The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ Merry Christmas 2014

Published: Wed, 12/10/14

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

Merry Christmas 2014

Table of Contents

~An Intention Circle of Protesters Story
~Creation or Miscreation?
~The Gift of Community
~Our Intenders Highest Light House Christmas Specials
~A Christmas Blessing from Lee Ching

An Intention Circle of Protesters Story

My publisher, Brenda Knight at Viva Editions in Berkeley, CA, told me an inspiring story last week. She and her co-workers were going to Sunnyvale, across the San Francisco Bay area, to attend a talk at East-West bookstore by one of her other authors. As they neared their destination they were held up for over an hour by a group of angry people blocking the street and protesting about what has been happening in Ferguson, MO and other places around the country. The crowd was gathered near the bookstore and, as it happened, after finding a place to park nearby, Brenda engaged some of the protesters to find out more about their grievances. As she describes it, it was a scary, volatile situation.

Long story short, after listening to them for awhile, Brenda suggested that they all sit in a circle and make intentions around the things that were bothering them. They agreed, and guess what? It wasn't but a few minutes before a feeling of peace and positivity settled over the whole gathering. The Intention Circle defused their anger and replaced it with a feeling of hope.

If someone is stuck in their drama,
steer them to making an intention
around the drama.
Pretty soon, their intention will manifest
and there won't be a drama anymore.

Creation or Miscreation?

Thinking is creating. Whatever we're in the process of thinking about, we're creating. This is the one piece of information left out of the mainstream educational systems that, if it was to become common knowledge, would empower humanity and change our world for the better in a very short time. Alas, this is not yet widespread info, and as a result people everywhere are thinking and talking about things that are giving them outcomes they don't really want to be experiencing.

This brings up the question I've posed several times lately in our Pagosa Springs community groups: why are so many of us inclined to talk about things that don't serve us, things that will never provide us with the outcomes that make for more enjoyable, happy lives for ourselves and our fellow travelers? Why are we so enamored with our dramas and unserving scenarios?

My Christian neighbor blames it on demons. The lady I've been going out with says it's because we've been invaded by invisible, other dimensional ETs. Casteneda says that "things" are a-thinking in us. He calls them Mud Shadows. Others blame it on solar flares, frequency jamming, fluoride, and more. In any case, it doesn't really matter what the causes of our "miscreations" are. What matters is whether we can begin to take responsibility for what we're creating with our everyday thoughts and words. Do we have the ability to respond by choosing positive, supportive outcomes for ourselves?

Those who continue to dwell on thoughts and outcomes that do not serve them will remain victims, at the mercy of people and forces that are consistently sapping their energy. While those who can hold their attention on thoughts of a positive, supportive, safe, peaceful, pristine environment for themselves are becoming empowered - and it is this group of people who will change our world for the better. Which group will you be in?
TB 12/7/14

The time will come, in our very near future,
when one more person envisions a peaceful world
and, with that seemingly tiny action,
the scales are tipped.
The storm clouds disappear and a new world--
the world that we deserve to live in as our right of birth--
opens up before us.
It will be like a miracle... but it's not really a miracle.
It's only us having changed our thoughts.
From The Highest Light Teachings

The Gift of Community

In order for us to experience Oneness we have to begin to come together. Indeed, in order for us to create peace, we need to gather the strength of numbers that can only come about by being in community. Staying apart from one another isn't working anymore. These times call for us to set aside our differences and do whatever we have to do to connect with our fellowmen and women. In short, we need each other, and all good things will come to us when we open up and make ourselves available to one another.

A true community is one
where people live life in the moment,
where people help and assist each other
in whatever need arises

Create Your Own Community Package

Containing 10 copies of The Intenders Handbook and 1 Intention Process DVD, our Create Your Own Community Package for $39 is the perfect tool for those of you who can see the wisdom in getting together and becoming more empowered with your friends and neighbors.

For More Information or To Order Your Community Kit today, Click Here.
Or, if you already have our DVD, you can get 10 Intenders Handbooks at our Bulk Discount for $30. Click Here.

All of our Intenders Books and Products can be seen in our Highest Light House Catalog by Clicking Here.

Our Intenders Highest Light House Christmas Specials

Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions
Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions has been selling out in Whole Foods Markets across the country! And now until Christmas you can get a copy of Viva Editions insightful, empowering book by Tony Burroughs - and for every copy you purchase we'll automatically include a copy of The Highest Light Teachings for FREE with your order! Click Here to order our Get What You Want / The Highest Light Teachings Christmas Special.

PS: This Special works for our Ebooks too! If you order the Get What You Want Ebook from us, we'll send you The Highest Light Teachings Ebook along with it.

Are you looking to give a special Christmas gift to your friends? Take advantage of our Stocking Stuffer Special that gives you 20 gifts to share with your friends and family! Comprised of 10 Intenders Handbooks and 10 Highest Light Teachings, this Special has been very popular and there is still plenty of time to receive your order well before Christmas.

For More Info or To Order Our Special for $60, Click Here.

Browse Now and discover the perfect gift for everyone on your list! All of our Intenders Books and Products can be seen in our Catalog / Shopping Cart by Clicking Here.

A Christmas Blessing from Lee Ching

Our blessing would be for everyone to become one with each other, One with God, and One with each and every Divine being (so you can) be able to emulate that which each Divine being can do--that is, to do the things that Jesus did by being Jesus. It is doing the things that Mother Mary did by inviting the Mother into your heart.

You can begin by opening your hands and making a bowl of your hands. Let Divine Light flow into the bowl, filling you up with beautiful Divine Light. Just open to your Divinity and know that you will be in the right place at the right time, doing whatever is necessary for you to fulfill your Divine purpose. You must be open to find your right place in the world. Everyone has their particular work, their job, their part in the puzzle. So open your hands for Divine Light to flow in. Fill up the bowl, and then place your hands on your heart and bring this Divine Light energy into your being. If you need to think of a certain God or Goddess that you would like to bring into your heart--someone you feel a relationship with--then bring that Being into your heart with you. They will help you from within.

After that, simply open for guidance, and guidance will come in every situation no matter how difficult it is seeming. Focus on your spirituality.

Focus on Divine Light until you become it.

Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 10 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 1.6 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook or The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

Your donations allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.