The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ Thanksgiving 2013

Published: Tue, 11/26/13

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

Thanksgiving 2013

Table of Contents

~Setting Our Course
~The Madness and the Miracles
~Intenders Events in the SF Bay Area
~The Genie and the Hair - El Genie y el Pelo
~Katie's Corner - Intending and Healthy Eating
~All of Life Supports You - A Note from Lee Ching
~A Thanksgiving Greeting From Us

Setting Our Course

Before I do anything I always provide a direction for what is about to happen. I say an intention or a prayer or an affirmation describing how I'd like things to turn out. It doesn't matter whether I'm going to visit with a friend, write an article, make a speech, drive to town, take a walk or just hang out at home for the day. I always set my course because I've found, over a lifetime of experiences, that when I take a moment or two before proceeding and intend the best outcome for what is to follow, my life goes a whole lot smoother.

So, as you can see, depending upon the circumstances around me, I'm making intentions all day long and lining them up with the Highest Good.  If I need a new tool or widget, I intend it. If I need money, I intend it. If I'm in a pickle, I intend that it all comes out fine. No matter what the situation, I've found that making an intention - as opposed to doing nothing - always makes things better.

This is what self empowerment is all about. Putting two and two together. Noticing the relationship between the making of an intention (or prayer or affirmation) and the manifestation of it. For it is when we acknowledge that our intention has manifested, typically by expressing our gratitude or Giving Thanks, that we step into our power.

For More about the fundamentals of Intending, see The Intenders Handbook.

The Madness and the Miracles

Here are the opening paragraphs of The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World by Tony Burroughs. We reprint them here for you because we feel they are as appropriate now than ever before.

Something's up. There's an acceleration going on. Everything is changing faster than before. Even if you can't explain it, you can feel it. From one perspective, it's as if we're seeing two extremes emerge: the madness and the miracles. The madness--you know what the madness looks like--it's the chaos; the horrific headlines and the nightly news hype; the wholesale selling of sicknesses of every kind; the overloaded nervous systems; the repressed emotions; the unwillingness to see others' points of view as valid, much less valuable; the enslavement to the moneylenders who have wheedled their way, not only back onto the church steps, but, even worse, into the core of the human heart; the deceit, so blatant, among our governments and their leaders--leaders whom we once respected and trusted to care about our best interests, but who now more resemble Attila the Hun.

Indeed, humanity sits at a crossroad. Those who are choosing to remain immersed in the madness of the mainstream consensus reality appear to be going into greater states of discomfort. By holding fast to our old habits and the "time is money" mindset, we unwittingly tighten the shackles that bind us to our own stress and suffering. It's as if we possess the key to the door of our own prison cell, and yet, by refusing to acknowledge that our mainstream reality is but one reality out of an infinite number of realities that are available to us, we neglect to place the key in the lock that's right in front of us and give it a turn.

The other extreme--the miracles--is beginning to reveal itself to anyone who is willing to let go of their attachment to the status quo and explore their highest potential . . .


The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World is published by Weiser Books and you can order a copy of it from us or download a free copy of The Code Poster by Clicking Here..

"Tony Burroughs has done it again...The Code is a masterfully written book of pure inspiration. It is a priceless guide to help us all reconnect to our spiritual humanity. Through his ten practical intentions, Tony has produced divine scripture for the new millennium. The Code is by far one of the most important books of the 21st century!"
Dannion and Kathryn Brinkley,
The Secrets of the Light

Intenders Events in the SF Bay Area

We have three Intenders Events coming up on the weekend of Dec 6th to the 8th in the San Francisco Bay Area. In each event, Intenders Author and Cofounder, Tony Burroughs, will tell stories for an hour about becoming more skilled at manifesting and then he will lead an Intenders Circle. All three events open with a potluck and socializing for those who want to come early. Here is the info:

Dec 6 - Modesto, CA - Potluck at 6pm, Talk at 7pm, Circle at 8pm, Ends at 9pm. The Unity Church of Modesto, 2467 Veneman Avenue, Modesto, California 95356. $10. Call Laura at 209-690-7505.
Dec 7 - Sacramento, CA - Potluck at 4pm, Talk at 5pm, Circle at 6pm, Ends at 7pm. Call Manvir at 916-806-0623 for directions to private home in Carmichael. $10
Dec 8 - Jenner, CA on Muniz Ranch Road - Potluck at 3pm, Talk at 4pm, Circle at 5pm, Ends at 6pm. This is a free event and you can get directions, the gate code and more info by calling Linda at 707-632-5178.

The Genie and the Hair - El Genie y el Pelo

We have a new children's book for you and it is written in both English and Spanish in the same book! The Genie and the Hair - El Genie y el Pelo by Michael Patterson is a bilingual English/Spanish story for children 6-12 (and adults, as well), about a woodcutter who meets up with a Genie, has some fantastic adventures, and finally lives happily ever after, along the lines of Aladdin and the Magic Lamp.

Michael says, "I first heard a version of this story from Tom Brown, Jr., who said he was told the story by the Apache elder, Stalking Wolf, who trained him in the old ways of living. His teacher apparently heard it during his wanderings around the country, apparently from a teacher of some sort of Indian meditation. This story is a metaphor with multiple layers of meaning about how the deep mind works."

"I loved this story when Michael told it and acted it out for me and my family. If we lead, encourage and discipline our particular genie we can get much more than we ever thought." Alicia Yaiza

The Genie and the Hair - El Genie y el Pelo

To order
The Genie and the Hair - El Genie y el Pelo now, you can Click Here

Katie's Corner - Intending & Healthy Eating

I use intending for everything, and I find it especially helpful when it comes to making healthy choices. Intending and healthy eating go hand in hand quite nicely. When I intend I am having an easy time being attracted to, and choosing, nutritious foods that support and nourish me, I've noticed a couple things tend to happen - I end up feeling less hungry in general that day, thus I eat less food than normal, or I get full sooner than usual.

In order to decrease or eliminate cravings and overeating, I set the following intention into motion before I begin eating "I intend these foods are optimally satisfying, fulfilling and satiating." Another way of using intending to increase the healthiness in your diet is to bless the food and give thanks for it. This actually helps restore coherence to your food's energy, which directly benefits you when you eat it. You can also intend your food provides you with only quality energies and nutrients for your Highest Good, and that any and all toxins, or energies not serving you, are transformed and transmuted into only beneficial, useable nutrients by your body. So be it and so it is.

Katie Heath, the Nutrition Magician, is a regular contributor to our Intenders newsletter. Katie is from Portland, OR and you can contact her through her web site at (In our last newsletter we misprinted Katie's phone number. It is 317-938-8493.)

All of Life Supports You - A Note from Lee Ching

All of life supports you. You need only look around to see that this is true. The trees provide their wood for building your shelters; they bring shade from the sun, block the wind in times of storms, and make perches for the little birds to sing you their songs.

The animals offer loving companionship and comfort when you are alone. They pull your plows, run your races, fetch your food, and even offer their own bodies so that yours may be sustained. What more could you ask of them?

Your friends and enemies alike fill your life with every kind of experience. They dance with you, sing with you, work with you, love with you. Without them, you would not want to be here. Even your opponents present you with opportunities for growth and rejuvenation. For it is a great truth that every time you forgive another, you are rejuvenated. Every time you turn an unloving relationship around, you are refreshed and recreated.

Your brothers and sisters with whom you walk this Earth are gifts unto you, each one bringing something new, something you need for your own fulfillment. Even Mother Earth, Herself, laughs as you laugh, cries as you cry, cheers when you cheer. She is with you always, in her heart and in yours.

All of life supports you. There is not a rock, a branch, a hillside, a drop or an ocean of water that turns away as you approach. All are there for you to work with, to play with, to commune with, to create and recreate with. The world is a joyous playground offering itself for you to do with as you please. There is only one rule of thumb you need follow: Take care of it.

Take care of it all so it can thrive and enjoy its experience fully and freely. Take care of it, so it can, in turn, take care of you.

A Thanksgiving Greeting From Us

Pam Baugh, our illustrious Intenders Community Coordinator, sent this note to all of us here at Intenders Central this week so we're sending in on to you! Pam says that she's, "Intending Thanksgiving is a time of love and joy and comfort and acknowledging our many gratitudes!"

Thank You, Pam - and thanks to all of you who have taken these Intenders materials and, along the way, made this world a better place!


Tony Burroughs is available for speaking to your group or business. His stories are always empowering, insightful and fun. See The Intenders YouTube Channel. Call 858-200-5200.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

Our Free programs include a Course in Self Empowerment called The Intenders Bridge and The Vision Alignment Project, a way to create a better world by Aligning with our daily Visions.

To Donate or Tithe to The Intenders, Click Here.