The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ August 2015

Published: Tue, 08/18/15

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

August 2015

Table of Contents

~New Book Launch! What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages
~Tony's Upcoming Events in North Carolina, Texas and the Midwest
~Keep the Waters Flowing - Ceremonies with Marshall Jack
~The Code Cards - a Gift from Ginny Latka
~An Excerpt from What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages
~Instant Manifestations and Wins

New Book Launch! What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages

Tony's new book comes off the presses at Viva Editions on August 20th - and the Ebook is available right now! What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages is a bibliomancy book, a tried and true oracle for the 21st century. You can open it to any page and it will tell you what you need to know in the moment.
What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages

Click Here for more about What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages.

After 18 years in a secret mystery school in the rainforests of Hawaii, author Tony Burroughs joined with three friends and they started their first Intenders Circle. One of their first "intentions" was to bring personal power into the lives of their fellow travelers and, at the same time, create a workable model for gathering people together in an awakened community. Within days of making that “intention” Tony met Lee Ching, a gentle wise man, who offered to guide him and his Intenders friends to become more proficient at manifesting their dreams. What happened next, as they say, is history. Their amazing collaboration gave birth to thousands of Intenders Circles all across the globe.

Let not your heart be troubled.
That which you are waiting upon
is also awaiting upon you

Filled with a dozen new stories and over 440 notes collected over 20 years, What You Need To Know Now is the culmination of their work together. The Lee Ching Messages come from the heart. As you read them, you’ll feel a resonance, a deep truth to guide you as you navigate the waters of today's ever-changing world. 504 pages.

“Reading Tony's book brought me peace of mind, a reminder of the power in intentions and reinforced my belief in "magic and miracles" that show up daily in our lives...when we expect them! In fact, the day I read this, I went to Safeway and intended I wouldn't have to wait in line (I always did) for the check out for my groceries...and zoomed through, then manifested an amazing parking spot in a very crowded neighborhood (I live in San Francisco and it's nearly impossible to find parking as easily as I found it that day). I love the wisdom inherent in this remarkable book. Open to whatever page and read exactly what you need at that moment!”
—Peg Conley, author of Imagine the Life You’d Love to Live, Then Live It

“When I write a book I first think, 'What could talk about that will help my readers the most?' This book, WYNTKN: The Lee Ching Messages, far exceeded my expectations. I read from it everyday, and my life is all the better for it.”—Tony Burroughs, Intenders author and cofounder

Ebook (Immediate Download)  $9.95     

Trade Paperback   (Reg $19.95) - Launch Special $16.95     


Order our Intenders Bibliomancy Set (as 2 Trade Paperbacks or 2 Ebooks) containing What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages and Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions. Over 875 pages of the best information on Mastering Your Intentions in the world today. Highly Recommended!
What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages and Get What You Want: The Art of Making and Manifesting Your Intentions

Two Volume Intenders Bibliomancy Set   $29.95     

Two Ebooks Intenders Bibliomancy Set (Instant Download)  $17.95     
SEE INSIDE! Free Download Preview. To Download and Preview the first 30 pages of What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages, Click Here.

Tony's Upcoming Events in North Carolina, Texas and the Midwest

Aug 28 - 30th - Asheville, NC - Tony Burroughs will be on tour promoting his new book beginning at the 3 Days of Light Gathering. He will be the keynote speaker for this lively event and will hold an Intention Circle workshop while he is there. For more information and schedules you can go to

Sept 6 - So. Houston, TX - Carmel Temple, 1208 Pennsylvania Avenue, South Houston, TX 77587 - Service (with Tony) at 11am - free Intenders Circle Workshop from 1 to 3 pm - Call Carl at 713-944-0014.

Sept 7 - So. Houston, TX - Carmel Temple, 1208 Pennsylvania Avenue, South Houston, TX 77587 - Informal Labor Day Gathering and Circle with Tony from 1 to 3 pm - Call Carl at 713-944-0014.

Sept 9 - Austin, TX - 6000 Shepherd Mountain Cove, #1604 (First building on the left, as you drive into the condos), Austin, TX 78730 - Potluck at 6:30pm and Circle at 7pm - Contact Pamela at 512-906-7844 or {[email protected]}

Sept 16 - Rockford, IL - Cleo's Aromapothecary, 972 N. Main St., Rockford, IL 61103, 7pm - Contact: Kathleen at 815-966-1240.

Sept 19 - Cedar Rapids, Iowa - at ReAlive, 1060 7th Avenue, Marion, IA 52233, 4pm - Contact: Dayle at 319-270-0268.

Sept 23 - Des Moines, IA - 6:30pm - at 6719 S. 104th Ave W, in Prairie City, IA. Contact: Leigh Ann at 515-554-6792.

We will be updating this tour information regularly on our Intenders Events Calendar.
To download a copy of the flyer with the descriptions and info for these events, Click Here.
To find out about getting on our Workshop Schedule, email {[email protected]}.

Keep the Waters Flowing - Ceremonies with Marshall Jack

The teachers need the teachers. Over the last week my friends and I have been honored to take part in very special ceremonies with a Native American Elder, Marshall Jack. Marshall was raised in the Paiute tradition in Yosemite Valley, and he and his inspiring companion, Maya Shaw Gale, have been traveling the US clearing the waters across the country using sacred ceremonies which are a synthesis of his Native traditions and the work of Masaru Emoto. Marshall spent 4 days with us and on each day we did a ceremony honoring a different element - Earth, Fire, Water and Air.

I cannot tell you how magical this time was with Marshall and Maya. We started out at Chimney Rock, one of the most powerful sites on the planet where we did an Earth Cleansing ceremony; then, the following day, we did a Fire Ceremony, burning up all the negative energy in the area; then, we went to a very sacred place at the headwaters of the river here and infused the waters with a high frequency with rose quartz crystals in a Water Ceremony, and on the final day, we went to the top of a mountain for the Air Ceremony where beautiful Wind Harps were singing in the light breeze as we blessed and cleansed the Air.

The first 2 photos below are of Marshall at the headwaters and the third photo is of Amanda Beasley (holding her grandaughter), Kimmy, Marshall, Maya and Dr. Dean Sanna standing in front of the pond at the base of Chimney Rock where we placed the charged rose quartz crystals that we had soaked at the headwaters.

Water Ceremony   Water Ceremony   Water Ceremony

Marshall's message was that the Earth needs our help, that we need, now more than ever, to nurture and care for her - and not destroy her or waste her resources. Each day he told stories from his experiences (sprinkled with lots of humor) and we came to realize how favored we were to be in the presence of such a highly evolved teacher.

If you live near a body of water that needs help and would like to have Marshall and Maya come to your area, you can find out more at We can't recommend this experience highly enough!

The Code Cards - a Gift from Ginny Latka

We received a large packet in the snail mail last week containing a rendition of each of the Ten Intents of The Code. It came from Ginny Latka in Huntington Beach, CA with the intent that we make them available to our readers. So that's exactly what we're doing!
The Code Cards Stay Positive

If you would like to download all of these cards/posters free to put on your wall, you can do so at

An Excerpt from What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages

The veils between the dimensions are getting thinner, and soon they will be lifted entirely. A doorway, or an opening, is presenting itself—and it is the end of the world as we know it because we, the beings on the Earth, are changing. We’re getting in touch with deep issues and clearing them very rapidly now, and this is creating a new perception of being One with everything and everyone. We’re changing into new people on a new Earth, and the only way to enter the new experience is to love everyone unconditionally. Unconditional love is the new paradigm, for when you love everyone unconditionally, there is no way you can harm anyone or anything. You can only be love. —LEE CHING

Click Here for more about What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages.

Instant Manifestations and Wins

I had an amazing "Win" over the weekend that I would like to share with you. Author and Inspirational Teacher Janet Conner is doing a course "Plug In For Writers" that starts this week. As a way of tithing Janet gives away scholarships for all of her courses, which she selects at the St. Michael Shrine in Tarpon Springs, FL and I was guided to email her requesting that my name be put into the bag with the intention of attending this course. Of course my name was the first one out of the bag... I am so excited to learn from these experts and to write and share the many books that I know are within me. I am truly blessed.

Hazel Martin, Intenders Newsletter Editor

Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 10 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 1.8 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook or The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.