The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter #2 ~ May 2013

Published: Tue, 05/21/13

The Intenders of the Highest GoodShare This Newsletter

The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter #2

May 2013

Table of Contents

~ Our First Intenders Manifesting Cybercircle is on YouTube!
~Trust in Action
~Healers Unite!
~Get What You Want Special - Back by Popular Demand
~A Point of Peace Message from Dawn Katar
~A Vision for Community

Our First Intenders Manifesting Cybercircle is on YouTube!

Over the years we've had so many of you ask us where you can find an Intenders Manifesting Circle near where you live - and now you won't have to go any farther than your own computer. Google Hangouts has made it easy for us - and it's Free!

As we said in our last newsletter, several of us have been working to create a blueprint for an Intenders Cybercircle so people can easily take part in this wondrous process. The Intenders Manifesting Cybercircle is a practical model for anyone who intends to come together in an empowered community, put the The Intention Process / Law of Attraction to its highest and best use, line up with the Highest Good and consciously manifest their dreams. This is our first ever Intenders Cybercircle and it is our intention that this template for an online manifesting circle helps bring all of us closer together. Oh! And did I mention the fun! We're having a blast and putting our intentions out to the world at the same time.

So . . . without further ado, you can Click on the link below and meet Tony, Pam, Karen, Gautam, Roxy, Marina, Tom, Lori, Sean, Stefi and Piera as we say our Intentions and have a lot of fun doing it!

To start or join an Intenders Manifesting Cybercircle, Click Here.

How do we create a better world for ourselves?
We begin to come together in community.

Trust in Action

Here are some notes I wrote awhile back that will give you an idea about how I've put The Intention Process / Law of Attraction to its highest and best use in my own life.

I've been down to the wire so many times in my life - and every time - I mean every time - the Highest Good has always brought me through. When I was on the side of the road wondering how am I going to get home - somebody always drove up and usually went out of their way to take me right to my door; when I got caught in a sudden tropical rainstorm after arriving at my destination after dark, I lay down on the flat ground, threw a blue plastic tarp over me and let it rain until morning and I awoke in Waipio Valley, Hawaii, one the most beautiful spots on the Earth; when I left my Big Island home in 1999 with only $37 dollars in my pocket, within a year there were 17 Intenders Circles in the Bay Area and everything I needed along the way came to me just because I intended it; when I had no place to live 3 winters ago in Arizona, I got a call from, Pam, an Intender in NJ who had an empty place in the heart of the Red Rocks of Arizona where I spent the winter; when I've been completely broke, needing to fix my van or reprint my books or pay the ever-increasing barrage of expenses that are constantly required just to keep the Intenders going, help always arrived in one way or another. Sometimes the money or materials would magically appear from sources I'd never dreamed of.

In short, the whole of my adult life has been spent in the field of manifesting and conscious co-creation because I believe that at some point in our evolution we are all destined to become conscious co-creators. I've lived my life putting the Law of Attraction / Intention Process to the test, never taking a 9 to 5 job, always Trusting that whatever I needed next would be there for me. And you know what? It has always worked out. Just as it will work out for you as long as you stay lined up with the Highest Good and Trust . . .
Tony Burroughs

The Complete Intenders Collection

Now, with our Complete Intenders Collection, you can save $25 and have it all. 7 CDs + 7 DVDs = $77. Not Available in stores, this is one of the most empowering tools you can have.

To Order The Complete Intenders Collection, Click Here.

Healers Unite!

Karen Monteverdi is one of the pioneers who is instrumental in helping us take our online Intenders Manifesting Cybercircle out to the world. She has also just put the finishing touches on her new magazine, Healers Unite! If you are a healer (or are looking for one) here is a short description about Healers Unite! Karen says:

"At Green Mountain Enrichment and Empowerment Center a theme throughout our work has always been healers unite. We launched Healers Unite at the 2009 Body Mind Spirit Expo in Portland Oregon and in 2013 we continue to collaborate with healers around the globe in our new free magazine about and for healers. The theme for Healers Unite Magazine is inspiration, self-care, conscious living, green living, cooperation, collaboration, modality awareness. For our visitors, this is a place to find healers, practitioners and products to aid in their health and well-being. There is also a wealth of information and resources to inform and enlighten you in expanding the possibilities of the powerful creator that you are."

To Subscribe to Healers Unite! Click Here.

You can see Karen in action on our new Intenders Cybercircle YouTube as well as get her book, Living Consciously in an Ego Driven Society, on our Intenders Highest Light House web site.

Get What You Want Special - Back by Popular Demand

In order to help you become more proficient at manifesting - for the rest of the month of May - anyone who orders a copy of our latest book, Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions will also receive a free copy of the book that started it all: The Intenders Handbook. These two books cover both the basics and the advanced information we in The Intenders have learned over the last 19 years of working with conscious manifestation.

Not only that - this Special works whether you order Get What You Want in print or in Ebook format. That means if you order a printed copy of Get What You Want we'll automatically include a Free printed copy of The Intenders Handbook - or if you order the Ebook of Get What You Want, we'll email you a free copy of The Intenders Handbook Ebook!

Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions   The Intenders Handbook by Tony Burroughs

For More Info or To Order Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions (and automatically receive The Intenders Handbook for free along with it, Click Here.

A Point of Peace Message from Dawn Katar

Dawn Katar is one of our counselors on our Highest Light House Counseling Network webpage and she also sends out a very inspiring daily message for peace that many of us receive. The message that follows, which came out recently, seems so appropriate to what we stand for here at the Intenders so we'd like to share it with you. You can visit Dawn's site and sign up for her free Point of Peace messages by Clicking Here.

Certainly, you have demonstrated your power to create. Look around you at the wonders of your creation. When you fully trust that you live in the very power of creation, you will not spend your time in efforts to manifest this or that, but rather in re-thinking what is already present. For example, where there is a picture of pain and suffering, see healing and possibility. Where there is barren landscape, see it teaming with life. Where there is chaos, see Peace emerging. Like the question of the glass being half empty or half full, look further to the glass being entirely full. The glass is full of life demonstrated as water and air, among other elements of creation. Look to your natural state of inner Peace and create that in all things.
Ascended Master Melchizedek

A Vision for Community

In the spirit of coming together, we'd like to share a timely preview of an upcoming Vision from The Vision Alignment Project with you. It's entitled A Vision for Community.

We see a world where we are truly coming together for the Highest Good of All; where we are taking advantage of the emerging technologies to make friends across the globe and support each other in the manifestation of our wildest dreams; where the Intenders Cybercircles have paved the way for people worldwide to begin to honor and love one another no matter where we live; and where we have realized that the distance between us is not a factor because, in our essence, we are all One family.
As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.


Tony Burroughs is available for speaking to your group or business now. His stories are always empowering, insightful and fun. See The Intenders YouTube Channel. Call 858-200-5200.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

To Make a Donation or Tithe to The Intenders, Click Here (We Are Very Grateful!)