The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ Summer Solstice Edition 2013

Published: Wed, 06/19/13

The Intenders of the Highest GoodShare This Newsletter

The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter
Summer Solstice Edition

June 2013

Table of Contents

~The Lighthearted Community
~Our Intenders Manifesting Cybercircles are Manifesting Like Crazy!
~Our New Shopping Cart ReLaunch Special
~Lest We Forget . . .
~High Lights: The Wisdom of the Intenders Special

The Lighthearted Community

The 10th Intent of The Code says, "I enjoy gathering with lighthearted people regularly" and we do our best to apply this in our Intenders Circles. Indeed, lightheartedness is a key to community-making. When things get too serious or somber it takes the joy out of a gathering. And let's face it, there are plenty of places you can go to be serious. But an Intenders Circle or Cybercircle is not one of them.

Sure, we occasionally have someone who has a challenge or drama going on in their life, and we do allow them to share a few sentences about what they're going through . . . only long enough to get the gist of their issues. Then, we ask them, "What's your intention around all of that?" And, typically, two things happen: 1) They feel lighter right away because they can see a way out of the challenges; and 2) They come back to the Circle a week or two later and guess what? No more drama - because the intention they made manifested for them.

The community of the future is one where the people are happy and expansive; where they intend for each other to succeed and celebrate; and where they look forward to the joy of coming together regularly. There is no place for seriousness or cynicism or opposition in a truly conscious community. A truly conscious community renews the Spirits of those who gather together.

What you are looking to create is a positive,
happy life, and the more you intend
that your thoughts are positive and happy,
the more that is what you will create

Our Intenders Manifesting Cybercircles are Manifesting Like Crazy!

We've only been hosting our Intenders Manifesting Cybercircles for about a month and already we are seeing lots of manifestations. Stefi got a job; Piera has a new romantic interest; Gail got an RV for $300 for her dad to live in; Tony got a speaking engagement in Spokane two days after he intended it; Sean was hired at the job of his dreams; Gautam is having big breakthroughs in his business endeavors; Karen had a slew of subscribers for her new magazine, Healers Unite; Marina received the clarity she intended; and that's just the start . . .

On top of that, several of us intended that these Cybercircles grow and that is happening, with new people coming to us everyday. Clearly, these Intenders Manifesting Cybercircles are a model of coming together in an empowered, lighthearted community and those of us who created this format can see that this is the way of the future. People who have previously been isolated or separated from one another now have a unique, positive vehicle for making friends and making a difference.

If you would like to join or start an Intenders Manifesting Cybercircle we now have a simple Sign-Up Form available on our Intenders and Highest Light House webpages. Click Here to Sign Up. We will contact you as soon as there is an opening or a new Cybercircle starts.

We also uploaded 5 new short Youtubes this weekend which will let you see exactly how an Intenders Manifesting Cybercircle works. Here are the links:

The Intenders Cybercircle Trailer Part 1 - Introduction 6:04

The Intenders Cybercircle Trailer Part 2 - The Guided Meditation 2:14

The Intenders Cybercircle Trailer Part 3 - How We Say Our Intentions 11:15

The Intenders Cybercircle Trailer Part 4 - Closing the Cybercircle 4:09

The Intenders Cybercircle Trailer Part 5 - Socializing, Networking and Fun with Google Effects! 6:41

For more Information about our Intenders Manifesting Cybercircles you can Click Here.

There is a direct relationship
between making an intention
and the manifestation of it

Our New Shopping Cart ReLaunch Special

We had an Oops in our last newsletter. After introducing our New Shopping Cart to the world, we noticed that we weren't getting any orders and found out that the New Cart was overcharging the shipping costs considerably (about 5 times more than they should have been!) We have fixed this now and it is working perfectly again so in honor of our New Shopping Cart we're going to offer a brand new Special.

If you order either The Code or On the Road with The Code DVD or CD Sets, for the rest of the month of June, we will give you - free - your choice of our 2 Handbooks: The Intenders Handbook or The Highest Light Teachings. And if you order both The Code and the On the Road with The Code DVDs or CDs, we'll send you both Handbooks in the same package.

Oh - and it doesn't matter whether you order the Ebook or the printed editions of The Code. If you order The Code Ebook we'll give you a free Ebook of the Handbook of your choice, and if you order The Code in print, we'll send you the Handbook in print!

The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World   The Code 2 DVD Set

"The Code is a masterfully written book of pure inspiration. It is a priceless guide to help us all reconnect to our spiritual humanity. Through his ten practical intentions, Tony has produced divine scripture for the new millennium. The Code is by far one of the most important books of the 21st century!"
Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley, The Secrets of the Light

"I am reading The Code: Ten Intentions for a Better World and crying. It is the perfect message I need to hear for myself and I am in awe of how profound it will be for everyone else who reads it."
Donna Jo Bergman, Behavioral Kinesiologist, Denver, CO

For More Info or To Order The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World or the On the Road with The Code 2DVD or 3CD Sets, Click Here.

(If you purchase only one of these empowering products, please let us know in the Comments section of the Order Form which Handbook you would like us to include with your order.)

Lest We Forget . . .

Each challenge is there to guide you
toward the desire of your heart
Each problem, seen from the positive side,
always turns into a blessing
Each sorrow leads you to your joy
Each doubt--to your knowing
Each lack--to your abundance
Each debt--to your freedom
Each feeling of hopelessness--to your power
Each cry of pain--to your comfort
Each act of war--to your peace
Each act of anger--to your love
And each journey through darkness--into the light.

Taken from High Lights: The Wisdom of the Intenders

High Lights: The Wisdom of the Intenders Special

High Lights: The Wisdom of the Intenders is our short-cut to inspiration and empowerment. Tony Burroughs and Lee Ching come together to bring you the core of the Intenders teachings in one Ebook. Made up of over 400 quotes and poignant passages from all our books and Intenders Spiritual Guidance sessions, these messages are as timely as it gets.

The High Lights: The Wisdom of the Intenders Ebook by Tony Burroughs

At $7.95, this powerful ebook is not available anywhere else and we cannot recommend it highly enough! If you're the kind of person who likes to cut straight to the core of things, High Lights: The Wisdom of the Intenders is for you!
For More Info or To Order our High Lights: The Wisdom of the Intenders Special, Click Here.



Tony Burroughs is available for speaking to your group or business now. His stories are always empowering, insightful and fun. See The Intenders YouTube Channel. Call 858-200-5200.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

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