The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ August 2012

Published: Tue, 08/14/12

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

August 2012

Table of Contents

~A Magical Encounter
~Our Intenders Bulk Specials Are Back
~A Fun Pop Quiz
~Get What You Want - Tony's New Book!
~Our 2012 Intenders Tour Has Been Extended!
~Vicki's Crystal Heart Necklaces
~Tina and Lee Ching
~Our Internet Service Has Been Down
~A Huge Thank You to All of our Intenders Facilitators

A Magical Encounter

It's been almost a month since I finished the first leg of our 2012 Intenders Tour events and, looking back, I wouldn't have traded the experiences I had along the way for anything. I met so many amazing people, stayed in an abundance of beautiful places and, above all, I got to take part, several times a week, in an event that was like no other. In order to describe all of my notable experiences it would take an entire book (which I might write someday.) There was one particular experience, though . . .

With my last event finished in Pagosa Springs, CO, I headed west to pick up my cat and enjoy some well-needed downtime. Just south of Mt. Shasta, CA, I stayed in Redding with my friends, Pam and Gordon (Pam Baugh is our Intenders Internet Coordinator who those of you on our Facebook Intenders Founders Circle know well). The next morning I drove north to fill my water containers with the sweet waters that come out of the headwaters of the Sacramento River on the edge of Mt. Shasta town.

As I often do when I approach a sacred site, I made an intention that I receive some special guidance here or I meet an Ascended Master (which is distinctly possible in the Mt. Shasta area). Just as I was carrying the last of my water jugs back to the car, a man walked up and asked how I liked my Kia. He was about my same height and age, with deep set, compassionate eyes, short white hair, and a voice that was both gentle and powerful at the same time.

We chatted about cars for a few moments and then, abruptly changing the subject, he said, " There's a pressure that's being put on the Earth and all her people now. It's coming from out in the Universe and no one can keep from dealing with the effects of it. Of course, there will be many who will try to maintain the status quo in their lives. But this pressure, this force, will no longer allow us to stay in our Continuous Comfort Zone."

"What kind of force or pressure is this," I asked him.

His eyes twinkled as he answered. "It is the force of Love," he said. "And it is coming to all who live here. None can escape it and everyone, in the long run, will breathe a great sigh of relief as it reaches its full force in the days ahead."

I watched him as he spoke with such authority, and yet with a humbleness that is so rare in our world today. "You have seen it in Europe recently, with several countries beginning to honor the Highest Good of the people - where, instead of massive violence, change took place peacefully and in relative calm. You have seen it, as well, in the lives of your friends and the people you've met on your travels. They are giving up their old ways, ways that led them to suffering and pain, and they are turning to being of service and helping their friends and neighbors.

"You have even seen it in your own life as you've let go of many of your old judgments, habits, dietary attachments, as well as the illusionary story that tells others who you think you are. All that is changing in you. You are surrendering it all to God.

"That's where we are all headed," he said. "We're giving up our ego's separatist agendas and we're returning to the Oneness from which we sprang forth. The pressure of Love that is increasing by the day will touch everyone here. It cannot be evaded or avoided. It can only be felt and passed on to the next person you meet. When it reaches Its fullness, you will experience what it is really like to be happy and to have fun. Up until now, you have defined your happiness and fun within the context of your 3-D outer world - a definition that has only continued to bring you more pain and suffering. But very soon you will know the true meaning of happiness and fun - a greater happiness and expanded sense of joy and fun that comes after you have let go of your attachment to this realm and stepped, wholeheartedly, into the next realm, the realm of Oneness, the realm of the Highest Good."

Our Intenders Bulk Specials Are Back!

We just reprinted our Intenders Handbook (thanks in large part to our friends Diane S, Mary M and many more) so we are now making our Bulk Book Specials freely available again. Here they are!


1. The Intenders Community Package - 10 Intenders Handbooks and 1 Intention Process DVD (which shows you exactly how we do any Intenders Circle) = $39.
2. Our Year-round Stocking Stuffer Special - 10 Intenders Handbooks and 10 Highest Light Teachings = $60.
3. 10 copies of The Intenders Handbooks = $30.
4. 10 copies of The Highest Light Teachings = $35.

Click Here to Order any of these Intenders Bulk Specials

A Fun Pop Quiz

This Pop Quiz comes from the information shared on our 2012 Law of Agreement Tour. Those of you who attended these events may be more familiar with some of these questions and answers, but they are for everyone to enjoy.

1. When you override a statement you make that's not serving you:

A.) You can say, "Cancel, cancel."
B.) You do nothing
C.) You override it vehemently
D.) You softly say, "Get behind me."

2. The New Ways call upon us to:

A.) Hang out with the same friends
B.) Hang out in the same places
C.) Build a lighter body
D.) Eat the same foods

3. Never say:

A.) I am sick
B.) I am unloved
C.) I am broke
D.) All of the above

4. In order to manifest something, you:

A.) don't need to go anywhere
B.) need to work hard
C.) need to save some money
D.) need to stress, struggle and strive

5. Which will best give you the results you're looking for?

A.) Daydreaming
B.) Envisioning only positive outcomes
C. Going along with the crowd
D.) Remaining undecided

6. The best way to start your day is to:

A.) Hit the ground running
B.) Have a cup or two of good coffee
C.) Have a cup of soothing tea
D.) Set your direction for the day by making some intentions

7. To set your course for the day, you can:

A.) Say your intentions
B.) State your affirmations
C.) Pray
D.) Any or all of the above

8. Within the invisible space that surrounds us, there are:

A.) Cellphone frequencies
B.) Radio waves
C.) Inorganic Beings
D.) All of the above

9. It's our job, as lightworkers, to:

A.) Give our emotions free reign
B.) Sympathize with others
C.) Stay uplifted, no matter what
D.) Commiserate with others

10. The best way to deal with a drama king or queen is to:

A.) Agree with them
B.) Disagree with them
C.) Ignore them
D.) Ask them, "What's your intention around all of this?"

11. The Law of Agreement states that your agreement:

A.) is a gift you give to others
B.) reinforces beliefs, values and ideas
C.) will make you have more true friends
D.) is a blessing in disguise

12. The more people you can get to agree with you:

A.) the happier you'll be
B.) the richer you'll be
C.) the stronger your beliefs will become
D.) the wiser you'll be

13. When you withhold your agreement from a belief system that is fast becoming obsolete, you:

A.) make it stronger
B.) dilute it and make it weaker
C.) have no effect on it
D.) are harming others

14. To be a Mighty Manifestor, you must:

A.) eat well
B.) Picture the end result from the beginning
C.) get plenty of rest
D.) break your routines

15. In order to be a "Two-worlder" you must think:

A.) what your friends want you to think
B.) what the TV tells you to think
C.) what your teachers tell you to think
D.) whatever you want to think

16. Stated firmly, you'll be best served by saying:

A.) So Be It and So It Is!
B.) It is Done!
C.) I'm Believing and I'm Receiving!
D.) Any or all of the above

17. If you really want to help someone, start off by:

A.) Commiserating with them
B.) Interfering, whether they ask or not
C.) Seeing them in their Highest Light
D.) Recommending a good therapist

18.) You really own:

A.) your car
B.) your home
C.) your possessions
D.) none of the above

19. Borders and boundary lines are:

A.) illusions, one and all
B.) to keep people together
C.) necessary
D.) recognized by Mother Earth

20. You may or may not have cash, but you will always have . . .

A.) your checking or savings account
B.) the FDIC
C.) your intentions
D.) your friendly local bank

The answers to this pop quiz are at the bottom of this newsletter

Get What You Want - Tony's New Book!

We are very pleased to announce that Viva Editions of Berkeley, CA has purchased the rights to publish our Intenders Bridge Messages into a full length book. They have changed the title to Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions and they have also rearranged the formatting and put it together into one beautifully bound 256 page volume.

Over the years we have had so many people ask us to bring The Bridge Messages out in a book format and we had been intending that this happen when our good friend, Brenda Knight, presented us with a prospectus for getting this wonderful information out to the world on a much larger scale. Get What You Want hits the shelves of all the major bookstores on October 1st and we will be touring again from Ashland to Albuquerque in the months of October and November doing book signings, etc.

You can order your copy in advance now and we will send it to you immediately when it comes off the presses (in late Sept). To order your copy of Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions for $16.95 + S+H, Click Here.

Our 2012 Intenders Tour Has Been Extended!

What with the new book, Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions, coming out soon - as well as all the requests for us to visit or come back again with our Intenders Circle Tour, we are happy to announce that we will be extending our 2012 Tour with 24 more events through the weekend of Thanksgiving.

The Extended Tour Schedule is listed below. As you can see many of these gatherings are Readings/Talks and Book Signings in major bookstores which will be free but not apt to include an Intention Circle - so, if you would like us to present a talk and an Intenders Circle in your home, church or community gathering place while we're in your area, please please contact us at {[email protected].}

Aug 25 - Spokane, WA - 567 So. Penny Lane in Post Falls, ID - 6pm Potluck - Circle at 7:15 - $20 - Contact Karen Bair at 509-484-3524 - Power Talk and Intention Circle

Sept 24 - Ashland, OR - Bloomsbury Books, 290 E. Main St. Ashland, OR - 7pm - Contact Susan at (541) 488-0029 - Reading / Book Signing

Sept 26 - Redding, CA - Barnes & Noble Redding, 1260 Churn Creek Rd, Redding, CA - 7pm - Contact Toria at (530) 222-2006 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 2 - Sacramento, CA - Time Tested Books, 1114 21st Street, Sacramento, CA - 7pm - Contact Mazelle at (916) 447-5696 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 5 - Pleasanton, CA - Towne Center Books, 555 Main St. Pleasanton, CA - 11am - Contact Judy Wheeler at (925) 846-8826 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 6 - Mountain View, CA - East-West Bookshop, 324 Castro St. Mountain View, CA - 7:30 pm - Contact Sue Wilhite at (650) 988-9800 - 7:30 pm - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 7 - Mountain View, CA - East-West Bookshop, 324 Castro St. Mountain View, CA - 1 to 3 pm - Contact Sue Wilhite at (650) 988-9800 - Power Talk and Intention Circle - $20

Oct 9 - Corte Madera, CA - Book Passage, 51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera, CA - 7pm - Contact Alison at (415) 927-0960 x233 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 10 - Alameda, CA - Books, Inc, 1344 Park St., Alameda, CA - 7pm - Contact Jerry at (510) 522-2226 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 11 - San Jose, CA - Barnes and Noble, 3600 Stevens Creek, San Jose, CA - Contact Rob Fischer at (408) 984-3495 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 12 - Morgan Hill, CA - Booksmart, 80 East 2nd Street, Morgan Hill, CA - Time TBA - Contact Cinda at (408) 778-6467 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 15 - Capitola, CA - Capitola Book Cafe, 1475 41st Avenue, Capitola, CA - 7:30pm - Contact Tamera at (831) 239-9688 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 17 - Gilroy, CA - Barnes and Noble, 6825 Camino Arroyo, Gilroy, CA - 6 to 8pm - Contact Scott at (408) 846-5777 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 20 - Bakersfield, CA - Russo's Books, 9000 Ming Ave., Bakersfield, CA - 1 to 3 pm - Contact Tony at (661) 665-4686 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 24 - Irvine, CA - The Inside Edge, 14252 Culver Dr., Irvine, CA - 7am - (949 369-3837 - Speaking Engagement Oct 25 - Laguna Hills, CA - Awakenings, 25260 La Paz Rd., Laguna Hills, CA - 7pm - Contact Brandon at (949) 457-0797 - Reading / Book Signing

Oct 26 - San Diego, CA - Controversial Bookstore, 3063 University Avenue, San Diego, CA - Time TBA - Contact Leslie at (619) 296-1560 - Power Talk and Intention Circle - $25

Nov 2 - Tucson, AZ - Bookman's, 6230 East Speedway Boulevard, Tucson, AZ - 12 to 2 pm - Contact Anthony at (520) 748-9555 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 5 - Gilbert, AZ - Wellspring, 1170 N. Gilbert Road, Suite 115, Gilbert, AZ - 7pm - Contact Phyllis at (480) 834-4187 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 9 - Phoenix, AZ - The Northern Winds, 5108 North 7th Street, Phoenix, AZ - 6 pm - Contact Mike at (602) 277-0538 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 14 - Scottsdale, AZ - Peace of the Universe, 7000 E. Shea Blvd., Suite 1710, Scottsdale, AZ - 6:30 to 8pm - Contact Judith at (480) 596-3755 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 16 - Sedona, AZ - Golden Word, 1575 West Hwy 89A, Suite D, Sedona, AZ - 3 to 5 pm - Contact Lucy at (928) 282-2688 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 20 - Flagstaff, AZ - Hastings Bookstore, 1540 S. Riordan Rd., Flagstaff, AZ - 4 to 7 pm - Contact Tal at (928) 779-1880 - Reading / Book Signing

Nov 23 - Albuquerque, NM - Crystal Dove Bookstore, 525 Central NE, Albuquerque, NM - 7-9 pm - Contact Inga at (505) 842-5265 - $25 - Power Talk and Intention Circle

Vicki's Crystal Heart Necklaces
Those of you who attended our tour events may have noticed the dwindling supply of Crystal Heart Necklaces on our products table. That's because they were selling so rapidly. In fact, we were completely out of these beautiful necklaces by the time we got home. It's a good thing we stopped in Hot Springs, Arkansas along the way and so Vicki could get a bunch of new crystals that are perfect for her necklaces.


For More Information or to Order your Crystal Heart Necklace for $35, you can Click Here.

Tina and Lee Ching

We always like to know that we here at Intenders central are making our services available to the entire Intenders Community. One of those services comes from one of the first four Original Intenders, Tina Stober, who is a messenger for Quan Yin, Lee change and others. Tina and her angelic friends have been helping people through their challenges for over 30 years, and it is a great truth that the Intenders would not be what it is today if it were not for Tina and Lee Ching.

If you are having issues in your life that need some clarity and you would like an hour session with Tina and friends, you can call her at 808-982-6774 - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier in Hawaii where she lives. Tina typically accepts contributions of between $50 and $200 for an hour of her time and, from our point of view, it is very well worth it.

Our Internet Service Has Been Down

Between July 13th and July 20th our Internet service for was down. We were offline with repairs being made and were also unable to receive any emails during this period. If you sent us an email during that time or wanted to make an order for our products, you can do so now. It is all up and working fine. Thank you for your patience!

A Huge Thank You to All of our Intenders Facilitators!

The Intenders would like to take a moment to thank all of the people who were instrumental in putting the first leg of our 2012 Intenders Tour together. From Kathy Mann in Grass Valley, CA to Daphne Denny and family in Bradley, CA, to Donna Konuch in Tallahassee, to Jim Robinson in Baltimore, to Marie Ginga in Corrales, NM, to Diane Light in Peoria (PHX), AZ, to Linda Deliso in Tucson, to Leslie Draper and Lisa Connery in Norman, OK, to Carla and David in Tyler, TX, to Doug Marshall in Dothan, AL, to Janice Keifer in Orlando, FL, Gayle Abrams in Palatka, FL, to James Babson and Margi Erickson in Wilmington, NC, to Robert and Lisa in Atlanta, to Tess in Gilbertsville, PA, to Maura Bertotti in Lake Como, NJ, to Melissa (who put us in a Carnival Tent) in New Providence, NJ, to Susan Duval in Doylestown, PA, Robert Dio in Buffalo, NY, to Auriel Grace in Naperville, IL to Kathleen in Rockford, IL, to Jill Baake in Milwaukee, WI, to Sarah Coyle in Madison, WI, to Dayle Berrgren in Cedar Rapids, IA, to Frank, Joan and Wendy in Mountain Home, AR, to Sherrie Munday and Charlie Berger in Boulder, CO, and to everyone out there who helped us put this amazing tour together. We are in deep gratitude to you, one and all!


Pop Quiz Answers
1C, 2C, 3D, 4A, 5B, 6D, 7D, 8D, 9C, 10D, 11B, 12C, 13B, 14B, 15D, 16D, 17C, 18D, 19A, 20C

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