The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ November 2013

Published: Tue, 11/05/13

The Intenders of the Highest GoodShare This Newsletter

The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

November 2013

Table of Contents

~Tony's Poetic Vision for a New World
~"I'm Sure Glad I Know How to Manifest!"
~NEW! Monthly Intenders Cybercircle Host Training
~Intenders Bulk Specials for the Holidays
~Tony Coming to Sacramento and Jenner
~"Intentionize" with Katie Heath - The Nutrition Magician

Tony's Poetic Vision for a New World

We at the Intenders created the Vision Alignment Project over two years ago and, since then, Tony Burroughs has penned hundreds of Visions for our Ideal World. His latest Vision is poetic as well as poignant. Feel free to Align with it and Share it as much as you like. Says Tony, "The more people who Share This Vision, the quicker it will manifest for all of us!"

I See A World Where:

Peace reigns, Love flows, Light shines, Imagination sails,
Truth comes out, Kindness comes first, Fairness comes forth, Common Sense prevails,

Beauty beckons, Mercy manifests, Sharing spreads as Freedom rings,
People play, Laughter lives, the joyous voice of Spirit sings,

Hearts are open, Heads are happy, Bodies healed and well,
With Peace and Plenty present,
God appears to All.

Do you Align with me?

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button or Link below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show the Total Alignments to date.

To Sign up Free for the VAP and Receive 2 Visions a week, Click Here.

"I'm Sure Glad I Know How to Manifest!"

"I'm sure glad I know how to manifest!" This was what our Intenders Cofounder, Tina Stober, was saying recently after several things she intended came to her from some very unexpected sources.

Tina couldn't have said it better! Indeed, our Intenders Materials - The Intenders Circle format, The Code, The Vision Alignment Project, The Intention Process, The Law of Agreement, The Intenders Cybercircles - are among the very best tools available to help you become a better manifestor and get through these times of monumental change. They have been written and put into place at this time when they would be needed most, when many would be floundering and looking for a way out of the chaos and confusion.

These materials will help you become empowered so that you can get the things you need to come to you - whether you have money or not, whether you have trade skills or not, whether you have personal challenges or not.

"We may or may not have money, but we always have our intentions!"

"When I came to the mainland from Hawaii all I had was $37 in my pocket and my intentions . . . That was over a decade ago and everything I've needed along the way came to me just because I intended it."
~Tony Burroughs

For more details you can see all our Intenders books including our latest Intenders ebook, WINS: Manifestation Stories from the Intenders at our sister site, Highest Light House.

NEW! Monthly Intenders Cybercircle Host Training

Our Intenders Cybercircles are growing rapidly now, so much so that in order to make it easier for anyone to set up and run their own Cybercircle we've added several new free items to our Hosting Tools webpage.

First, we will be holding a monthly Host Training Session for those who want to host their own Cybercircles. Led by Tony Burroughs and Lori Kalfayan, this session will be held on the second Sunday of every month at 1pm Pacific Time. Please contact Lori and {[email protected]} to reserve a space at our next session.

Second, we've finished the YouTube about How to Start Your Own Online Manifesting Circle which you can watch by Clicking Here. And third, we included a new Welcome Letter, a Back-up Email Template, a Midweek Reminder Letter Template, three sample Invocations, two short Toning videos and a brand new Guided Meditation Example. Now it just couldn't be easier to start your own FREE Online Intenders Manifesting Cybercircle.

A circle of people is like a jewel box.
Place your intentions in it

For More about How to Start Your Own Manifesting Cybercircle, you can Visit Our Intenderpreneur Tools Page by Clicking Here.

To Sign up to Join or Host one of our Intenders Manifesting Cybercircles, you can Click Here.

Intenders Bulk Specials for the Holidays

At this holiday time of the year our Create Your Own Community Package has been one of our bestsellers, and for those of you who already own a copy of The Intention Process DVD, we continue to offer our Intenders Handbooks in bulk discounts so that you can keep them in stock when your Circle grows larger or when you want to give these empowering little books to your friends for Christmas presents. Here is a list of our current Intenders Specials:

10 Intenders Handbooks - $30
10 Highest Light Teachings Handbooks - $35
Our Perennial Stocking Stuffer Special - 10 HBs and 10 HLTs - $60
Our Create Your Own Community Kit - 10 HBs and 1 How To DVD - $39
The Complete Intenders Collection - 7 CDs and 7 DVDs - 14 Discs Total - $77
Our 3 Audio Book Special - HB, HLT, & Law of Agreement - 7 CDs - $29

3 AudioBook Special

To Order any of these Intenders Specials, Click Here.

Tony Burroughs Coming to Sacramento and Jenner, CA on Dec 7th and 8th.

Intenders and Vision Alignment Project Creator, Tony Burroughs, will be coming to the Northern California area for two Intenders Circle events in early December. He will be at a lovely private home in Carmichael, CA (just outside Sacramento) on Saturday, Dec 7th with a potluck at 4pm, empowering talk at 5pm and the Intenders Circle from 6 to 7pm. The cost for this event is $10. For more info please call Manvir at 916-806-0623.

The following day, Dec 8th, Tony will again be at a private country residence along the Pacific Coast near Jenner, CA for a potluck at 3pm, talk at 4pm and Intenders Circle at 5pm. This is a free event and you can get directions and more info by calling Linda at 707-632-5178.

"Intentionize" with Katie Heath - The Nutrition Magician

As a holistic health practitioner and nutritional healer, people are always asking me about health and wellness. Of all the many things I do for my own health and well-being, as well as that of my clients, the common thread is INTENDING - in particular, intending for the Highest Good.

When it comes to having remarkable health, I use something I like to call "intentionizing." I intentionize every aspect of my wellness, and I tell everyone to do the same, because it really works! I've used intending for health in all kinds of ways: healing my skin challenges, losing weight, waking up in the morning easier and better rested, decreasing my fitness recovery time after tennis matches, finding the right practitioners to help me get rid of pain from old injuries, manifesting money to pay for health appointments and getting a far-infrared cedar sauna at wholesale cost.

I tell my clients to "intentionize" no matter what they're seeing me for. In this way they take a more active role in their healing which increases noticeable improvement. They use it with their Emotional Clearing results, their herbs and nutritional remedies, their food/diet, water intake, detoxification capabilities and all the rest of the daily details of life we can more positively influence and improve, instead of just going through the motions. Using intention allows us to go deeper and farther with our health goals. Even after I have any type of health appointment, I say aloud, or to myself, "I intend that it really, really, really works for me, for my Highest Good. So be it, and so it is. Thank you." I also have each and every one of my clients do that as "homework" after their sessions with me. When you "intentionize" you "potentize" and that allows what you intend to show up quicker and more fully, especially in terms of optimal well-being, and feeling healthy. What could be better?

I'm fond of reminding people, when it comes to health and nutrition, "if you want things to change, you gotta change things." What easier, better way to do it than with intention - INTENTIONIZE!

Katie Heath, NTP, CNC, CNHP

Joining our Intenders Newsletter Team is Katie Heath, the Nutrition Magician! An ardent advocate for bringing intention into the healing and wellness arena, Katie has been in Intenders Circles from Indianapolis to Portland. She can be reached at 319-938-8493 and her website is

Visionary for the Highest Good, Tony Burroughs, is scheduling speaking engagements now. His stories are always empowering, insightful and fun. See The Intenders YouTube Channel. Call 858-200-5200.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

Intenders Events are now listed on our new Intenders Events Calendar.

The Intenders is a free grassroots community that has never had a financial backer in any way. Your Donations are truly valued and help to keep all of our free self-empowering tools and programs going out to the world. To Make a Donation, Click Here.