The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ July 2015

Published: Tue, 07/21/15

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

July 2015

Table of Contents

~The Third Intent ~ Set Your Course
~Meet Author and Cofounder of the Intenders Tony Burroughs
~Lee Ching
~Coming Soon! What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages
~Instant Manifestation
~Download The Code Poster For Free

The Third Intent ~ Set Your Course

The next time you get up in the morning, before you leave the house, stop and set your course for the day by making several intentions. Get them as clear as you can - and make them only once a day (unless you happen to be in a circle of friends later on who are also setting their intentions. Then you can say them again.)

1.) Make at least one or two intentions for a physical object. Have it be something you need and remember to intend that you’re open to receive it from both expected and unexpected sources.

2.) Set a clear intention for your environment. For instance, you might intend that our air, water, and soil are completely pure. Or that mankind is living in peace. Get as creative as you like.

3.) Make at least one or two intentions for an emotional experience. Perhaps it will be for a relationship, or for a state of joy to embrace you. On this one, be sure to find the positive way to say it, i.e.: don’t say, "I intend that I am not angry anymore." Instead, say "I intend that I am tolerant and emotionally balanced at all times."

4.) Make an intention or two about your expanding mental faculties. It could be that you desire to enhance your memory, or that you connect with a higher source of wisdom. Anything which expands your thinking outside of its customary processes will do. A good example of this is, "Knowing that my thoughts are the forerunners of my experiences, I intend that I am more vigilant of my thoughts, and that I am keeping my attention only on thoughts that serve me and my world."

5.) Make an intention or two regarding your spiritual growth. Perhaps you’d like to intend that your next step is clearly revealed to you. Or that you experience yourself as a spiritual being becoming fully conscious. Or that you feel the true Love of God in your life. Intend whatever seems appropriate for you at this time, but make certain that it is something that you really want — because you’re going to get it!.

I begin the creative process. I give direction to my life. I set my course.

Meet Author and Cofounder of the Intenders Tony Burroughs

Tony Burroughs

Tony Burroughs will be the keynote speaker at the 4th annual Three Days of Light Gathering (3DL) from August 28th-30th in Old Fort, North Carolina (near Asheville). He will also be at the gathering throughout its entirety and hold a workshop while he is there. For more information and workshop schedules for this wonderful event you can visit “”.

To promote his new book, Tony will also be scheduling Intenders Circle workshops and speaking events from August through October starting on the east coast and finishing up on the west coast. If you would like get on the schedule and have Tony to come to your area for an event you can email us at {[email protected]}.

Find out more about the 2015 3DL Gathering at “Three Days of Light” Tony looks forward to seeing you there.

Lee Ching

The first Intenders Circle was made up of my friends Mark, Tina, Betsy and me. We'd been meeting together on Sunday evenings for about a month when, surprisingly, Mark announced that Tina had a gift; she was a messenger. I immediately looked over at Tina and asked her what he meant by that. As she humbly explained, she had been a part of a forward-thinking group back in the 80s just outside San Diego called Love in Action, where people gathered every week to hear her "bring through" a highly evolved, ascended master by the name of Lee Ching. For those who are unfamiliar with Lee Ching, he has had many lifetimes on this Earth but is not incarnated here at this time. He's been a Taoist Immortal in China, a commander in chief of armies in Lemuria (the civilization that preceded Atlantis), and is the male archetype of mercy. Like his female counterpart Kuan Yin, the archetype of compassion, Lee Ching has vowed to keep returning to this planet until humanities suffering is finished forever. "read more..."

Coming Soon! What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages

We are excited for the launch of Author and Cofounder of The Intenders, Tony Burroughs, latest book, “What You Need to Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages”, which is scheduled to be published by Viva Editions in late August.

"This is a bibliomancy book, a tried and true oracle for the twenty-first century. You can open it to any page and it will tell you what you need to know in the moment."

What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages by Tony Burroughs is a true Oracle for the 21st century. Filled with stories and notes collected from over 20 years of Tony's experiences with his guide, Lee Ching, What You Need To Know Now is the culmination of their work together. The Lee Ching Messages are tried and true. As you read them, you will feel a resonance, a deep truth ready to guide you as you navigate the waters of today's ever-changing world.

Everything you need in life is always shown to you.
Your next step is always unveiled before you.

Instant Manifestation

Excerpt from "Wins by Tony Burroughs. To Order WINS: Manifestation Stories from the Intenders Ebook at our WINS Special Price of $5.00, Click Here.

"We've often said, "the time is coming when you will have a thought and it will be there;" and that these times, right now, are preparation for that. Thus, it is wise for us to begin watching our thoughts more closely, lest we create something in our life that we really wouldn't want for ourselves.

Not long ago I had an experience of this. I was on my way to Vancouver Island in Canada to check out a possible living situation. As I drove through Olympia, WA on I-5 my Check Engine light came on. Ironically, this was in the same spot where I had van trouble two years before when my friend, Aaron, and I went to Seattle to present a workshop. Knowing that I needed to address this issue at once, I intended that I find a WalMart parking lot where I could use my Diagnostics Tool to check out the engine codes and fix whatever needed to be fixed.

Two exits later, I pulled off the freeway and rounded a blind curve, and there, directly in front of me, was a Walmart where I reset the Diagnostics Codes and curled up, comfy and cozy, in my van for the night, intending that everything would be fine from then on.

The next day I drove on to Canada with the van working perfectly all the way. After two days there, I drove back, and when I got into Olympia, WA, the thought came into my mind, "Hey, I've had van problems in this same stretch of highway twice now. I wonder if issues like this tend to occur in specific places? I'd better make an intention that the Check Engine light stays off. Let's see . . . how can I phrase it in the positive?" . . . and in that exact instant, after driving 300 miles without a hitch, the #@&*!#! Check Engine light came on!.

Interesting, huh? Not only was I manifesting instantaneously, I was also manifesting what I said I didn't want. It all happened so fast that the Universe didn't even give me a chance to find a positive way to state my intention. I only tell you this story because, what with the "speeding up" that's going on in our world nowadays, I figured that these kinds of things may be happening to you, too. If so, it's my heartfelt intention that, as you test this process, you are remembering to keep your thoughts in the positive better than I did in this instance."

Download The Code Poster For Free

Click on the picture below to download your free copy of The Code Poster.
The Code

Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 10 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 1.8 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook or The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.