The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ July 2017

Published: Tue, 07/11/17

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

July 2017

Table of Contents

~You Manifest What You Say You Want -
and You Manifest What You Say You Don’t Want
~Intenders Events in September
~The Highest Good
~About Lee Ching
~The Code ~ Now More Than Ever
~Spotlight on the Facebook Intenders Founders Circle

You Manifest What You Say You Want -
And You Manifest What You Say You Don’t Want

"There is one vital piece of information that has systematically been withheld from you, and it is this: you manifest what you say you want and you manifest what you say you don’t want. This means that when you express yourself in a negative fashion, you draw the exact opposite of what you desire to yourself. An example of this is evident when you say that you don’t want an accident or a sickness to occur. What most of you don’t understand is that by talking about anything - whether you want it or you don’t - you invoke it; you attract it into your experience.

You see people do this all the time. They’ll be talking about something they wouldn’t want to happen and, sure enough, it happens. What they weren’t aware of is that, in their thinking processes, they pictured it happening. Since their thoughts are always creating their future, they, in fact, brought it to life when they said they didn’t want it to happen.

Some thoughts are designed to play tricks on you, having you believe that you are keeping your undesired experiences at bay by voicing your resistance to them. Now, however, as you’re beginning to explore, more closely, how your thinking works, you can see that you are undermining or sabotaging yourself by all your negative talk; that you are the cause of your calamities by the fact that you talk about them.

The antidote to having calamities and accidents befall you is to speak only in the positive, to be even more vigilant of what you’re saying, and to stop yourself before you give voice to the negative. Then, you can replace the “I don’t wants” and all the talk of calamities by saying what you do want. If, for instance, you catch yourself saying, “I don’t want war” - which, as you have learned, will only conjure up more aggression and violence - instead, you can say, “I intend that I am living in peace.” As you phrase your words like this, you invoke only the positive..."

From The Intenders Handbook by Tony Burroughs

Intenders Events in September

Tony will be leading Intenders Circles and giving TonyTalks in the Midwest this autumn and is just beginning to set up his travel schedule (see below). If you are interested in having Tony lead an Intenders Circle or give an empowering talk in your area you can email him at [email protected].

Sept 16 & 17 - Grand Rapids, MI - The Coptic Fellowship Conference Keynote and Personal Sessions - Contact Steve Krejcik at 708-485-4764.

Sept 21 - Mountain Home, AR - Mystic Forest Bookstore - Potluck, TonyTalk and Equinox Intention Circle - 6pm - Contact Frank Slagle at 870-656-1934.

Sept 23 - Rogers/Bentonville, AR - 1724 South 15th St in Rogers, AR - TonyTalk and Equinox Intention Circle - 6pm - Contact Lois Cheney at [email protected]

The Highest Good

In the Intenders we have always aligned all of our Intentions with the Highest Good. We do this at the end of our Intentions by saying something like, "In order to manifest, all of my Intentions must serve the highest and best good of the Universe, myself and everyone concerned." This way, since we know that what we say is what we get, if our Intentions are for the Highest Good, they'll manifest, and if they're not for the Highest Good, they won't.

When I found the Highest Good, it was like something in my life clicked into place. I’d made intentions before and manifested a few things, but something wasn’t quite right. I kept getting things that didn’t quite work out for me. The shoes that manifested were the wrong size, the car that manifested needed major repairs, the relationship that manifested went sour right away, and so on. I couldn’t figure out why these things were happening until I ran across the concept of the Highest Good. Right off the bat, it resonated with me... I started saying the Highest Good clause at the end of my intentions and it wasn’t long before I had new shoes that fit like a glove, the car miraculously fixed itself, and a new lady, who is one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met, came into my life. It was like I had the magic touch. But, looking back, I can see that it wasn’t magic at all. It was the Highest Good!
Rob Eastman
From The Ascenders Handbook

FYI: Our Intenders Ascenders Handbook Trilogy is made up of The Intenders Handbook, The Highest Light Teachings and The Ascenders Handbook: Two Roads Home, and you can get all three of these wonderful pocket and purse-sized editions in print for $12.95 by clicking on the link above.

About Lee Ching

People are always asking about the quotes and messages in our Intenders books and presentations and they come from our long-time Intenders Guide, Lee Ching. When we first started the Intenders on the Big Island of Hawaii over a quarter of a century ago we had help. Tina Stober had been a very popular spiritual messenger in San Diego county in the 80's and moved to Hawaii where she met Tony. He wanted to hear more from Lee Ching and, long story short, we began having Lee Ching guidance sessions following our original Intenders Circle - and the rest is history.

Over the next several years, as we were refining the Intention Process, Tony became the scribe for Lee Ching and the Intenders and it wasn't long before Lee Ching was coming though both Tina and Tony (now you know where the beautiful quotes and and inspiring passages in our books and DVDs come from.) In fact, our Intenders book, What You Need to Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages is filled with the 500 pages of information Tony and Tina brought out over the years.

You can see Tina and Lee Ching by clicking here.

The Code ~ Now More Than Ever

Considering the world situation lately there is more need for solutions than ever before. Governments are failing their people, undermining and systematically dismantling the US Constitution and other inspired documents around the world. The 10 Commandments are not adhered to (or else we wouldn't have all the support for the killing of innocents across the planet.) People everywhere are losing trust in their leaders and institutions and rightfully so because these leaders swore to represent the people, but instead are only representing the corporate interests who gave them large sums of money to run their campaigns.

The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World was specifically given to you during these times of great change so you would have a present-day reference point for civilized behavior. The Code books are available as Ebooks and the poster of The Code is free to you here. More info on The Code can be found by clicking here.

The Code

To Download and Print a FREE 8.5 x 11 Color Poster of The Code to put on your wall, just click on the poster above.

Spotlight on the Facebook Intenders Founders Circle

In the spirit of featuring one of our many social media sites, we are spotlighting our Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook in this issue. If you would like to share your Intentions and Gratitudes this is the place to do it. While our other social media sites are for discussion and empowering conversation, the Founders Circle is for refining your Intention-making and manifesting skills. All are welcome and you can click here to go to the Intenders Facebook Founders Circle.

Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 10 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 2 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, The Intenders YouTube Channel or TonyBurroughs.Net.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.