The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ May 2014

Published: Tue, 05/20/14

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

May 2014

Table of Contents

~Do You Align with Debra?
~The Law of Attraction in Action
~Intend & Align by Katie Heath
~Share the Intenders Message With Our Special Offer
~Personal Help from Tina and Lee Ching

Do You Align with Debra?

Today we would like to share a beautiful Vision that came in recently from our good friend, author and Intenderpreneur in Houston, Debra Ward. Debra says:

I have an intention for the Alignment project. I strongly intend and I see a world where we all consciously participate in the awakening of mankind, with much gracious assistance from our wise and loving spiritual mentors, by being love in action, forgiveness personified and compassion consistently expressed in our thoughts words and deeds. By consistently choosing love over fear, compassion over judgment and forgiveness over revenge, we are transforming the world into peace and prosperity, one gracious loving soul at a time, until we reach critical mass and instantly ascend into a civilized order of being. Let us all know the truth of the statement "I AM the resurrection and the life."

Do you Align with me?
Infinite Blessings,
Debra L. Ward Author of Stress Release the Easy, Proven, Natural Way: How to Use Timeless Secrets to Improve Your Health and Attain Peace

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
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by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show the Total Alignments to date.


Click Here to Sign up for The Vision Alignment Project. It's Free!

The Law of Attraction in Action

Excerpt from WINS: Manifestation Stories from the Intenders

WINS: Manifestation Stories from the Intenders

Whatever we think is what we'll create. If we open ourselves up to scarcity and lack, then, what with all the frequency blasting going on, we'll surely experience it. But for a knower who is intending and envisioning only positive outcomes, outcomes of abundance and expanse, the frequencies of scarcity can be blasted at us all day long and have absolutely no effect on us.

There's an experience I've had several times you will likely identify with. I've been in conversations with friends when they've started talking about how scarce or costly things are, and I began to go along but stopped myself in mid-sentence. In that moment I woke up to what I'm creating with my everyday thoughts and words. And in that moment, simply by being silent and "knowing", I set up a whole new, more abundant future for myself.

Nowadays, when I experience adversity of one sort or another, I just know that everything will turn out all right.

When you place your attention on the good, you just make more of it

To Order our newest Ebook, WINS: Manifestation Stories from the Intenders, for $5, Click Here.

Intend & Align by Katie Heath

Intending helps you use your mind properly, and we all know how important the mind is when it comes to health and healing. It focuses your attention on what matters most to you and this promotes healing of all kinds. So many things can distract us from our core happiness and healthiness if we aren't intentional on a regular basis. Intending aligns us with the deepest parts of ourselves. When you have alignment, your body and mind are empowered, and it puts you and your health into a state of harmony. Intending can also be a bridge to forgiveness, which speeds healing and aids any ailment - physical or otherwise. Next time you check in with yourself about your intentions, see how easily your heart's desires pour forth when you take the little bit of time out for yourself. Notice the sublet shifts and improvements in how you feel too. Intend away!

Katie Heath, NTP, CNC, CNHP

Katie Heath, the Nutrition Magician, is a regular contributor to our Intenders newsletter. Katie is from Portland, OR and you can contact her through her web site at

Share the Intenders Message With Our Special Offer
Are you looking to start your own Intenders Circle or share a special gift with your friends? Take advantage of our special deal that gives you 20 gifts to share with your friends and family! Comprised of 10 Intenders Handbooks and 10 Highest Light Teachings, this Special has been very popular and we are happy to extend it for you to share a special gift throughout the year

For More Info or To Order Any of Our Intenders Specials, Click Here.

All of our Intenders Books and Products can be seen in our Catalog / Shopping Cart by Clicking Here.

Personal Help from Tina and Lee Ching

For those of you who are going through personal issues or are having challenges handling the increased energies of these fast changing times, our resident Intenders Channel, Tina Stober, is available for hourly sessions. Tina is one of the original 4 Intenders of the Highest Good and she has been helping people for over 30 years gain clarity and resolution in their lives.

You can call Tina in Hawaii for an appointment at 808-982-6774 and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there than from the US mainland. Tina typically receives donations of between $50 to $200 for an hour of her time.


Tony Burroughs is the cofounder of The Intenders of the Highest Good community. The Intenders websites are located at,, and

You can see Tony and his Intenders friends on The Intenders YouTube Channel. For scheduling speaking engagements call 858-200-5200.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

To Make a Donation or Tithe to The Intenders, Click Here.