The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ April 2016

Published: Tue, 04/12/16

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

April 2016

Table of Contents

~The Ascenders Handbook Gratitudes
~The Ascension Process and the Ascension Reclamations
~Lee Ching's Story from The Ascenders Handbook
~Intending for a Benefactor
~Our 2016 Tour Schedule and Poster

The Ascenders Handbook Gratitudes

The Ascenders Handbook exists because we intended it. It was born out of a natural progression that follows when we make conscious intentions and trust that they will manifest for us. In other words, making intentions leads to our ascension. We didn’t know this when we first started out with the Intenders many years ago; we just wanted to create better lives for ourselves and our friends. As it turned out, however, our intention-making led some of us inward and led others to manifesting all sorts of wonderful worldly things for themselves. The Ascenders Handbook is filled with all-new stories taken from the thousands of Intenders stories we’ve received over the years that attest to the success our readers have experienced - and we would like to thank each and every one of them for believing in us and sharing their WINS with us.

Intenders of the Highest Good
Ascenders of the Highest Good

"Your book is truly amazing and I have so loved reading it -- I printed it -- I have read most of it twice, and actually took it to the gym to read while I was on the elliptical machine -- it made the time just seem to float by as I was mesmerized with your thoughts."
Diane Leonard,

The Ascenders Handbook
The Ascenders Handbook Ebook (Immediate Download)  $5.00     

The Intenders Handbook Ebook Trilogy (Immediate Download)
All Three of our Handbooks in One Ebook!  $12.00 
The Intenders Handbook Trilogy

For more information about The Ascenders Handbook, Click Here.

The Ascension Process and the Ascension Reclamations

The Ascension Process is activated when we reclaim that which is rightfully ours. Our true and real identity, our Oneness with God, has never left us. It’s been there all along; it just got lost along the way when we bought into the ideas that we’re less than what we truly are, that we’re at the mercy of the world around us, and that there is no way out. Now, however, countless millions of us are reaching a pivotal point in our evolution. We’re leaving our old ways behind and awakening to our highest potential by using tools like the Ascension Reclamations (see below).

In these times of great change, Intenders and Ascenders from all parts of the globe and all walks of life are stepping into the fullness of who we truly are. Amidst powerful adversity, the extraordinary is awakening from long slumber. Hard shells are cracking. Cocoons are breaking open. Spirit is reaching out as we turn inward and reclaim our innocence, our perfection, our power, our freedom, our highest vision of ourself. . .

How silly it was that we thought
we were something less than amazing,
that we were less than immortal.
We’ve never been less than anything.
To Download a FREE Color Poster of The Ascension Reclamations,
click on the image below.

The Ascension Reclamations

Lee Ching's Story from The Ascenders Handbook

As many of you know from reading my last book, What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages, Lee Ching has had many lifetimes upon this planet, including one as a merciful commander--in-chief of the Lemurian armies. His most recent lifetime was as a Taoist Immortal, having lived well over a hundred years in China.

I remember one of the very first group sessions we had with Lee Ching. There were 9 of us present as Tina said her channeling prayer and closed her eyes. Lee Ching came through so sweetly and told us that he is not embodied on Earth at this time and will not be here again in a body for another century. He spoke briefly about his last lifetime, saying that the Taoist Immortals had a different view of spirituality than many modalities and religions. He said that they believed that God, Atonement, Ascension, Unity, Oneness (or whatever we wanted to call It,) is to be found deep inside us, as opposed to “out there somewhere”.

I’ll never forget his next words as he looked straight at me. He said, “Tony, what you’re looking for is what you’re looking with.” To say that I was struck speechless puts it mildly. These simple words had such a profound effect on me, resonating so deeply, that I later ended up making posters around them. I even began my first novel with them. Clearly, they touched something in me that had long been forgotten.

Your consciousness is immense,
bigger than the sky,
bigger than all of space.
Spend more time looking within
rather than looking without.

Intending for a Benefactor

Now that The Ascenders Handbook is finished and released in Ebook format, it is our intention to get this evolutionary book out to the world in printed format for those, like ourselves, who prefer to hold a book in their hands. With this in mind, we're intending for a benefactor(s) to help us come up with approximately $4000 to print the first batch of The Ascenders Handbook. This will insure that the information in this much-needed book will go into the mainstream. It's counterpart, The Intenders Handbook, is a bestseller by all standards, and we are certain that The Ascenders Handbook will follow in its footsteps.

If you can help us please call us at 858-200-5200 or you can use the donation link at the bottom of this email. Your generosity will help many people.

The 2016 Two Roads Home Summer Tour

2016 Intenders Events
To Download a Color Poster Template for our 2016 Two Roads Home Summer Tour,
click on the image below.

2016 Two Roads Home Summer Tour Poster

Sunday, June 5 - UU Church - Pagosa Springs, CO - 10:30am service and talk - Contact Avalon at {[email protected]}

Saturday, June 11th - Open House Event - Book signing, meet & greet - Calgary, Alberta, Canada - RiverCross Ranch - See for details

Sunday, June 12th - VIP Brunch & discussion with Tony Burroughs - Calgary, Alberta, Canada - RiverCross Ranch - See for details

Thursday, June 16th - Boise, ID - The Two Roads Home Workshop - 6:30 to 9pm - Wholistic Beauty Boutique, 1615 W. State St. - Contact Colleen Fletcher at 208-841-9062.

Sunday, July 3 - Lawrence, KS - 4:00pm - Workshop and Intenders Circle - Personal Power Pilates and Wholeness, 3115 W. 6th St, Suite F, Lawrence, KS 66049 - Contact Dede at 785-760-7902

Thursday, July 7 - Des Moines, IA - 6:00pm - Tony Burroughs Live with the Common Thread Group - Contact Leigh at 515-554-6792

Friday, July 8 - Des Moines, IA - 6:00pm - The Two Roads Home Workshop - Contact Leigh at 515-554-6792

Sunday, July 17 through Friday, July 22 - Olivet, MI - The Great Lakes Retreat Full Week Workshop at Olivet College - Contact Nan Hunt at 616-437-2425.

Wednesday, July 27 - Canton, OH - Workshop and Intenders Circle with Lawanna Rine and Friends - venue TBA - Contact Lawanna at 330-878-7379
Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 10 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 2 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, The Intenders YouTube Channel or TonyBurroughs.Net.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.