The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ July 2012

Published: Tue, 07/03/12

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

July 2012

Table of Contents

~ Dan's Story - Listing Your Manifestations
~I See A World - From Hazel Ray
~Reprinting The Intenders Handbook
~Another Instant Manifestation
~The Highest Light Teachings
~Intenders Personal Help Available
~The Intenders 2012 Tour Heads To Colorado
~Vicki's Highest Light Pendulums

Dan's Story - Listing Your Manifestations

Many of you are noticing now that the time between the time you make an intention and it manifests is getting shorter and shorter. In the old days, prior to the 2012 acceleration we are in, it seemed to take a long time for our intentions to manifest. But now, you can make an intention and walk out the back door and practically trip over whatever you intended to manifest.

I heard a great example of this recently in Houston while staying at the home of my close friend, Dan Hunter. Dan used to field the email for the Conversations with God people and now he hosts a combination CWG study group / Intenders Circle in Spring, TX every Wednesday night. One evening Dan and I were sitting up late and chatting about intention making and manifesting, and he told me that about 3 months ago he began keeping a list of all the intentions that had manifested for him. He did this because he thought that many of the intentions we make do, in fact, manifest for us, however we often tend to forget to acknowledge them or we overlook the fact that they have manifested.

Long story short, Dan pulled out a steno pad where he was keeping the list. Over a 3 month period, he had 50 Intentions Manifested! All sorts of things big and small from 2 free bicycles to money from unexpected sources were on the list. Whenever he needed anything, he intended it and it came to him.

Clearly, with each passing day, more and more of us are becoming Mighty Manifestors. The things we intend for are coming to us quickly, easily and effortlessly - simply because we believe that they will come. The days of our remaining disempowered are fast coming to a close as we put the Intention Process to its highest and best use. If you have any doubt about this, you can do what my friend, Dan, did. Get a steno pad and start keeping track of all the intentions that have manifested for you recently. We think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the results.

I See A World - From Hazel Ray

Here is a beautiful letter that came in from Hazel Ray who we are collaborating with on a revised version of a book that will be published from our Visions at The Vision Alignment Project entitled I See A World. We are ultimately looking to have 365 Visions and, at present, we have just short of 300. If you have a Vision that you would like to submit for including in our Vision Alignment Project book, you can send it to Hazel at {[email protected]}

Hi Tony,
I've asked a few non-Intender friends to complete the statement "I see a world where______." I got the following from my Pakistani Muslim friend, Sajjad Din, who now lives in Toronto. We were working for the same company in Mt. Dora, FL when 9/11 happened and became friends in the aftermath. I referred him to The Law of Agreement and he is very impressed.

"I see a world where environmental issues are addressed and a sustainable economy and culture is derived from wise stewardship of our world for the protection of nature and our habitat for many generations to come."


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.

Absolutely beautiful! Thank You, Hazel and Sajjad!

Reprinting The Intenders Handbook

We are almost out of Intenders Handbooks in printed form so we will be reprinting them again this month. As most of you know, our profit margins are small because we have always kept our prices low so these materials can be easily afforded by anyone who is seeking this empowering information. It's at times like these that we ask for your help in making sure that this wonderful little handbook continues to go out to the world. Your donation to this endeavor will be helping many people.

To Donate to the Reprinting of The Intenders Handbook, Click Here.

Another Instant Manifestation

We were driving into Rolla, Missouri, on our way to our Intenders Law of Agreement Tour Event in Mountain Home, AR when the truck in front of us threw a rock into our windshield. I didn't notice anything at the time, but the next morning as I was packing up I saw a small crack in the windshield right behind the rear view mirror. I immediately showed it to Vicki and intended that we find a place that does auto glass repairs as soon as possible.

Then I went back into the motel room and carried out another suitcase - and the manager of the motel was walking by so I stopped her and asked if she knew of auto glass repair place nearby. Her eyes lit up as she said "There's one just two doors down, less than one minute from here - and I own it! How soon can you get there?"

Less than 30 minutes later the windshield was repaired and we were back on the road, heading to one of the liveliest events on our entire tour!

The Highest Light Teachings

Imagine what our world would be like if we were all seeing one another in our Highest Light. What if we were to begin to see ourselves in our Highest Light? Everything would change for the better right away.

The Highest Light Teachings

The Highest Light Teachings has stayed in the shadow of our most popular Intenders Handbook, but we get just as many compliments on it. Indeed, it is another of our Intenders books whose time has come. Sized to easily fit into your pocket or purse, this companion to The Intenders Handbook is available for $4.95 each or in Bulk at 10 copies for $35 so you can give copies to your family and friends.

To Order The Highest Light Teachings, Click Here.

Intenders Personal Help Available
For those of you who are going through personal issues or are having challenges handling the increased energies of these fast changing times, our resident Intenders channel, Tina Stober, is available for hourly sessions. Tina is one of the original 4 Intenders of the Highest Good and she has been helping people for over 30 years gain clarity and resolution in their lives.

You can call Tina in Hawaii for an appointment at 808-982-6774 and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there than from the US mainland. Tina typically receives donations of between $50 to $200 for an hour of her time.

The Intenders 2012 Tour Heads To Colorado

Our Intenders 2012 Law of Agreement Tour has been a great success! In 50 cities over the last 4 months, without exception, everywhere we went the people asked us if we could come back. Indeed, there were so many "Ahas" and Insights in these events that the comments we heard the most were, "I will look at things differently from now on," and "I'm going to watch my thoughts and words much closer now," and "It felt like the whole room was filled with angels!"

The final events on this leg of the 2012 Tour are in Colorado and we invite you to join us. July 7 - Boulder, CO - 994 55th St., Boulder, CO 80303 - 6:30pm - Contact Sherrie or Charlie at {[email protected]} or 303-447-2429

July 8 - Denver, CO - This event has been moved so that it is now combined with our event in Boulder. We invite all those who were planning to attend the Denver Circle to join us in Boulder on July 7th at 6:30 pm at 994 55th St. Please see details above.

July 10 - Pagosa Springs, CO - The Institute of Light - 475 Lewis St., Suite 218 (above the Bear Creek Inn) - 7pm - Contact Lynnzie at 970-731-0422 or {[email protected]}

Vicki's Highest Light Pendulums

Our Highest Light Pendulums are handcrafted by our Intenders Office Manager, Vicki Harding and are always one of the most sought after attractions at our tour events. Vicki blesses each pendulum and asks which one is the best one for you. She also includes an information sheet which tells you how to use your Highest Light Pendulum.

Vicki's Highest Light Pendulums

Dear Vicki,
I wanted to thank you for the beautiful pendulum. Trying to figure out in my mind's eye which one should I ask for. I decided it was best to let it go and receive the one that would be sent to me, which would be prefect. I was like a child opening a present on Christmas morning. When I finally touched and saw it, it was perfect. Pink is my favorite color and can also represent one of the colors for the heart chakra. It is such a reminder to me to trust and to know that through my intention I will receive the perfect one for my highest good. I am in my mentorship program to become a Certified Healing Touch Practitioner. I can't wait to use it during my sessions... Thank you for your beautiful gifts and talents for creating such beautiful and special pendulums that will touch the lives of many.

To Order your Highest Light Pendulum now for $20, Click Here.


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