The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ November 2018

Published: Wed, 11/07/18

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

November 2018

Table of Contents

~The Code Revisited ~ The Madness and the Miracles
~A Sweet Manifestation Story
~Our Quartet of Handbooks Special
~Download The Code Poster. It’s Free.
~A Final Word from Lee Ching

The Code Revisited ~ The Madness and the Miracles

What with the uncertainty in today’s world, it seems appropriate on this voting day to revisit the opening paragraphs from the first chapter of my book, The Code: 10 Intentions for a Better World entitled The Madness and the Miracles. This inspiring book headlined Weiser’s spring catalog a few years back, but it’s guidelines for daily living have never been more relevant than they are today.

Something’s up. There’s an acceleration going on. Everything is changing faster than before. Even if you can’t explain it, you can feel it. From one perspective, it’s as if we’re seeing two extremes emerge: the madness and the miracles. The madness—you know what the madness looks like—it’s the chaos; the horrific headlines and the nightly news hype; the wholesale selling of sicknesses of every kind; the overloaded nervous systems; the repressed emotions; the unwillingness to see others’ points of view as valid, much less valuable; the enslavement to the moneylenders who have wheedled their way, not only back onto the church steps, but, even worse, into the core of the human heart; the deceit, so blatant, among our governments and their leaders—leaders whom we once respected and trusted to care about our best interests, but who now more resemble Attila the Hun.

Indeed, humanity sits at a crossroad. Those who are choosing to remain immersed in the madness of the mainstream consensus reality appear to be going into greater states of discomfort. By holding fast to our old habits and the “time is money” mindset, we unwittingly tighten the shackles that bind us to our own stress and suffering. It’s as if we possess the key to the door of our own prison cell, and yet, by refusing to acknowledge that our mainstream reality is but one reality out of an infinite number of realities that are available to us, we neglect to place the key in the lock that’s right in front of us and give it a turn.

The other extreme—the miracles—is beginning to reveal itself to anyone who is willing to let go of their attachment to the status quo and explore their highest potential…

Download a Free Poster of The Code or Get More Info on The Code Ebook ($5)

A Sweet Manifestation Story

Most of you know that I have been living in Pagosa Springs, Colorado for the past several years although what you may not know is that lately I’ve been intending that I live somewhere else so I wouldn’t have to shovel so much snow in the winter. Last month, as I was finishing up my 2018 Intenders book tour for The Highest Good Handbook, I stopped and visited with friends in Hot Springs, Arkansas - and, long story short, they asked me if I would like to live in their beautiful, but empty 4000 sq. foot house that sits on the highest ridgepoint overlooking a beautiful lake in the heart of America’s most abundant crystal fields - all for free. Having been a rockhound who came here to dig crystals many times in the past, I jumped at the chance.

So…as I write this, I have just finished unpacking and am now living in a spectacular home for as long as I like in what my friends describe as “paradise in the heartland.” And all of this happened because of an intention I made for the highest good. (I will be speaking in Hot Springs at the Spiritual Oneness Center at 300 Oaklawn Ave on November 18th at 10:30am - call Allan at 501-815-2770 for more info.)

Interestingly, this is not the first time something like this has manifested for me. In fact, free places to live have come to me many times throughout my career - and they can come to you too! But first you will need to make some intentions and let go of any doubts you may have. That’s when the miracles really begin to happen. Here’s a short passage from my new Highest Good Handbook that outlines more of my experiences in manifesting free places to live since I began making intentions.

People ask what my life has been like since I intended to live by manifesting—and the answer is: I’ve had the most amazing ride imaginable! I’ve lived on the beach in Hawaii; amid towering red rocks outside Payson, AZ; atop Big Avocado Mountain in Escondido, CA; in the Shasta Valley with majestic Mt. Shasta framed in my picture window. I’ve camped across America several times, vacationed from the Caribbean to Bora Bora, bathed in luxury in Corrales, NM, basked in the powerful vortices of Sedona, AZ, (before it got crowded), and restored my Spirit on the banks of the Willamette River near Eugene, OR. I’ve taken part in Intention Circles across the country in private homes, churches of all denominations, community centers, social clubs, gift shops, Grange halls, Masonic lodges, casinos, hotels, public parks, and book stores galore. In short, I’ve made more friends than I ever thought possible, traveled to places I only dreamed of, and lived in some of the most magnificent spots on Earth, all of which manifested following intentions I made for the Highest Good.
Tony Burroughs

Our Quartet of Handbooks Special

Want to become a better manifestor? Our Intenders quartet of 4 Handbooks are filled with an abundance of “manifestation stories” and will tell you everything you need to know about making intentions and manifesting your dreams. Now, with our Quartet Special, you can get all 4 Handbooks (over 500 pages) for the cost of 3 books - so you get 1 Handbook free!

"My wonderful friend and teacher Merel recently gave me your newest book, The Highest Good Handbook. I am about half way through it at this point. I just want to say a huge Thank You for writing this book. I am only 37 but thanks to your book and the direction my life is going in I feel so blessed and lucky to be able to read it at this point. I am always wondering where and what direction I am going in life. But now I understand. . ."
Jillian Lucero

The Highest Good Quartet    More info  $14.95     

The Highest Good Quartet

Download The Code Poster. It’s Free.

The Code

Reading The Code everyday will put you on the fast track to manifesting. To Download and Print a FREE 8.5 x 11 Color Poster of The Code to put on your wall,
just click on the poster above

We also offer a beautiful 11 x 17 Color poster of The Code. More...

A Final Word from Lee Ching

Those who are becoming more aware of what they’re creating with their everyday thoughts and words are evolving into their highest calling, while those who remain unaware of the Law of Attraction are having to deal with whatever life brings. You can be happy and enjoying your life no matter what is going on around you - but first you must understand that it doesn’t serve you or anyone else when you harbor thoughts or talk about outcomes of any kind that won’t provide you with the results you’re truly wanting for yourself.

These are the times for you to be strong, steadfast and focused in your thinking. As you become more positive in your thought processes, you will begin to notice that your positivity is reflected in your daily life. This is as it has to be; for the Law of Attraction is always at work, behind the scenes, making sure that your thoughts and words are creating the world around you in each and every moment, in each and every situation you encounter. It is a great truth that happy thoughts bring forth happy experiences. Likewise, as you dwell on unwanted thoughts, you bring unwanted experiences into your life. The choice is always up to you. You can put your attention on one thought as easily as another. Wouldn’t you rather dwell on thoughts of happiness and thus bring them into manifestation?

You’re always creating the world you’re about to experience, and you’re doing it with your moment to moment thoughts and words.

Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 2.75 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook, The Intenders YouTube Channel or TonyBurroughs.Net.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guides, Lee Ching and Kuan Yin), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

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The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

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