The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ January 2013

Published: Tue, 01/22/13

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

January 2013

Table of Contents

~Powerful New Intenders YouTube Videos
~Tony's Speaking Engagements for 2013
~A Word from Lee Ching
~Get What You Want: Making and Manifesting Your Intentions
~Trusting and Acceptance - Tony's Notes
~Creating Your Community
~Intenders Articles in OmTimes and InspireMeToday
~Vicki's Highest Light Pendulums

Powerful New Intenders YouTube Videos

What with the writing and touring over the last year, we haven't put any YouTubes up on the internet - until now! Tony has just uploaded 3 short but oh-so empowering videos from his speech to the forward-thinking Inside Edge group at the University Club at UCal-Irvine. To watch them you can Click on the links below:

Manifesting A Free RV

The Illusion of Borders

Living in Two Worlds

Tony's Speaking Engagements for 2013

After holding Intenders Circles in over 70 cities across the US this past year, Tony Burroughs will be taking some time off from city-to-city touring in 2013. He will, however, be available for speaking to larger groups throughout the year.
If you would like Tony to come and speak to your group this year, you can call 858-200-5200 or email {[email protected].}

A Word From Lee Ching

All of your prayers and intentions are greatly affecting the Whole. Every Being on this Earth is touched in some way by every other Being. So, when you change your consciousness, you help to balance out what's going very awry in your world. The injustice, the impropriety, the lying - people are realizing that it's not really okay, and they don't want to be a part of this anymore. That's why you're starting to withdraw from war after centuries of time.

What people have been doing with their heads, they're going to start doing with their hearts - because that's where your Higher Self resides - in the cave of your heart. That's the part who knows what is good and sees what's next in your life. There is absolutely no confusion in the Higher Self. It's pure because it is all about service. Your culture has doggedly trained you out of being of service. It's trained you to fixate on me, me, me but that's the very thing that takes away from your drive and your feeling for others.

You are learning, in this time of great change, that everything you do is about helping others. It's all about how you feel when you help someone else. As you step more and more into the attitude of service, you will come to see that everything that goes on in you and around you is Divinely Inspired. It has an order, a timing and a wisdom to It that escapes the ego because the ego is so small, so limited. The Higher Self sees further, deeper. Your true self empowerment comes, not from the ego, but from your Higher Self with a Capital S on Self. The Higher Self knows that consciousness is huge, bigger than the sky, bigger than all of space. It's potential far outshines the ego's little point of view. Indeed, the Higher Self has the most beautiful plans for both you and your world. All you have to do is open up to It by going within, listening, and allowing the next thing in life to reveal itself to you.

The way to open up to your Higher Self is in your quiet time,
either in groups or by yourself.
It doesn't matter which one.

Lee Ching has been the primary guide for The Intenders since we first began meeting over 18 years ago. He is brought through by Intenders Co-founder, Tina Stober (see more about Tina and Lee Ching at the bottom of this newsletter.)

Get What You Want:
The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions

Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your intentions

"Your messages of enlightenment are incredibly soothing to the soul!!! It speaks in volumes, truth in the highest forms,yet simply for all to grasp. Thank you Tony Burroughs, for being a most refreshing 'bringer of truth, in a loving peaceful and kind manner.
Live, laugh and love,
Donna Brewer, Palm Bay, Florida.
P.S. Awaiting your latest book ordered with much anticipation, as I read my first one 'Get What You Want', within 5 days!"

Thank You, Donna!

This is just one accolade out of many written in from people who have loved Tony's latest book, Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions. You can find out why so many people are talking about this timely book on our website.

For More Information or To Order, Click Here.

Trusting and Acceptance - Tony's Notes

Starting out where Lee Ching left off: after working consciously with The Intention Process over these many years, I've found that there's always the "Yet" factor" in play. This means that just because something hasn't manifested yet doesn't mean it's not going to manifest. You see, sometimes, it's not for the Highest Good for our intention to have manifested yet. I must tell you that, along the way, I have had several challenges with the "Yet" factor in this way - and what I am learning is that The Intention Process doesn't always work if we relate it in anyway to "when" things are going to manifest. Our ego gets too involved.

Indeed, it's the timing stuff that is frustrating for so many, myself included - and that's because, in my case, I've not been willing to let go and surrender. I've held onto my intention too long, trying to get more, instead of letting my intention go.

With this idea we have touched upon one of the most critical junctures in The Intention Process. It's the point when we need to accept and trust. It's not about getting more; it's about accepting where we are and what we have in the moment - and trusting that our inner guidance is taking us where we really need to go. And, as Lee Ching said, it's about becoming our Higher Self. That's what is happening in our world today; the veils are lifting and people are becoming their High Self. They're willing, now more than ever, to give up their ego's wants and desires in favor of trusting and turning everything over to the Universe.

There is only one challenge with this. I'm finding is that it's not always as easy to surrender as I might like it to be. But it is what's next.

Creating Your Community
Create Your Own Community Package

Since being on the George Nouri Coast to Coast AM Radio Show at the end of last year and talking about our Intenders Circle format, orders for our Create Your Own Community Package have quadrupled. People from all across the globe are seeing the wisdom in coming together with their friends and neighbors for the Highest Good of all - and they are looking for ways to make it as easy as possible to gather in Intenders Circles and small community groups in their area. Our Community Kit contains 1 Intention Process DVD and 10 copies of The intenders Handbook - the perfect combo for starting your own group.

Intenders Articles in OmTimes and InspireMeToday

Speaking of community, the people at the OmTimes and InspireMeToday Internet-based magazines have featured our Intenders Co-founder, Tony Burroughs, in their latest issues. If you would like to read these pieces that were written especially for these magazines you can Click on the links below.

OmTimes Article, Click Here.

InspireMeToday Article, Click Here.

Vicki's Highest Light Pendulums

The Second Intent of The Code reminds us to follow our inner compass. This means that our intuition is always there to guide us though any situation if we will only consult it. With the shift that is upon us, many are discovering that they can receive guidance directly in the form of words and visions that come from within. Others prefer to make use of spiritual tools that allow them to access the information and guidance they need.

Our Highest Light Pendulums are one of the best tools out there for coming in touch with your intuition. Handcrafted and blessed by Vicki Harding, these beautiful pendulums are works of art as well as tools for helping you access your inner compass. Vicki also includes a sheet that will show how to use your new pendulum.

To Order your own Highest Light Pendulum now for $20, Click Here.

Hi Vicki,
My handbooks and pendulum came today, just wanted to say "Thank you! It's beautiful - exactly the colors I would have chosen myself!" Amazingly, I had been shopping with friends and was looking for a gift for my sis-in-law. I kept going back to a really pretty necklace with blue and mauve 'stones' and ended up buying it saying "I'm not sure if this is for her or me!" When I got home, my beautiful pendulum with blue stones and a purple endstone was waiting for me!
Love and Light


To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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