The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ December 2012

Published: Tue, 12/04/12

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

December 2012

Table of Contents

~Support We Cannot See
~Tony on Coast to Coast
~Our Intenders Circles
~A Great Christmas Gift
~Our 2012 Tour
~Vicki's Manifests the Motherload

Support We Cannot See

After our Intenders Circle workshop on the west side of Phoenix last week I received a very inspiring message from a sparkly young grandmother named Sharon Pilagas. She waited until everyone else had left the room and then, with a twinkle in her eye, handed me a scroll of white easel paper that she had written on. The message on the scroll was meant for me but after reading it over a few times I realized that it could just as easily be meant for you too. I share it with you now with the intention that it helps to uplift you as much as it did me.

It is said
that those who share their light
through field and forest
mountaintop and ocean deep
shall connect every human being
to the depth of Mother Earth
and the width of the Cosmos
Let your light continue to
expand with grace
knowing that your purpose is already
working its magic and the support
that you cannot see walks
with you hand in hand - Blessings
And so it is

Thank you, Sharon!

Tony on Coast to Coast

Intenders author and cofounder, Tony Burroughs, was a guest on the first hour of Coast to Coast Radio with George Nouri on Wednesday, Nov 14th. For those of you who may be unfamiliar with Coast to Coast it is well known to have the largest listening audience of any radio show in the world and we are truly honored to have been selected to share our stories and information about the Intenders and increasing our proficiency at manifesting our dreams and desires on Coast to Coast.

The show is archived for the members of the Coast to Coast Insiders - and it is our intention that Tony is on Coast to Coast again soon.

Our Intenders Circles

For the last dozen years I've been traveling across the country, meeting with people in small towns and big cities and showing them how to set up an Intenders Circle for themselves. The Intenders Circle is a blueprint for community in the new paradigm. Indeed, it's a vehicle for helping people become more empowered in their personal lives as well as in groups. And, at the same time, the Intenders Circle makes it easy to align oneself with the Highest Good.

The Highest Good is what's missing in so many of our lives and our institutions today. Perhaps because of our rigid conditioning when we were toddlers, we've either forgotten or neglected to call the Highest Good into play. Now, however, more and more people are finding that they resonate deeply with the Highest Good and they're bringing it into their intention setting - and with wondrous results.

If you haven't been in an Intenders Circle and you'd like to find a Circle in your area you can check our Directory of Circles at - or you can easily start your own Circle by getting our Create Your Own Community Package. Just let Pam Baugh at {[email protected]} know about your new Circle and she will be happy to add you to our Directory of Intenders Circles.

The Intenders Start Your own Community Package

To Order our Create Your Own Community Package which includes 10 Intenders Handbooks and 1 Intention Process DVD (that takes you into a real Intenders Circle with the original Intenders of the Highest Good and shows you how we do it) - all for $39, Click Here.

Note about our Directory of Intenders Circles: Following Tony's appearance on Coast to Coast, we were inundated with inquiries about our Intenders Circles, with several people saying that the number they called on our directory to find a Circle in their area was no longer in existence. We know that some of our Intenders Circles have lasted for many years while others get what they want and stop meeting in a relatively short time. Therefore, we are presently working to keep our Directory of Circles as current as possible. So if you have hosted a Circle that is no longer meeting, please email us at {[email protected]} so we can remove it from our list. Likewise, if you are looking for a Circle in your area and are completely unable to make contact with the Intenderpreneur on our directory list, please email Pam and let us know so we can remove the outdated information from our directory.

A Great Christmas Gift

Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your intentions

Who wouldn't want to help their friends and family get what they want? And what better time to give a gift that really helps your loved ones to become more self empowered? Here's what Vibrations author, Wilma Bennett had to say about that:

Tony, I can't tell you how much fun and rewarding it is giving your new book away to people! I gave one to a friend's granddaughter who had been looking for a job for months. After she started saying her positive intentions every day, she found a job!
Love and Light,
Wilma Bennett
Author, Vibrations: A Visitor's Guide to Planet Earth

For More Info or To Order Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions now, Click Here.

Our 2012 Tour
2012 has been a year of traveling. Our tour events took us to 64 cities across the country where we were honored to sit in on over 90 Intenders Circles. The people we've met in our events have truly inspired us, more than we could have ever imagined - and it's because those who attend our Intenders Circles are the ones who answer to the call of the Highest Good. With rare exception they're the lightworkers and example-setters in the area, and we feel so grateful to get to meet them.

That said, and what with the end of the Mayan Calendar upon us, we'll be taking the rest of the holiday season off for some R & R time at home. We'll be resuming our schedule again right after the first of the year with 2 events in the San Francisco Bay Area.

January 5 at 7pm at the Sacramento Yoga Center, 2791 24th St, Room 6, Sacramento, CA 95818. Contact: Manvir at 916-806-0623 or email [email protected] $20

January 6 at 9am at The Unity Spiritual Center, 2690 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94132. Call 415-566-4122. Intenders Circle Workshop to follow. More info TBA at Our Highest Light House Events Page.

Vicki Manifests the Motherload!

People are always asking us to tell them an Intention Story that happened in our lives. There are so many . . . but here's a doozy . . .

Our Office Manager, Vicki Harding, is an avid rockhound and her favorite rocks for digging are the beautiful quartz crystals located in the mines near Hot Springs, Arkansas. That's where the crystals in her Crystal Heart Necklaces that you see on our websites come from. Last month Vicki drove to visit her mother in Reading, PA (just in time to help the family make it through Hurricane Sandy with no power, etc.) On her way home to Colorado she decided to make a stop in Hot Springs for a day of digging crystals.

As it turned out there were only 2 other people in the entire mine that day and Vicki had a large area all to herself. As she was starting to dig one of the workers who ran the dozer there struck up a conversation with her and she told him it had been slim pickin's the last couple times she'd been there, but that she intended that this day was much more productive.

Long story short, the man got back on his dozer, drove off and returned several minutes later dropping a bucketload of dirt beside her. Then he smiled, pointed at one edge of the pile and drove off again. Vicki immediately began going through the dirt and right under the surface, in Vicki's own words, were "more of the biggest, clearest crystals she'd ever found!" She spent the rest of the day filling her buckets - and if you've ever been rockhounding and hit a big cache of goodies, then you know how Vicki felt that day. This was her dream fulfilled and we couldn't be happier for her.

Vicki's Crystal Heart Necklaces

For More Info or To Order a Crystal Heart Necklace for $35, Click Here.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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