The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ October 2108

Published: Tue, 10/02/18

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

October 2018

Table of Contents

~Optimism gives us success
~Certificate of Alignment with the Highest Good Award
~Intenders Author Tony Burroughs to speak in Pagosa Springs, CO on Oct.5th
~A Timely Message from Lee Ching
~The Highest Good Handbook and The Highest Good Quartet Sale

Optimism gives us success
(Excerpt from The Highest Good Handbook)

The world needs more optimists. Optimistic people are positive people. They don't shy away in the face of life's adverse circumstances. Instead, they have a knowing that everything will turn out all right. They're the kind of people you like to hang around because they're typically happier than other people. They'll cheer you up when you're troubled and feeling like the rest of the world is against you. And, most of all, they'll roll up their sleeves and help get you started off on the right foot when you're going through troubling times.

One of the best things we can do for ourself is to be as positive as possible, as much of the time as possible. Whether we know it or not, when we hold an optimistic outlook on life, we're putting the Law of Attraction to its highest and best use. As we think things will be okay, then things turn out okay. This is one of the great secrets of life: that to think positive thoughts is to bring positive experiences into our life.

Stop talking about the worst that can happen,
and start talking about the best that can happen.

It's a teacher's job to uplift those who come to her for advice. One day not too long ago, I was fortunate to sit in on a session with my friends, Betsy and Sandy. Sandy had come to Betsy for help because she knew Betsy was a happy person. They chatted about little things for a while, then Sandy began complaining about several problems she was having. Her bank account was near empty; her job was unfulfilling; her car just broke down and needed repairs, etc.

As I sat there, I felt an urge to commiserate with Sandy because she was so sad about her circumstances. But Betsy never wavered from her optimism. She held a positive outlook, no matter what Sandy was saying. When Sandy complained about money, Betsy told her that unexpected money was on the way to her (how Betsy knew this, I don't know, but it turned out to be true). When Sandy complained about her job, Betsy talked to her about it and made a few suggestions that would make Sandy's work go more smoothly. When Sandy mentioned her vehicle issues, Betsy recommended an honest mechanic friend who lived down the street.

No matter what Sandy said, Betsy invariably had a helpful solution. It was a beautiful sight to see, and I felt lucky to be a bystander to their conversation. The best thing about the whole situation was that when Sandy got up to leave, the lines in her face had gone away. She was visibly happier as she hugged Betsy goodbye. It was clear that some of Betsy's optimism had rubbed off on her. In fact, I'm sure that Sandy's problems would lessen or go away entirely now that she had a more positive outlook on it all.

It's good to help others who need it;
just be sure not to get caught up in their stuff.

Commiseration works against us, and optimism works on our behalf. Always see the bright side, and life will be brighter, gifts will be given, and the way to happiness will be smoother in all your endeavors. When others say it can't be done, you say it can. When others are beset with life's challenges, you show them the way out of their challenges. One of the great joys in life is when someone you've helped comes back to you a few days or weeks later and thanks you because your help changed their life. In that moment, you'll know that they're in a more positive place now, and they're more apt to stay uplifted from then on.
Let nothing come between you and your joy.

Certificate of Alignment with the Highest Good Award

Accompanying our new Highest Good Handbook is a free poster we call our Certificate of Alignment with the Highest Good Award. It is awarded to anyone who takes and passes our Fun Final Exam from our new Handbook, The Highest Good. Even if you do not buy our new book, you can take our Fun Final Exam on our website by clicking here. These Certificates are personalized by our graphics expert, Terrie Haley, and she will email it to you with your name on it.
The Highest Good Award Certificate

Intenders Author Tony Burroughs to speak in Pagosa Springs, CO on Oct.5th

Intenders author Tony Burroughs has just completed his successful 2018 tour of 16 cities throughout the Midwest and will be offering a complimentary 2 hour presentation to celebrate the release of his latest book, The Highest Good Handbook: Love, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. This event is being held by Luminosity Talks at 6:30pm on Friday, October 5 at the New Thought Church in the Momentum 24-7 Building, 40 North 15th St., Pagosa Springs, CO 81147.

Tony is a world renowned storyteller whose stories and parables are collected from his lifelong experiences with the world's largest intentional community, The Intenders of the Highest Good. The Intenders began in 1994 in Pahoa, Hawaii with Tony and three friends sharing their intentions and gratitudes in a circle and learning how to become more proficient at manifesting their dreams. Upon having overwhelming success with their intending, they began to share their Intention Process with others - and as a result, the Intenders Circles grew beyond their small circle of four and has now spread to countries all across the globe.

Those who attend this workshop will become more familiarized with the Law of Attraction, more aligned with the Highest Good, and more empowered to manifest their dreams and desires. This is a free presentation and everyone is welcome to attend. Tony's books will be available at the event. For more information, contact Gary at 618-973-5669 or 970-731-1008.


A Timely Message from Lee Ching (from The Highest Good Handbook)

Your next step is revealed to you in each moment, with each new experience that comes your way. You needn't go out and search for it; it will find you. The only variable lies in your alertness, in your ability to notice it when gifts are being presented to you. Indeed, when you're able to make the most of the opportunities that come your way, your next step in life is always revealed to you.

Evolution is not to be forced, but to be allowed to happen at its own pace. As you permit things to arrive of their own volition, you avoid all of the striving and stressing you see so many others dealing with. You no longer worry about what's next because you know that the perfect event will show itself to you at the perfect time. Everything unfolds like a flower that bursts forth from its bud in the mid-morning summer sun.

The days of your emotional rollercoaster rides will be over as soon as you let go and allow things to come of their own accord. When you can do this, the first thing you'll discover is that waiting has become your friend. For it's in the waiting that true serenity settles into your days and nights. You are serene, alertly waiting for your next step in life to show itself. And it surely will, in the same measure that you are willing to receive it.

(Like to know more about Lee Ching? It's in the new Handbook!)


You needn't strive for everything.
Life is a journey
and the experiences
needed for your learning and your growth
will come up in the course of life itself -
if you let them.

The Highest Good Handbook and The Highest Good Quartet Sale

The Highest Good Handbook: Love, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

"The Highest Good Handbook is the best $6 you'll ever spend!" ~ Dan Martin, Bookends Bookstore

The Highest Good Handbook  224 pages.    More info  $6.00     

The Highest Good Handbook Bulk Discount    More info  10 Copies for $36.00     

The Highest Good Handbook Ebook  (Immediate Download). $5.00
More info  

NEW! The Highest Good Quartet  512 pages.    More info  $14.95     

The Highest Good Quartet

"The Intenders Handbook is the best $4 you'll ever spend!" ~ Frank Slagle, Mystic Forest Bookstore


Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 2.7 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, The Intenders YouTube Channel or TonyBurroughs.Net.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we are seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.