The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ November 2012

Published: Tue, 10/30/12

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

November 2012

Table of Contents

~Two of the Most Powerful Words
~The Get What You Want Ebook is Here
~One Million Alignments!
~The November Intenders Tour Schedule in AZ and NM
~Community for Christmas!
~Vicki's Crystal Heart Necklaces
~The ReboundAIR is Here

Two of the Most Powerful Words

I don't plan out my workshops anymore. Of course, I have a rough idea of the things we're going to talk about. But lately, I don't prepare; I just show up - and as a result, "something" new pops out in my talks every-so-often that ends up being added into all my events.

"Something" that popped out recently is what I call the "I'm Fine Factor" and it employs one of the most powerful phrases in the English language. Here's the way it works: Since what we're thinking about is what we're creating for ourselves, we really only want to be thinking the thoughts that are creating the results we're looking for, yes? We're best served by thinking happy, positive thoughts.

That said, "I'm Fine!" (said with gusto!) is one of the happiest thoughts available to us. It fixes things right away. It heals our body. It soothes our worries. It balances out our fears. It strengthens us and makes us whole - if we will only begin to use it. And, needless to say, in today's world (where our manifestations are happening quicker and quicker), we won't have to wait too long in order to put it to good use. If the doctor or a friend says that you have such and such, instead of nodding and agreeing with them (and thus creating an unwanted experience for yourself), you can say, "I'm Fine!" and if you really believe it - via the Law of Attraction / The Intention Process - that is what you will create! Likewise, if someone else tells you that scarcity abounds and poverty is knocking at the door, you can say, "I'm Fine!" and, again, because of the Law of Attraction, you will be consciously creating a better life for yourself than you would have if you'd "bought into" the ideas put forth by your scarcity-minded friends.

"I'm Fine!" It's my favorite overriding statement. I use it all the time. Whether I'm dealing with people and friends outside of me, or if I'm dealing with thoughts inside my own head, I apply the "I'm Fine Factor." In fact, nowadays, I can be in the midst of anything, and I just tell myself, "I'm Fine!" and everything gets better in a jiffy.

Oftentimes things may be happening all around you
that seem to be discordant, and you cannot imagine
what is going on.
But you must remain focused and steadfast
and be able to see through
and not get caught up in all the mundane dramas
that are constantly being perpetuated on this planet

The Get What You Want Ebook is Here

All my life I've been waiting to be walking down the street and see someone sitting there reading my book. Well, yesterday it happened! I was strolling past a pizza place in San Diego that had tables outside along the sidewalk and a man was sitting there engrossed in my new book, Get What You Want. I couldn't help myself. I walked up and said, " You've just fulfilled a lifelong intention of mine!" and I introduced myself and told him why.

As it turned out, his name was Barry and he said that he was so glad to have found this book. He went on and on, saying that he had read one of my other books and this one was absolutely fantastic. We ended up having a soda together and chatting for about an hour . . .

Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your intentions

"I LOVE Tony Burroughs' book. Got it yesterday. Intended to read the intro and go to bed, stayed up half the night. This is the stuff I live by and to have it all there for me in a book is so helpful and powerful. I set the intention to write IS and to have a baby and do the other things I've wanted just as I set the intention to inspire and aid and make a positive contribution read his book is so validating..."
Polly Campbell
Author, Imperfect Spirituality

Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions was purposely written for these times - and now it is available as an Ebook with the exact same, beautiful formatting as the printed version. Now, you can choose which version is best for you!

Click here for More Info about Ordering the printed edition or the Ebook version of Get What You Want.

A Million Alignments!

"Only a few days from breaking the first million alignments. That gives me chills all over...may all our vision alignments resonate in the highest frequency within our hearts, minds and soul.
Yosef (Funke)
Patagonia, AZ

We intended it last year and now it is on the verge of manifesting! The Intenders Vision Alignment Project will break the One Million mark any day now and we are so honored that you have seen the good in this endeavor and supported it by Aligning with our Visions a million times. We thank you and we intend that we quickly make it to Two Million Alignments now that the momentum is building.

There is an unprecedented awakening occurring,
and more awakening will come out of each person
reaching out for something higher
and knowing that there is more
than the mundane life to be lived on this planet.
There can truly be a paradise on Earth and you are
bringing it into existence by your believing in it.

Sign Up Free for The Vision Alignment Project Here.

The November Intenders Tour Schedule in AZ and NM

Here is our remaining Intenders Tour Schedule for 2012. As you can see many of these gatherings are Readings/Talks and Book Signings in major bookstores promoting Tony's new book, Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions. These events will be free but are not apt to include an Intention Circle - so, if you would like us to present an empowering talk and an Intenders Circle in your home, church or community gathering place while we're in your area, please contact us at {[email protected].}

Nov 5 - Tucson, AZ - Bookman's, 6230 East Speedway Blvd, Tucson, AZ - 12 to 2 pm - Contact Anthony at (520) 748-9555 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 5 - Gilbert, AZ - Wellspring, 1170 N. Gilbert Road, Suite 115, Gilbert, AZ - 6:30 pm - Contact Phyllis at (480) 834-4187 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 9 - Phoenix, AZ - The Northern Winds, 5108 North 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ - 6 pm - Contact Mike at (602) 277-0538 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 11 - Peoria, AZ - West Valley Center for Spiritual Living, 9745 West Peoria Avenue, Peoria, AZ 85345 - 1:45pm - Contact Cheryl at 623-972-3205 - Power Talk and Intention Circle - $20

Nov 14 - Scottsdale, AZ - Peace of the Universe, 7000 E. Shea Blvd., Suite 1710, Scottsdale, AZ - 6:30 to 8pm - Contact Judith at (480) 596-3755 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 20 - Flagstaff, AZ - Hastings Bookstore, 1540 S. Riordan Rd., Flagstaff, AZ - 4 to 7 pm - Contact Tal at (928) 779-1880 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 23 - Albuquerque, NM - Crystal Dove Bookstore, 525 Central NE, Albuquerque, NM - 7 to 9 pm - Contact Inga at (505) 842-5265 - $25 - Power Talk and Intention Circle

Community for Christmas!

The Intenders Circle is a new paradigm blueprint for bringing people together in community. Our materials have been created especially for the transition from the old paradigm to the new. You can easily spot the the old ways because they're characterized by expressions that no longer serve us, expressions such as violence, selfishness, wars, judgments, cravings, attachments, etc. while the attributes of the new paradigm include having a loving, helpful, kind, peaceful, creative, cooperative attitude toward life and the way we live.

It's so easy to start your own Intenders Circle. All you need, at a minimum, is a couple of friends, the desire to have the things you want in life to come to you, and the willingness to align your intentions with the Highest Good. After that, our Create Your Own Community Package - which is still $39 - and includes 1 Intention Process DVD (that takes you through an entire Intenders Circle with the original Intenders), as well as 10 copies of The Intenders Handbook so each new person can have a copy for themself.

To Know More or To Order Your Intenders Create Your Own Community Package now, you can Click Here.

Here are Some More Christmas Ideas for you:
Our annual Stocking Stuffer Special gives you 20 presents that your friends and family will love! Comprised of 10 Intenders Handbooks and 10 Highest Light Teachings, this Special has traditionally been one of our bestsellers at Christmas time.
Or, for those who prefer CDs and DVDs, our Complete Intenders Collection is only $77 and includes 14 Discs in a beautiful hardshell case (The Intenders Handbook 2 CD set, The Highest Light Teachings 2 CD set, The Law of Agreement 3 CD set, our On the Road with The Code 2 DVD set, The Living by Manifesting 3 DVD set, and Tony Burroughs powerful keynote speech to the American Massage Therapy Association National Convention DVD.)


For More Info or To Order our Stocking Stuffer Special for $60 or our Complete Intenders Collection for $77, Click Here.

Or, you can just order 10 of our Intenders Handbooks with our Bulk Special for $30. Click Here.

And lastly, who wouldn't want to receive a beautifully printed copy of Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions for Christmas? For More Info or To Order, Click Here.

Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your intentions

FYI: All of our Intenders Books and Products can be seen on our Highest Light House Mall Shopping Cart by Clicking Here.

Vicki's Crystal Heart Necklaces

A great gift giving idea at Christmastime is Vicki Harding's Crystal Heart Necklaces. They make a wonderful gift - and Vicki will personally pick out the perfect crystal and infuse it with blessings for you.

I ordered, received and love my own crystal necklace. I received it just before our road trip to visit our daughter and son in law. They loved it, and so I am ordering this one for them. They will be sooo happy to have it. Thank you very much.
Adrienne Myers

Vicki's Crystal Heart Necklaces

For More Info or To Order a Crystal Heart Necklace for $35, Click Here.

The ReboundAIR is Here!
We have had such a turnaround in our physical health as a result of bouncing for 15 minutes a day on our ReboundAIR that we decided to carry them on our websites and distribute them. We tested several lesser rebounders and none of them compared with the workmanship and ease of bouncing of the ReboundAIR. And not only that, our price to you is well below the suggested retail price.
"The Most Efficient, Effective Form of Exercise Yet Devised by Man"
The ReboundAIR Photo

The ReboundAIR comes in 3 models - the Full Round, the Half-Fold, and the Quarter Fold designs. We have FREE Shipping and the most complete guarantee on the market. For more information and to order your ReboundAIR today you can Click Here.


To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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