The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ Spring 2016 Equinox

Published: Tue, 03/22/16

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

Spring Equinox 2016

Table of Contents

~The Ascenders Handbook Official Ebook Launch
~Excerpt: Removing the Blockages to Being in a Loving Relationship
~Tony Burroughs 2016 Tour Now Scheduling
~An Intention for Printed Books
~Spring Equinox Encouragement from Intenders Cofounder, Tina Stober

The Ascenders Handbook Official Ebook Launch

At long last! The Ascenders Handbook is out in Ebook! After twenty years in the making, the sequel to The Intenders Handbook, The Ascenders Handbook: Two Roads Home is now available for the thousands of you who have read The Intenders Handbook and requested that we take it a step further.

The Ascenders Handbook: Two Roads Home, is an extension of The Intenders Handbook, sharing what we've learned since we founded the Intenders community. Written in the same fun style as our bestselling handbook (with lots of new stories and messages), this sequel will familiarize you with the basic principles of two distinctly different roads you can travel to reach your highest fulfillment.

"While the Intention Process is for people who want to get good at fulfilling their worldly desires by making intentions, the Ascension Process is for those who are beginning to look inward. It's about having an extraordinary inner experience..."

"Your book is truly amazing and I have so loved reading it —I printed it -- I have read most of it twice, and actually took it to the “gym” to read while I was on the elliptical machine — it made the time just seem to float by as I was mesmerized with your thoughts."
Diane Leonard,

All of the dramas on Earth
are nothing but a play
that is taking us to our awakening

The Ascenders Handbook
The Ascenders Handbook Ebook (Immediate Download)  $5.00     

The Intenders Handbook Ebook Trilogy (Immediate Download)
All Three of our Handbooks in One Ebook!  $12.00 
The Intenders Handbook Trilogy

For more information about The Ascenders Handbook, Click Here.

"Tony, I know that A Course in Miracles is a powerful teaching and, although your Ascenders Handbook is a stand alone and natural progression and companion to your own body of work, it feels as though it is a fabulous companion to The Course, as well."
Author of 30 Days to Prosperity and Abundance 


Removing the Blockages to Being in a Loving Relationship
- A Story from The Ascenders Handbook

The following passage about finding relationship is an excerpt from Tony's new book, The Ascenders Handbook: Two Roads Home

I have a buddy named Michael who really wants to be in a loving relationship, but it just hasn't manifested for him in the several years I've known him. Michael is a very good looking, outgoing, friendly guy and there is no reason in the world why he couldn't be in a relationship - except for one: when you ask him about what he's doing in order to find the woman of his dreams, he'll immediately go in to all the reasons why it's not happening. He'll say he's not handsome enough, he's not financially set, he's too old, he's too independent, he's lives too far out in the country, etc. And here's his latest limiter: he says that even if he found the right woman, he doesn't trust himself to be good enough for her, or good enough to her. He thinks she'd leave right away, or he would. Yikes! I want to cringe! My good friend is about as stubborn as it gets! The more I point out that he's arguing heavily on behalf of all the things that are keeping him from enjoying the relationship he so badly desires, the more he comes up with ways to sabotage himself.

Isn't it interesting how we how we keep the things we want most at bay by thinking we can't have them? Lee Ching used to help us with this by using an old cliché in an amusing sort of way. When one of us started to bring out our "poor me" in one way or another, he'd smile and say, "You know what happens when you argue for your limitations, don't you? You get to keep them."

Two months ago Michael and I were having breakfast at our local coffee shop, and he was going through his recurring story about wanting to be in relationship and all the reasons why it's not happening. So I told him exactly what Lee Ching told us. When I smiled and said, "You get to keep them," he shut up. I could see the wheels going round in his head. He was starting to realize what he was doing to himself.

Since that day I haven't seen as much of Michael. He found himself a pretty country girl and he's out at her place most of the time. The last time I saw him he had that sweet, shiny look of love in his eyes. I can't tell you how happy I am for him - not just because he's in a loving relationship now, but also because he's not arguing for his limitations anymore.

Don't close off to possibilities

An Intention for Printed Ascenders Handbooks

Over the years we've had to have some help printing our books because most of our finances go to keeping our free Intenders programs intact. Now that we have The Ascenders Handbook finished and released in Ebook format, it is our intention to get this evolutionary book out to the world in printed format for those, like ourselves, who prefer to hold a book in their hands. This will give The Ascenders Handbook a much greater chance of reaching a far wider audience than it would by publishing it solely as an ebook.

With this in mind, if you can help us come up with $3000 to $5000, or know someone who is able to help us, for printing the first batch of The Ascenders Handbooks, it will insure that the information in this much-needed book will go into the mainstream. It's counterpart, The Intenders Handbook, is a bestseller by all standards, and we are certain that The Ascenders Handbook will be a bestseller, as well.

You can help us in one of three ways: 1) by calling us at 858-200-5200, 2) by going to our donation page at - and/or 3) by aligning with our intention that we have all of the money and resources required for printing The Ascenders Handbook and getting it out to the world. Thank you very much! Your generosity will help many people take their next step in life.

Tony Burroughs 2016 Tour Now Scheduling

Tony Burroughs is now scheduling events for his 2016 Summer Two Roads Home Tour. In these 2 1/2 hour events, he will be sharing information from his new book, The Ascenders Handbook and leading an Intention Circle. If you would like Tony to come to your area you can get on the schedule by emailing {[email protected]}
2016 Intenders Events

Sunday, June 5 - UU Church - Pagosa Springs, CO - 10:30am service and talk - Contact Avalon at {[email protected]}

Saturday, June 11th - Open House Event - Book signing, meet & greet - Calgary, Alberta, Canada - RiverCross Ranch - See for details

Sunday, June 12th - VIP Brunch & discussion with Tony Burroughs - Calgary, Alberta, Canada - RiverCross Ranch - See for details

Sunday, July 3 - Lawrence, KS - 4:00pm - Workshop and Intenders Circle - Personal Power Pilates and Wholeness, 3115 W. 6th St, Suite F, Lawrence, KS 66049 - Contact Dede at 785-760-7902

Thursday, July 7 - Des Moines, IA - 6:00pm - Tony Burroughs Live with the Common Thread Group - Contact Leigh at 515-554-6792

Friday, July 8 - Des Moines, IA - 6:00pm - The Two Roads Home Workshop - Contact Leigh at 515-554-6792

Sunday, July 17 through Friday, July 22 - Olivet, MI - The Great Lakes Retreat Full Week Workshop at Olivet College - Contact Nan Hunt at 616-437-2425.

Wednesday, July 27 - Canton, OH - Workshop and Intenders Circle with Lawanna Rine and Friends - venue TBA - Contact Lawanna at 330-878-7379

Spring Equinox Encouragement from Intenders Cofounder, Tina Stober

As most of you know, I live on the Big Island of Hawaii where we started the Intenders. Last month the people who rent the downstairs area of my house had to move suddenly, so I was thinking about how to get some new renters to come in. A few days went by and one night I woke up in the middle of the night worrying about having the empty space and no income from the rental. I remember my ego's thoughts vividly, "What am I going to do NOW?" and "I have to do something!!" I was starting to feel afraid - you know what I'm talking about . . .

Then, all of a sudden, I caught myself and decided to start meditating. I went into that Higher Self space that I go to when I'm channeling, made an intention around having new renters, and instantly my fears went away. I heard my Higher Self say, "You're going to be okay," and I felt wrapped in love, totally taken care of, knowing there is nothing whatsoever to be concerned about.

Two days later, a lady named Eleanor called from the mainland. She had heard Tony on a blog-talk radio show and was thinking that the Intenders was just what she needed. She looked up the Intenders website and saw me there and read the story about how we started the original Intenders Circle. "Is there still an Intenders Circle on the Big Island," she asked. When I said yes she said, "Mike, my husband, and I are thinking about moving to Hawaii. Do you know of any places to live near you?" I told her that I had an empty apartment downstairs from me - and the next thing she said was, "We'll take it!"

That was about a month ago. They're all moved in now and they love it here! And, as for me, I couldn't have asked for better people to be my new neighbors.
Tina Stober

The path is to go within, to listen,
to allow the next thing to show itself to you

—From The Ascenders Handbook
Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 11 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 2 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or, you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, The Intenders YouTube Channel or TonyBurroughs.Net.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.