The Intenders Newsletter ~ November 2019

Published: Sun, 11/03/19

The Intenders of the Highest GoodShare This Newsletter

The Intenders Newsletter

November 2019

Table of Contents

~The Highest Good Healing Formula
~Holiday Stocking Stuffer Specials with FREE Shipping
~Oklahoma Tour Events in November
~Kudos for the Vision Alignment Project Hitting 3 Million Alignments
~A New Vision for Politics and the Highest Good
~Starting an Intenders Circle? Use our Intention Circle Guidelines Poster

The Highest Good Healing Formula

If you or someone you know is struggling with emotional or physical challenges, here is a formula from The Highest Good Handbook that will help.

For those who are resilient and have the strength to bounce back from the face of adversity and hardship, there is a whole world out there filled with people who want to help put their fellow travelers back on the path of happiness and creativity. If we will but open up, even a little, we will find that there are people who love us and want us to love them. Indeed, there are people all around us who need to be loved just as much as we do, and if we are willing to lift ourselves up and out of our unhappiness, and we go out and help someone else, we will soon discover something we may never have known existed. We may discover our reason for being here.

If you have lost hope
and thoughts of despair are weighing you down,
go help someone else who needs it,
and you will be helped in return.

By the simple act of helping another, we will begin to feel better about ourself. It is a great truth that when we serve our friends and neighbors in need, we gain a new outlook on life, one that makes life worth living again. Our despair vanishes and is replaced by a joy that we may not have felt in a long time. Especially when we help someone who is worse off than we are, we will see the look of gratitude in their eyes as we are doing whatever we can to improve their circumstances. It may be bringing them a meal, or helping them get dressed, or brushing their hair, or even assisting them to be more comfortable in their last days on Earth. These small acts of love come back to us in ways we never imagined.

For, in serving another, we are served. In loving another, we are loved. And in caring for another, we are cared for in such great measure that life itself takes on a profound, new direction. Once again, like little children who cannot wait to go out and play with their friends after dinner, we rediscover the value and the preciousness of having a body and using it for all it is worth.

from The Highest Good Handbook: Love, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness by Tony Burroughs

Our Holiday Stocking Stuffer Special!
with FREE SHIPPING through December.

If you have several friends to buy Christmas presents for, along with our bulk Handbook specials we are offering our Holiday Stocking Stuffer again for you this year. These Handbooks fit perfectly in your Christmas stockings as well as your purse and pocket so you can pick them up anytime and receive uplifting and empowering guidance from them.

You will receive 10 Copies of our original bestseller,
The Intenders Handbook
10 Copies of our newest bestseller,
The Highest Good Handbook
All 20 Handbooks for $64. (a $100.00 value)
Stocking Stuffer Special

  Our NEW Holiday Stocking Stuffer Special       More info  $64     


All Four of our Intenders Handbooks! 512 pages.    More info  $14.95     
The Highest Good Quartet

To check out all of our Intenders books, ebooks and Bulk Specials you can go to:


Kudos for the Vision Alignment Project Hitting 3 Million Alignments

In addition to expressing our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has Aligned with our Visions for an Ideal World, we want to thank all of you who have written us your congratulations for our Vision Alignment Project having gone over the 3 Million Alignments mark! Here are just a couple of examples:

"We did it, 3 million humans resonated and responded to. What a joyful day this is! Being a professional clown in Albuquerque made this milestone even more significant and joyful for me because I love joy and play and this is perfection! Thank you for doing what you do. Thank you for being a positive force in our universe and on this planet and for each and every individual who responds positively."

"Onward to 4 million and 10 million and 20 million and 50 million and beyond!"
Debi Saylor

"You've reached - and exceeded - the 3 million Vision Alignments mark!
Well done! We've been watching the counter for a while!"
Simon Fox

"You and we have done it !!! 3 million woop woop !!! love love love."
Denise in ZA

A New Vision for Politics and the Highest Good

We see a world where we understand that along with all political division and separation comes an opportunity; where we have realized that our current worldly scenario is providing us with a near-perfect environment for evolving up and out of our political challenges by rejecting the mainstream status quo and aligning with the highest good; and where many have lined up with the highest good now because they know, deep inside themselves, that the highest good will set them free, free from their fears, free from controlling politicians, free from all Us vs Them involvements.

We see a world where the old divisive ways are gone and have been replaced by the emergence of a new day where all are able to live out their lives as they choose, free from the interference of those who would control them politically or otherwise; where we are no longer stuck in the middle of an end times cycle, but where we have grasped our freedom now, in this present moment, right where we sit.

Freedom is an inside job
and it starts with an intention:
"I intend that I am free in every way imaginable, now and forevermore.
For the Highest Good.
So Be It and So It Is!"

Now our freedom is no longer dependent on political circumstances, financial obligations and the like because we have laid claim to our freedom here and now within the confines of our own hearts and minds. Now we are turning inward for our happiness and fulfillment. Now we are awakening to the freedom that is available in each and every moment within us. We are no longer defining our freedom based on the world outside of us; instead we are choosing to explore inner, more loving environments, environments where political solutions cannot exist because we have risen above them.

In short, we see a world where everyone understands that their highest good is to be free; and that true freedom is never to be found in our outer world, but can always be found within.

You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button or Link below.

Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.

To SIGN UP for the VAP, Click here.

Starting an Intenders Circle?
You can use our Intention Circle Guidelines Poster

We're always intending to provide you with powerful tools so that you can personally become more proficient at manifesting your dreams and desires. At the same time, it's been our intention to make things easier for you to take part in an Intention Circle.

This Intenders Circle Guidelines and Information sheet was created awhile back by Cincinnati Intenders, Liz Loring and Vicki Friend. We used it when we had our workshop there last summer and it worked so well that we decided to make it available to all of our Intenders Circles. It has been updated and is especially helpful when you are starting a new Intention Circle or when you have newcomers who don't know the order of things to say when it is their turn to share their intentions and gratitudes. We have found that this free Guidelines Sheet streamlines not only the saying of your intentions, but it also streamlines your ability to manifest the things you want in your personal life. It is purposely designed to help you become a Mighty Manifestor as quickly as possible.

You can click on the image of this Intenders Circle Guidelines below to download it. Then, you can print it out and make copies for your group. It can also be downloaded from our Intenders Circle page at

Click here or on the image below to download.
Intenders Circle Guidelines Sheet

Click on the image above to download a free full-size 8.5x11 copy of this Sheet.
Then you can print out as many copies as you like for your group!
See all of our Intenders Books Here.

Tony Burroughs is one of the more prolific visionaries of our time. He is the author of 12 self empowerment books and the cofounder of the worldwide Intenders of the Highest Good community. His widely acclaimed Vision Alignment Project recently surpassed 3 million alignments. The Intenders websites are located at,, and Or you can join us on The Intenders Founders Circle on Facebook , or on The Intenders YouTube Channel.

To contact our original Intenders intuitive messenger, Tina Stober (and her guide, Lee Ching), call 808-982-6774 in Hawaii - and please be mindful that it is several hours earlier there.

We encourage you to forward this newsletter to your friends. This newsletter is sent to Intenders Newsletter and The Intenders Bridge subscribers. If you have received this message in duplicate or in error and would like to be removed from our list, please accept our apologies and use the remove link below.

The Intenders are anchoring the Highest Good to Earth. Accordingly, we're seeing everyone around us (including ourselves) in their Highest Light - even while some are unable to see it in themselves. We also create community by sharing our format for gathering in Intenders Circles. For, just as The Code is a template for creating self-empowerment and personal freedom, the Intenders Circle holds the blueprint for coming together in conscious community during the current transition and beyond.

We are extremely grateful for your donations! Your gifts allow us to bring all of our free programs to the people of the world. To Donate to The Intenders, Click Here.