The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter ~ May 2019

Published: Tue, 05/07/19

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The Intenders Highest Light House Newsletter

May 2019

Table of Contents

~Power Tools
~Joan's Vision Now Scheduling our 2019 Intenders Tour
~The Intention Circle Guidelines Handout
~The Intenders Handbooks Quartet
~A Closing Message from Lee Ching

Power Tools

Most people nowadays are beginning to notice that it's not business as usual. The world we share and the lives we live are changing at an exponential pace, taking leaps many of us never saw coming. The question for those of us who are actively working on ourselves is "How do we remain physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually afloat in the midst of the ongoing changes?" Can we stay happy and productive regardless of whatever is going on around us?

The answers lie in paying closer attention to our everyday thoughts and words. For, if we do not begin to think and talk about our world and our lives in the highest, most supportive light imaginable, we will remain at the mercy of people and forces outside ourselves who have agendas that do not serve us, agendas that will not provide us with the results we truly desire for ourselves. We need to remember that whatever we place our attention and intention on is what we're creating. It's what we're becoming. We can either create a happy, positive, fulfilling, loving, comfortable world or we can go in the other direction. It's simply a matter of thinking, talking about - and intending - something beyond the current consensus mainstream reality, something new, something that works for each and all of us. That something is the best life and the best world we can envision.

Our thoughts and our words are our points of power. We can use them to create beautiful futures for ourselves, futures that serve the highest good of all and everyone. Indeed, we are called, in this most chaotic of times in recent history, to be much more vigilant with what we're thinking and what we're talking to others about because these are our power tools. And, like all power tools, we must pay close attention when using them. We can use them to reinforce the current chaos, or we can use them to bring forth a life and a world where love abounds and dreams come true.

It furthers you to take notice of your subject matter
and to understand
that when you are talking about something negative -
something you wouldn't want to manifest in a million years -
it moves closer to manifesting simply by the act of discussing it.
Whatever you talk about -
whether it's positive or negative,
something you want or something you don't -
is on its way to you.
(from What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages)
See all of our Intenders Books and Ebooks Here.

Meet Lee Ching

Joan's Vision

The Intenders offer you two distinctly different free email programs: The Intenders Bridge which is a popular Course in Self Empowerment and Intention Making - and The Vision Alignment Project where we share our Visions for our ideal world. In the VAP, we also create a space for you to align with our Visions, knowing that when you align with these beautiful Visions, you are consciously contributing to the manifestation of them. It is a way for you to actively make a positive difference in our world.

Recently, we received a short, but oh-so poignant Vision from Joan Shea who is one of our Intenders Bridge subscribers. In Bridge Step #43 she was asked to share her Vision of her Ideal World, and this is what she wrote:

I see a world where our differences are celebrated;
where the water is clear and fresh and healthy to drink;
where the air is clean, pure, and a joy to breathe;
and where there is peace on earth and among all the peoples of the world...

Thank you, Joan! Sometimes short and sweet is the most powerful! We align with your Vision!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button or Link below.

Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.

Now Scheduling our 2019 Intenders Tour

It's Spring and we are beginning to schedule Intenders events for 2019. This year we will be traveling to cities in the Midwestern and Southern states including Oklahoma City, OK, Cincinnati, OH, Akron, OH, Austin, TX, Houston, TX, Hot Springs, AR, and Little Rock, AR. If you are located in or near any of these areas and would like to have Intenders author, Tony Burroughs, come and share his latest Intenders stories with your circle of friends, email [email protected] or call 858-200-5200.

Tony will be in Hot Springs, AR on Thursday, May 9th at the Metaphysical Connection at 115A Central Ave at 6:30pm to lead an Intenders Circle. For more info call Miki or Karina at 501-617-9865.

He will also be interviewed by Cheryl Andrea on the United Intentions Network on May 20th at 6pm EST. Cheryl's 1 hour show is called The Soulfull Family and Tony will be sharing about how to use your intentions to stay balanced and happy regardless of whatever is going on around you. This is a Live interview and will be streamed on Facebook: and on YouTube: More info is available by calling Cheryl at 469-767-2727.

The Intention Circle Guidelines Handout

We had such a great response from the following article that we decided to share it again.

We're always intending to provide you with powerful tools so that you can personally become more proficient at manifesting your dreams and desires. At the same time, it's been our intention to make things easier for you to take part in an Intention Circle. As a result we have recently fine-tuned our Intention Circle Guidelines Sheet so that you can use it at home when saying your Intentions and you can also pass it out to everyone in your Intention Circle. We have found that this free Guidelines Sheet streamlines not only the saying of your intentions, but it also streamlines your ability to manifest the things you want in your personal life. It is purposely designed to help you become a Mighty Manifestor as quickly as possible.

Intenders Circle Guidelines Sheet

Click on the image above to download a free full-size 8.5x11 copy of this Sheet.
Then you can print out as many copies as you like for your group!

The Intenders Handbooks Quartet

The Highest Good Quartet
Our most popular product nowadays is our Quartet of Intenders Handbooks. With the reprint of The Highest Light Teachings Handbook, we have completed our updated Quartet of The Intenders Handbook, The Highest Good Handbook, The Ascenders Handbook, and The Highest Light Teachings Handbook. Each of these 4 Handbooks are beautifully bound and each fits nicely in your pocket or purse so, like many of our readers, you can pick one up anytime anywhere and find positivity and upliftment.

At our current $14.95 special, you receive all 4 Handbooks for the price of 3. To order our Intenders Handbook Quartet in print or ebook, you can click here.

NEW! The Highest Good Quartet  512 pages.    More info  $14.95     

See all of our Intenders Books and Ebooks Here.

A Closing Word from Lee Ching

In order for you to see things from a higher ground, you must learn to detach from suffering and drama. The faster you can learn to do what- ever it takes to lift yourself up and out of dramatic situations, the better it will be for you and for all those around you. If you need to go out the door and shut it behind you and say, "I am not going back there for a day or two," then do that. If you are in a situation at work where you are feeling really drained and you need to regenerate, go out into Nature. Nature is there for you. It is filled with vital life and energy. Avail yourself of it. It is your birthright, as a human being, to be with the trees, the wind, the sun and the rain. These things add unto you. They regenerate you. They recreate you.
Excerpt from What You Need To Know Now: The Lee Ching Messages

More about Lee Ching

Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 10 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 2.9 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook , or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.