bennett, PhD, author of Vibrations: A Visitor's Guide to Planet Earth

To order your copy of The Law of Agreement now, Click Here.

The 2012 Intenders Tour is Growing

Calls keep coming in requesting that we visit towns and cities where people are finding out about the power in their Intenders Circles. Accordingly, we have recently added Orlando, FL, Milwaukee, WI, Peoria (west Phoenix) AZ, Tyler, TX, Hempstead, TX, San Marcos, TX and Denver, CO to our schedule. This brings us to a total of 52 events in 47 cities in just over 100 days, a whirlwind tour in the making! If you would like to know when we will be coming to your area, you can see our complete schedule at

Tina and Lee Ching to join the Temecula and San Diego Tour Events

We have wonderful news for those of you who are planning to attend our 2012 Intenders Tour Events in the San Diego area. Tina Stober, one of the 4 original Intenders and the voice for Lee Ching, our Spiritual Guide par excellence, will be joining Tony at the events in Temecula and San Diego. At the end of each of these Intenders Circles, Tina will lead a Spiritual Guidance Session by bringing through Lee Ching, Quan Yin and friends.

Those of you who have never experienced a "Live Session" with Tina and the gentle wisdom of Lee Ching will get a chance to experience what we in the original Intenders have been blessed to be a part of for all these years. We highly recommend that you join us!

Tina Stober Photo

The Temecula event is on April 7th at the home of long-time Intender, Robbie Adkins, at 45981 Classic Way, Temecula, CA 92592 with a 6pm Potluck and the Circle at 7pm. For directions you can call Robbie at 951-551-4834 or email her at {[email protected]} - and you might want to bring a swimsuit to this one! The San Diego event is at our favorite Controversial Bookstore in North Park on April 10th at 3121 University Avenue, San Diego, CA 92104 -at 7pm, The cost is $25 and you can call 619-296-1560 for more information.

PS: In case you are new to the Intenders and are having challenges in your life, Tina is also available for private sessions with you over the phone. You can call her in Hawaii at 808-982-6774 to set up an appointment, and please keep in mind that it is several hours earlier in Hawaii from the continental US. Tina typically receives donations of between $50 to $200 for an hour of her time.

*The ReboundAIR is Here!
In keeping with our lead story in this newsletter, we have had such a turnaround in our physical health as a result of bouncing for 10 minutes a day on our ReboundAIR that we decided to carry them on our websites and distribute them. We tested several lesser rebounders and none of them compared with the workmanship and ease of bouncing of the ReboundAIR. And not only that, our price to you is well below the suggested retail price.
"The Most Efficient, Effective Form of Exercise Yet Devised by Man"
~Al Carter
The ReboundAIR Photo

The ReboundAIR comes in 3 models - the Full Round, the Half-Fold, and the Quarter Fold designs. We have FREE Same Day Shipping and the most complete guarantee on the market. For more information and to order your ReboundAIR today you can Click Here.


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