The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ Holiday Extra 2012

Published: Wed, 12/12/12

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

Holiday Extra 2012

Table of Contents

~The Intenders Vision Alignment Project Reaches 1000000 Alignments!
~A Holiday Message from Lee Ching

The Intenders Vision Alignment Project Reaches 1000000 Alignments!

When we first created The Vision Alignment Project and we set the goal of reaching a Million Alignments we weren't really sure it would happen. But with the help of all our intentions, it did! And just in time to coincide with the magical Winter Solstice that is upon us.

We're celebrating and we want to thank all of you who believed in this one-of-a-kind creative endeavor. By having supported the VAP, you have contributed to the manifestation of the Visions we've sent out (over 365 Visions and growing), and you have made a difference in our world. In the days to come, these Visions will be seen as guides by the responsible leaders of the future to use for actually building a better world - and it is because of you and your encouragement that this has become possible. Indeed, now we have opened the door for two more things to manifest: 1.) Reaching the Second Million Alignments, and 2.) The Visions, one-by-one, coming to life in the world around us!

Click Here to Visit The Vision Alignment Project

A Holiday Message from Lee Ching

The people who are more conscious are feeling the shift that started its recent intense phase on the lunar eclipse in late November. The veils between the dimensions are getting thinner and soon they will be lifted entirely. A doorway, or an opening, is presenting itself - and it is the end of the world as we know it because we, the beings on the Earth, are changing. We're getting in touch with deep issues and clearing them very rapidly now, and this is creating a new perception of being One with everything and everyone. We're changing into new people on a new Earth, and the only way to enter the new experience is to love everyone unconditionally. Unconditional love is the new paradigm, for when you love everyone unconditionally there is no way you can harm anyone or anything. You can only be love.

Oneness is the true calling for all Beings. Walk through that doorway, into the Oneness, into the Light. Have the pure intention of everyone awakening to the Highest Good. That should be the intention that is in the minds of everyone, in the words of everyone and in the hearts of everyone everywhere.
Lee Ching 12/11/12


One thing is certain: The days upon us are bringing great change. From our perspective, life will soon be better for all. Indeed, we can scarcely imagine, from where we sit today, how good it is going to be. But first - and as so many of us are coming to realize - we still have to let go of our old unloving ways in order to make room for the new caring ways to take their place. And we do this by lining up, all the closer. with the Highest Good.

In a nutshell, that's the role that we, as Intenders, play. We're anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (ourselves included) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. And we also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

Pam, Vicki, Tina and I salute you for holding steadfast to the Highest Good and supporting The Intenders over the years. Your product orders and donations have kept us going and shown us that the work we do is needed. We truly appreciate every donation and order we receive as well as your kind support. By integrating these materials into your life, you have taken us all one step closer to living in a totally free world, a world of peace and comfort, a world where every man, woman and child is living freely and fully, happily and healthfully, in alignment with the Highest Good.

To those of you reading this now: know that you are the lightworkers and wayshowers of our time, and we offer our heartfelt gratitude to you. For it is by shining your light that you set an example for everyone around you. Just by being your joyful, positive self, you brighten the whole world.
Tony Burroughs 12/11/12

Click Here to Visit


To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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