The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ Thanksgiving 2018

Published: Wed, 11/21/18

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

Thanksgiving 2018

Table of Contents

~A Thanksgiving at Dawn
~Sebastian's Joy
~Our 2018 Stocking Stuffer Special
~Supportiveness in our Intenders Circles
~Upcoming Intenders Events
~The Solution! A Vision for Open Hearts Everywhere

A Thanksgiving at Dawn

Sometimes it's the little things that happen along the way that touch your heart. It was dawn in Dothan, AL and I had just spent the night in my makeshift bed in my Kia, sweating from the intense August humidity and listening to the rainstorm pelt the roof of my car. The workshop the evening before didn't end until late and I had another one scheduled over 400 miles away in Sarasota, FL the following evening - and all I could think of was getting a hot shower to refresh myself.

As I drove south out of Dothan I made an intention that I find a way to get good and clean before my day's drive. No more than a mile down the road I spied a Pilot Travel Center where, for $12, I could shower as long as I liked. I pulled in, gathered my toiletries and a change of clothes and headed to the counter to pay, passing the bank of TVs that were filled with talk of immigration issues and how our borders were being overrun by strangers. There was a short line of people but within a couple of minutes I was standing in front of the lady who asked me, "Do you have a Pilot trucker's card?", to which I said "No," and she said, "That will be $12, please."

As I dug into my pocket and was looking for my credit card there was a bit of a commotion in the line of people behind me. When I turned around to see what was going on, a friendly Muslim man was holding up his trucker's card and, with a strong middle eastern accent, he was trying to tell the lady to use his card to pay for my shower. In that early dawn moment, as I finished at the counter and went to thank my foreign benefactor, the latest news blaring from the surrounding TVs seemed so misleading, so irrelevant. Although we spoke different languages and we came from entirely different backgrounds, I felt like I'd just met a brother in my soul.

Sebastian's Joy

Every now and then we get a manifestation story that is so joyful that we have to share it with you. Here is one from our Intenders Facebook Founders Circle page that came in last week:

Fellow Intenders!! Its a PASS!!! I passed the National Board Dental Examination Part II!! This was my last chance to pass this exam and I passed!! I just want to let everyone know that the INTENTION PROCESS WORKS!!! NEVER DOUBT IT!!! My life has just changed for the greater good of the Universe. I'm proof that the process works no matter what! Take care everyone! Oh and also...thank you for everyone who aligned with me! You will always be in my heart!
Sebastian Gonzales Diaz

Thank you, Sebastian. We intend that your dental practice is as successful as it can possibly be! For the Highest Good, So Be It and So It Is!

Our NEW Holiday Stocking Stuffer Special!
10 Copies of our original bestseller, The Intenders Handbook
10 Copies of our newest bestseller, The Highest Good Handbook
(a $100.00 value)
All 20 Handbooks for $64.

Stocking Stuffer Special

  Our NEW Holiday Stocking Stuffer Special       More info  $64     

The Highest Good Quartet
 512 pages.    More info  $14.95     
The Highest Good Quartet

Supportiveness in our Intenders Circles

Every so often someone comes to one of our Intenders Circles with a shy reluctance to share their intentions. The first time it happened in our original Intenders Circle, our friend, Karen Meyer, was so nervous about saying her gratitudes and intentions that she almost didn't take part. But, after a bit of gentle encouragement, she went ahead anyway - and by the time she was finished, her trepidation was entirely gone and replaced by a beautiful glow of accomplishment. So much so that when Karen came back to our circle the following week she brought her two children along to say their intentions too!

One of the main characteristics of our circles that's not often mentioned in the books is the supportiveness they offer. When everyone in the circle is aligning with your intentions and is really wanting your intentions to manifest, you can't help but feel at ease. You can't help but feel empowered. And that's the way we designed it from the very beginning. We intended to create an environment where everyone who takes part feels safe and supported when speaking their heartfelt desires into the circle. It was our intention that the circle bring out the best in people, and we left the rest up to the Highest Good.

See Our Directory of Intenders Circles

Upcoming Events

In the past we have been in outstate Colorado where the WiFi reception was very poor and we couldn't do any live online events. However, now that Intenders Central has moved to Arkansas, we have excellent WiFi connections and are able to do interviews and live events again. Here is some events, both current and future.

Nov 20 ~ On our Intenders Facebook Founders Circle, see yesterday's Tony Burroughs interview with shaman, Willow Green.
Nov 26 ~ Tony Burroughs speaks on his experiences with community making at The Spiritual Oneness Center at 300 Oaklawn St at 10:30am in Hot Springs, AR. He will also lead an Intention Circle. For more info, call Katie at 501-545-1024.
Coming Soon! Tony's Latest Workshop on The Intenders YouTube Channel. Stay Tuned.

The Solution: A Vision for Open Hearts Everywhere

We received a call last week from wayshower extraordinaire, Jim Atwood, saying that he felt we could resolve all our worldly ills by reaching a critical mass of people with open hearts. He thought that this Vision of Open Hearts Everywhere embodied the solution and he asked if he could share this wonderful Vision with his list of friends. . . to which, we replied, "Of course!" - and you can share it with your friends too!

A Vision for Open Hearts Everywhere

As we walk the distinctly unique path of human evolution, we reach a place where we cannot go any further unless we open our heart. Such is the crossroad that faces mankind and womankind today, and thus it is appropriate that we set the template for our next step by offering this Vision for Open Hearts Everywhere.

We picture ourselves living in a world where every man, woman and child on Earth have opened their heart; where we each feel the sacred feeling that only an open heart can bring; and that this feeling surrounds us in everything we do, in everywhere we go, and in everyone we meet. All ego, all deception, all untruth, all hatred and aggression dissolve into nothingness as we now know - fully and forevermore - that having an open heart is the best experience life has to offer. Now, our decisions are wiser, our actions more caring, our relationships more loving - because we all live from our open hearts.

Imagine this world for a moment, if you will. Humanity, en masse, has risen up and out of its old violent ways, never to look back upon them again. With hearts open we gaze out across the horizon of a new world where Love - True Love for everything that exists - is the standard by which we live. A feeling so sacred, so sublime, originating from the center of our hearts and permeating throughout every cell in our bodies, has spread outward from there, like a wave of joy, across our entire planet. None are untouched by it. All are renewed in it. Life is, once again, a blessed experience, a gift that is treasured like no other.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.

Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.




Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 2.75 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, The Intenders YouTube Channel or TonyBurroughs.Net.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.