The Intenders Special Edition

Published: Thu, 05/09/13

The Intenders of the Highest GoodShare This Newsletter

The Intenders Special Edition

New Moon May 2013

Table of Contents

~Intenders Cybercircles Launched!
~Pam's Corner
~The Intenders Handbook

Intenders Cybercircles Launched!

Over the years we've had countless requests from people who were looking for an Intenders Circle in their area. Sometimes we were able to help them by checking our Directory of Intenders Circles on Unfortunately, though, there were just too many instances when we had to say that we didn't know of a Circle near them and we typically recommended that they start an Intenders Circle of their own. As to be expected, some did this and others did not get to experience the magic and empowerment of the Intenders Circle experience.

Now, however, we've resolved this challenge in a most delightful way. 10 Intenders from all over the country have just recently held our first Beta Intenders Cybercircle on Google+ Hangouts and it worked so well that it surprised us. Not only did we feel the same energy and friendship we felt in our real life Circles, people started manifesting right away.

As an example, our techie friend, Paul, intended that he has a new house for his family in the same school district so his children wouldn't have to start over at a new school. We all aligned with his intention - and the next week he came back to our Cybercircle expressing his gratitude for his wonderful new home - in the same school district. He even told us that several people he talked to during the week about moving said it was going to be tough to find such a place in today's market.

So much for the naysayers! The Intenders Cybercircle worked like a charm - and, just like our real Intenders Circles, it is Free!

Now we're ready to unveil the format for our Intenders Cybercircle and show you how you, too, can start an online Cybercircle of your own. Click Here for more information about the computer requirements and the template we developed to make it easy for you to begin manifesting your dreams right away. Oh! and if you want to have even more fun in the process, be sure to check out the Google Effects in the Hangout sidebar. Guaranteed, you'll laugh like little children!

Thank you all so very much! I'm excited to be a part of this, and I feel that we are laying the groundwork for so many others who are isolated to connect with people who can support and uplift them. Some 'awakened' people sort of just accept that they have to travel a solitary road - but that really need not be the case anymore. They can connect with the encouragement and love of an energetic soul family that they need! It's amazing! Can't wait until next week! :)
Much Love & Light to All,

If you would like to start your own Intenders Cybercircle or find out how you can join another Intenders Cybercircle, Click Here.

Pam's Corner

Here is a poem sent to all of us in our Cybercircle after our last meeting. Enjoy!

This poem spoke to me 30 some years ago when i first read it...and i still get the same sense of power and magic from it. I had a copy pasted in my kitchen cupboard for years!...

The theme of it is so much a statement of what we do as Intenders and Lightworkers....i intend you enjoy it as much as I do!
Love Peace Joy Abundance Health Frivolity

In Faith, Believing
Eleanor Halbrook Zimmerman

"I now believe," I said, and lo, the day
Was splendid with bright wings, and darkness fled
Before God's shining Truth; and all my way
Seemed colored by a rainbow overhead.

"I now believe," I said, and at the word
A door was opened to my eager sight
Where none had been before; and I was stirred
To follow in new paths of peace and light.

In faith, believing, obstacles were shorn
Of all their seeming power, and mountains stood
Aside like mist, and miracles were born;
And all things worked together for my good.

The Intenders Handbook

By all standards The Intenders Handbook: A Guide for Conscious Manifestation and Community Making is a bestseller. Having sold over 100,000 copies since it's release, it is now available in print, ebook, audiobook and in bulk at and We recommend that anyone who is intending to take part in an Intenders Circle or an Intenders Cybercircle read The Intenders Handbook because it will familiarize them with our basic tenets such as stating one's intentions in the positive and refraining from naming sicknesses and diseases in our Circles and Cybercircles. It just flows better when people know the basics of how an Intenders Circle works.

"There's magic in an Intenders Circle."

The Intenders Handbook by Tony Burroughs

For More Info or To Order The Intenders Handbook, Click Here.


Tony Burroughs is available for speaking to your group or business now. His stories are always empowering, insightful and fun. See The Intenders YouTube Channel. Call 858-200-5200.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

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