The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ April 2014

Published: Tue, 04/22/14

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

April 2014

Table of Contents

~In Loving Memory of Vicki Harding
~Like No One Else I Ever Met
~Shared from Facebook
~From Auriel Grace
~And Speaking of Grace

In Loving Memory of Vicki Harding

Our beloved Vicki Harding transitioned peacefully on April 12th 2014, in her home in Pagosa Springs. She was surrounded at the time of her passing by Tony and her closest family.

Vicki Harding

Having dedicated her life to seeing that others are uplifted, Vicki worked tirelessly to make this world a better place for everyone. She touched so many with her beautiful creative art and inspired thousands of people in her travels and her work as the Office Manager for the Intenders of the Highest Good Community.

A deeply spiritual person and calling herself the "Woman of the Phoenix" Vicki is now risen to her new home in the heavens. She will be greatly missed by many here on Earth.

Like No One Else I Ever Met

Her friends called her Vic - and between her blood family, her Pagosa Springs family and her Intenders family she had lots of friends. I was blessed to have been her mate for many years and her friend from the moment we met, both of us knowing we had a calling like few others. It was our job to tell people about the benefits of lining up with the Highest Good and show them how to create community by coming together in Intention Circles. In doing this we drove across the width and breadth of this country together seven times in eight years and had the time of our lives. She loved the traveling and everywhere we went the people loved her. Vic was a one of a kind person, fiercely honest and diligent, extremely devoted to the work - the best Office Manager imaginable. I love her and miss her dearly and look to the day when we are reunited again in Spirit. Until then, be with God, Vic. No one deserves the peace of God more than you.
Tony Burroughs

Shared from Facebook

As the news of Vicki's passing was shared on facebook, many of her friends reached out to remember Vicki and post their thoughts and condolences. Here are just a few of the heartfelt words shared.

Paul Scull ~ My dear old friend. I am so sorry to hear the news of your passing. Oh how this hurts. I will always cherish the time we spent together. Doing leather work together or just hanging out and listening to music or going to concerts. I still tell the story of the trip we took to NYC in your MG. I told my employer I had to have off for a dental appointment. He told me that was fine, just bring a note from your dentist when you come back to work ! I persuaded my mom to ask the dentist if he would write me a note for work.
He told my mom that would not be ethical. "However, your son has a wisdom tooth that needs to come out. If he comes into the office and has that tooth taken out the morning of the day that he wants off from work, I'll write him a note."
You know the rest. I had that tooth taken out and off we went to NYC ! That was a lesson about honesty that I never forgot. My birthday Nov.17th and yours Nov. 18th. Twin Scorpios. I still have the copy of The Prophet that you gave me on my 21st. We had not talked in many years and then reconnected a few years ago here on face book. You never mentioned your illness, that was so like you. I wish that we could have talked just one more time. You will live on in my memories and in my heart. Until we meet again, Peace, Love and Light to you gentle spirit. With all my heart, Love Paul.

Dean Bartholomew Sanna ~ Dearest Vickie, you have been so inspirational in your life giving of yourself unselfishly! For this, we are all so grateful. You are mourning ahead of us now lighting the way for others to follow. In this life there will be pain and pleasure! We all will grow and endure! We are with you as you journey ahead. If you can help us move towards the love and the light that is the true foundation of all existence! Be well, love Dean & Amanda

Victoria Liljenquist ~ Sending your family and Tony and dear friends my deepest sympathy as you will be missed by all of us. I loved taking care of Opal your Kitty and your sweet Crystal Home while you traveled with the Intenders workshops and events. Your talents in jewelry were so lovely and will forever carry your vibration of sweetness. Your kindness, great cooking, and goodness always radiated with your cute giggle! Pagosa will miss you and so will I....Your spirit lives on.

Yosef Nicholas Funke ~ How sad to lose your physical presence here on earth and beautiful to hear that Vicki was surrounded by love at the time of her transition. I'm certain the heavenly gates opened wide to welcome her back and the angles celebrated her reunion with spirit. May her passionate flame keep igniting more goodness in this world.

Allison Smith ~ Thank you,Vicki, for being in my life, for sharing time and beautiful higher thoughts and energy with me, for my beautiful crystal, for your hospitality and friendship and commitment to the highest and best intentions for all. My life is enriched by yours. I have always felt honored when I was in your presence. Heaven is brighter now. Love

Lia Sangria ~ Vicki - Victoria - Victorious over 3D. With love and compassion...

Wanda Shook Matuszak ~ What a wonderful person ..putting others many happy memories...joe and i are deeply saddened ..ur family and friends will miss you..god bless!

Pam Baugh ~ I know Vicki's spirit is aglow with the beautiful life she is, and she is dancing and laughing with the Elders. Aho

Tom McCracken ~ Healing LOVE energies sent to ALL from Denver ... the "Woman of the Phoenix" will arise from her physical ashes again to spread her LOVE with many others.

Bobby Love ~ I am grateful for the work Vicki has done and for the work she will continue with now that she walks with the ancestors. Sending blessings to all her family.

Maura Bertotti ~ I am sorry to hear this news. The Intenders Family and all who have met Vicki are left better for having known her or have been in her Energy. I send every blessing and healing energy to all who need it. And send every Angel to her side.
Thank you Vicki for being and sharing YOU in this world !!! OmShanti & Much Love

Karen Monteverdi ~ I felt her and my heart was touched. Thoughts and prayers be with those who need it. Love and light be with you as you focus in the unchanging light of the soul becoming brighter as we transition into the Divine love of all that exists.

Hazel Martin Schmidt ~ Vicki's friends and family are in my prayers. Vicki is now walking with the healing angels. I intend healing for all whose lives she touched with her gentle love.

Vicki Harding at the Pacific

From Auriel Grace

Today I want to honor a wonderful spirit, Vicki Harding. Vicki passed through the veils on Friday April 12 2014. I have known Vicki during many other lifetimes including this one. She has always been my friend, sister, mother, guide - she is my soul sister. In another lifetime I knew her as Star. I wrote a book called a Soul Group's Journey some years back and I am working on the next book which is called Blessed Star. This book is about Star/Vicki, I am sharing an excerpt of Blessed Star for my beloved Friend -

Star watched as the planet Sirius B rotated on it axis. A new adventure awaited her on this planet, she thought, how pretty the planet looked from up her vantage point. She could hear the voices of her soul group encouraging her to live a lifetime with them. Star smiled, she loved her soul group and she could feel her spirit tingle to ecstasy as she started to think about what she wanted during this lifetime. As she started to decide what she would learn in this lifetime a circle of soul's she called Elders surrounded her. Star opened herself up to receive their ideas as well. The Elders showed her different choices of lesson's to learn and to teach in this lifetime. Star allowed the choices to move through her soul and chose those resonating with her. The Elder's resonated their approval and moved away so Star could manifest her life on Sirius B.

Star considered who would be her birth family and what lessons she would learn from them. Star chose the soul Sachem, to be her mother. In this lifetime Sachem would teach Star temperance, understanding and to be unconditional. Star chose the soul Raven to be her Father and Brother; this soul would teach her acceptance. Star continued to choose other souls that called and resonated with her to be her siblings and friends.

When she was through choosing she felt her conception and watched Sachem's joy when in her pregnancy. Star saw the child Rain; he would be her older brother. Star smiled, she was excited about this lifetime.

Then it seemed in the next moment Star felt pulled into a physical body fighting to get loose of something very tight. She felt the little physical body and understood it was time for her physical incarnation. She felt the forgetfulness overcoming her as she saw the light of the physical world. She knew down deep that she would remember her decisions as she grew . . .

This book is dedicated to Vicki Harding - Beloved Blessed Star! See you around the Cosmos, my friend!
Auriel Grace

Auriel Grace is the Intenderpreneur in Naperville, Illinois and one of Vicki's closest friends.

And Speaking of Grace

Here is one of Vicki's favorite Intenders Bridge Messages:

When man remembers his spiritual connection to All That Is, he lives in a most joyous state, wherever he is, whatever he is doing.

I intend that the Sweetest Love imaginable, like a torrent of rushing water, washes simultaneously over and through the hearts of every man, woman, and child who walk this Earth. And I intend, from that moment of Grace forward, that all seven billion of us have a reference point to remind us of how good life can be when we are filled, to the brim, with Love.


Tony Burroughs is the author of 10 books and cofounder of The Intenders of the Highest Good community. The Intenders websites are located at,, and

You can see Tony and his Intenders friends on The Intenders YouTube Channel. For scheduling speaking engagements call 858-200-5200.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

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