Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews October 1, 2008

Published: Wed, 10/01/08

Oct 1, 2008
     Dream Dictionary

Intuition Tip #9
Your clarity of mind, attitude, motivation, and productivity will increase simply by learning to prefer and choose whole-body and whole-brain perception. "Being in your head" too much — specifically in your left brain — is exhausting and contributes to inhumane solutions, mediocrity, intolerance, negativity, frustration, and emotional acting out. Establish a habit of opening and expanding your awareness as often as possible.

4. When you notice you're frustrated or anxious

Catch yourself when you're feeling tense and bottled up. Center yourself and drop into your body in the here-and-now. Breathe energy and light into any places that seem dark and solid. Change your posture. Physically smile and soften your face. Raise your energy level 10%. Go outside for a little walk, and imagine an opposite scenario with a win/win solution.

Tips are copyright 2005, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, Second edition, which can be ordered from Council Oak Books. 

Penney's Schedule
Portland, OR: Oct 9: In-depth Life Readings, call Penney directly at 415/898-8925.

Japan: Oct 28-Nov 28. Plans are falling into place for workshops and readings. Contact: [email protected] or tel: 03-3586-0788.

Lima, Peru: early Feb 09, Private women's conference.

• My new book releases in February 2009, so expect an intensive promotonal tour after that.

Sun Valley, ID: Wellness Festival, Labor Day Weekend, May 2009, at Sun Valley Resort.

• I am available any time for private intuitive mentoring sessions of various lengths. I look forward to working with you on issues that concern you, even a bit of tutoring, by phone. You can reach me at 415/898-8925 or by email at [email protected]. My fee is $180 for the first hour, and $100 for the second hour, billed in 15 minute increments. Please book appointments by phone.

Penney's Dream Dictionary Is an Excellent Resource
5x7 format • $12.99 • Now available in Dutch!
This book is unique as dream dictionaries go: each definition is written so you can interpret the dream symbol at the physical, emotional, and mental-spiritual levels. Understanding each symbol becomes a wonderful intuitive process. The book also has chapters that give tips on dream interpretation, and it's is highly useful. Cute and handy; perfect for your bedside or to take along when you travel! Order now from Also available as an e-book from Wiley&Sons.

Barak Obama's Numerological Cycles
Obama throughout his whole life, has a strong emphasis on structure, management, organizational systems, and practical results. Like Palin, he seeks security, but unlike her, his drive is tempered by great open-mindedness, humor, positive thinking, and ability to communicate and express himself clearly. His present cycle is 4-6-4, which is the "earth father" and the provider/mentor. He is service-oriented, reliable, real, concerned for family, both his own, the country as family, and the family of mankind. He understands healing, is nurturing, and is actually the "salt of the earth." He will understand real estate, and what promotes stability. He will not back down from challenges—this pattern brings great inner strength and responsibility. His next cycle has the 8 and 7, like Biden, and this means he is driven by the need to materialize systems that embody truth—this, in a nutshell, is his life work. Obama is in a 4 year this year, which is a year of cementing results, of crystallizing the forms that he's been working to clarify for the past 3 years. This is a powerful year for achievement for him.

The 4 vibration (Obama), when compared to the 2 (McCain), always comes off as strong, grounded, tangible, and real. The 2 can feel wishy-washy, or needy, or just soft and receptive. It can indicate a year of conflict, combativeness, or peacemaking. My overall take on this is that Obama has the energy and proper traits we're going to need in the next few chaotic, fear-laden years. His wife, Michelle, is in a 1 year this year, beginning a phase of 8-1-6, which also fits for starting a new cycle focused on executive leadership. Her chart is incredibly powerful and sensitive—she is a hidden asset in a very big way.

Quotes from Jean Houston
JEAN HOUSTON/Spirituality in Jump Time
"Jump Time is a whole system transition, a condition of interactive change that affects every aspect of life as we know it. It is the changing of the guard on every level, in which every given is quite literally up for grabs. It is the momentum behind the drama of the world, the breakdown and breakthrough of every old way of being, knowing, relating, governing, and believing. It shakes the foundations of all and everything. And it allows for another order of reality to come into time.

We are seeds coded with cosmic dreams. Bursting the pods of our containment, we are ready to enter into creative partnership with the Universe and to populate our particular corner of space-time with our unique vision and capacity.

Apart from those negative patterns of thought and action accumulated over our lifetime, which are difficult enough to overcome, are the even more entrenched evolutionary debris of leftover archaic attitudes and obsolete programs wired into the oldest part of our brain. Two callings seem to be warring within us. On the one hand, the instinctual drives of habit and conditioning; on the other, the metaphysical calling toward spiritual realization.

The evident structures of matter are pared away, revealing Reality in its pure energetic state, which some mystic-minded scientists think is synonymous with the primary energy of consciousness. Brenda Dunne and Robert Jahn of Princeton, for example, say that consciousness is primary and that quantum events follow: "We do not so much regard quantum mechanics as a metaphor for consciousness, but rather the other way round. We think that the fundamental concepts of quantum mechanics are the fundamental concepts of the human mind."


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. She has worked for years on her own spiritual growth and understands the many variations possible in the human spiritual path. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design.

See my blog for the full analysis of the candidates' numerology patterns. In numerology, we experience 9 year cycles of time, which have 3 numbers that influence the sort of consciousness and lessons to be learned. In addition, each year in a 9-year cycle corresponds to 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9. Let's have a look at the candidates' cycle numbers.

JOHN McCAIN: McCain's present cycle is influenced by 1-9-5. He entered this cycle when he was 53. 1-9-5 needs to learn to experience the power of the individual self (1) with all its accompanying lack of confidence and over-confidence, impulsiveness and lack of completion, originality and zeal. McCain has had the 1 in every period of his life, so learning to be himself and be a leader has been a big part of his growth. Until now, he's had the driving, ambitious 1 in combination with security-oriented and power-oriented 4's and 8's. This helped him develop the "maverick" Mac truck persona he has.

What's different now is that he is learning to understand the 9, which is the opposite of 1; it is about faith, trust, collective consciousness, dissolution of personal boundaries and the personal experience of connection to the divine, the unified field, and feminine energy. McCain's old militaristic persona IS NOT WHO HE IS NOW. He is softening, and in terms of soul growth this is fantastic. He has the potential to be a visionary, to be compassionate, humanitarian, philanthropic, and highly creative — IF he can let go of the previous foursquare definitions of himself and undergo a sort of ego death. Politics unfortunately thrives on categorizing people and it will be difficult for McCain to shift out of the box he lived in, and was identified as, for 52 years.

The 5 indicates he needs to learn the lesson of fluidity and flexibility, of enhanced ability to communicate and network. The shadow side of this lesson often involves paralysis of some sort, or being restrained and limited by external forces. Or, it can indicate being spread too thin among many points of view, flipping from one to another and not holding steady.

McCain's personal year this year is 2, which means he is focusing on relationship issues and how he connects to the world. This is not a particularly powerful cycle for cementing a big win. The cycle McCain is in now, in my opinion, is not that of a strong leader for the chaotic times we face.

Netflix Recommendation:
2 more Heart-Warmers: AND THEN SHE FOUND ME (Helen Hunt, Colin Firth), and REPUBLIC OF LOVE (Bruce Greenwood). We may need heartwarmers in this crazy time!

Read Penney's Intuition Blog.

Find a Present Moment Practice for Today: Part of the Daily Oracle section on www. (you can click on the link endless times and get different quotes. . .)

Listen to the latest interview with Penney. Being a Visionary and Leading Edges in the Evolution of Awareness
Interview with Bryan Flournoy on Making-It-All-Click radio.

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