The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter Summer Solstice 2017

Published: Tue, 06/20/17

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

Summer Solstice 2017

Table of Contents

~A Sweet Intention Manifestation Story
~Kudos From a New Intenders Circle
~Lee Ching and Our Social Media Links
~Tony Burroughs 2017 Intenders Tour in September
~Charlie and Sherrie, Boulder/Longmont Intenders, Married!
~Support Your Independent Authors

A Sweet Intention Manifestation Story

“There really is power in an Intenders Circle! My car threw a rod last summer when I was in between jobs. I made an intention to have another car come to me free, since I didn’t have any extra money at the time. Four days later, my son called me up and, before I could say anything, asked me if I knew anybody who wanted a car - a nice, older, but sporty VW. He said that it was taking up too much space beside his carport, but that it ran great. And, it was first come, first serve. Within an hour, I caught a ride to his place, started up the car, and drove it away. It felt like Christmas in July!” ~Wayde Cameron
The Intenders Handbook

This Intenders WIN is from our bestseller, The Intenders Handbook. You can find out more about it at Or, if you're starting a new Intenders Circle, you can order our Intenders Handbooks in bulk at a discount. Click Here to find out more about our Bulk Specials.

Kudos From a New Intenders Circle

Annie Whigham recently started up a new Intenders Circle in Spokane, WA. Annie has been an Intenderpreneur for several years in Spokane and her Circles are always uplifting and empowering. Here is an email she sent in after their first meeting last week.

Hi Tony,
Once again, I am amazed at how God and the Universe work. We had our first Intenders Circle today. There were 10 of us. Four of us had met you and had experience with an Intenders Circle. Two people knew of the concepts but had not been in a circle. The rest (4) were new to all of it. Of course, it was fabulous. By the end, everyone was so excited to have the next meeting. We decided that once a month is good for now. A couple of them would benefit from a weekly group, but I will reach out to them.

Thank you for your work and your teachings. It is changing lives.
For the highest good

Thanks to you, Annie - and to all the Spokane Intenders.

Always keep your thoughts and words
totally focused on your wellness and abundance,
and that's what you'll create.
Lee Ching

Lee Ching and Our Social Media Links

People are always asking about our Intenders guide, Lee Ching. Lee Ching is an Ascended Master who has been with us since our very first Intenders Circle helping us to refine the Intention Process and become better manifesters. His words are currently being posted on our Social Media sites each week so that you can be as inspired by them as we are. Here are the links to our Social Media as well as our main websites:

Our Intenders Social Media sites:

The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook - For Sharing Your Intentions, Gratitudes and Visions.
The Intenders Inspirationers Circle - For Sharing Your Intention Manifestation Stories and Other Inspiring Information.
Intenders of the Highest Good Intention Gallery and Store - For Shopping and Visiting our Gallery of Intentions.
Tony's Intenders Circle - For Q + A about Intention-making and more...

The Intenders on Instagram
@Intenders on Twitter
@TonyBurroughs on Twitter

Our Intenders websites:

Highest Light House - Our Main Intenders Site.
Intenders of the Highest Good - Our Classic site, redirects to our main site at Highest Light House.
The Bridge: A Free Course in Self Empowerment.
The Vision Alignment Project - Make a Difference! Receive Visions for a Better World and Align with them - Free - Over 2,000,000 Alignments and counting!
Tony Burroughs personal site and press kit.

Tony Burroughs Intenders Tour in September

The Intenders Rides again! Tony Burroughs is now scheduling dates in September for his 2017 Intenders events. Tony will be in Grand Rapids, Michigan on September 16th as keynote speaker at the Coptic Community Conference. Call Steve at 708-485-4764 for reservations and information.

If you would like to inquire about having Tony stop in your town and present an Intenders event in September, call 858-200-5200 or email [email protected].

The longer you hold to the old ways,
where one profits at the expense of another,
the longer your challenges will continue.
However, as soon as you let go
and allow Great Spirit to bring about
a solution that is best for everyone,
your challenges will lessen.

Charlie and Sherrie, Boulder/Longmont Intenders, Married!

Here's a note we received last month from our friends, Sherrie and Charlie in Longmont, CO. I have visited their Intenders Circle many times over the years and always have a great time - but until recently I didn't know they weren't married. Now they are!

Sherrie writes: Have you ever considered writing a book about Intenders' stories & successes? Like Charlie & I meeting at Nancy's Intenders' in Littleton 7 years ago? I'd been going to Nancy Markow's Intenders' Circle for maybe a year and a half & then one night Charlie shows up there. My computer had died & Charlie volunteered to help me with it. He worked on it for weeks--it had a terrible virus on it, but he finally got it fixed & the rest is history! We were married last month!

Congratulations to you both! Oh, and yes, I did write an Ebook called WINS: Manifestation Stories from the Intenders.

WINS: Manifestation Stories from the Intenders

You can find out more about it at

Support Your Independent Authors - Help us Counteract Amazon

Like the small Mom and Pop shops across the country who've been run out of business by Walmart, Amazon is chasing authors and small publishers out of business as fast as they can. Writers and authors who have previously had a chance of making a living by writing books are now being forced to work with Amazon and have their profits cut to almost nothing. For example, on the last book we published through a mainstream publisher, you could buy the book the same day it came off the presses cheaper on Amazon than we could buy it for from our publisher to resell.

Soon, the smaller, genre (except for crime and horror) authors will be gone, like the Mom and Pop shops. The only books being distributed will come from the biggest corporate publishers - and those who have a dream of writing their own book will find that after Amazon takes their cut and the publisher takes their cut, there is little or nothing left over for the writer. The only option left is self-publishing, paying ever-increasing printing and shipping costs, and dealing again with Amazon to market the book.

Accordingly, we are having to reinvent ourselves here at The Intenders. Except for our three self-published Handbooks, we are phasing out our printed books in favor of digital ebooks. We are also asking for donations in order to keep The Intenders principles and free programs going out to the world at this time when they are most needed. We thank you in advance for your donations.
Click here to go to our donations page.


Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 10 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 2 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, The Intenders YouTube Channel or TonyBurroughs.Net.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.