Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews Dec 21, 2008

Published: Sun, 12/21/08

Dec 21, 2008
Dream Dictionary

Intuition Tip #13
Use Intuition to Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Your Work
In the work arena, the acting out of hidden agendas causes mistakes, wasted time, and unnecessary headaches, making the workplace an unenjoyable place to be. Stopping internal sabotage is a powerful way to increase an organization's effectiveness.

3. Be authentic and honest. Express your truth with respect for others, not to please and be accepted by others, or to control them.

Watch yourself carefully for the places where you pull back from expressing your ideas and truth, where you change your behavior to please others, or use more force than necessary to impress or control others. Work on turning that around by saying just one more real thing that you normally wouldn't, or being just a little more creative, or vulnerable, than you'd usually be.

Tips are copyright 2005, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, Second edition, which can be ordered from Council Oak Books. 

Penney's Schedule
Daytona Beach, FL: Dec 18-31
Lima, Peru: early Feb 09, Private women's conference.
• My new book, FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration, releases February 3, 2009. Order an early copy!
Detroit, MI: CBS Radio Empowering U Conference, Feb 22
Denver, CO: May 16-22
Sun Valley, ID: Wellness Festival, May 22-25, Sun Valley Resort.
Lisbon, Portugal: 1st Congress on Synchronization with the Planet, June 5-7.

Discount on Intuitive Coaching
through 12/31/08
Ironically this is a time of tight finances AND a time when we most need some help keeping our attitudes and energy up, staying in touch with our rapidly evolving inner blueprint, and clarifying our new vision and plan for attaining it. So, from now through the end of 2008, I'm offering a discount on half-hour private intuitive coaching sessions by phone. Instead of $90, they will now be $60, with tape $65. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can leave a message for me at 415/898-8925 or by email at [email protected].

New Website Coming!
I am busy redesigning my website. It should be up and running by the end of the year, and I'll be filling in the new sections with content as fast as I can. You'll find a whole new section on the leading-edge content of my new book, FREQUENCY: THE POWER OF PERSONAL VIBRATION, which has a great foreword by Michael Beckwith, and will be available Feb 3, 2009. You'll also find new online learning programs and products. You can see a short video description of my new book at the Beyond Words website.

Winter Solstice (continued)
The membrane between the conscious mind and the subconscious thins now and you have the capacity to see through to the other side, to understand what's been behind your urge to attack, suppress, or avoid. At the same time, you now have the opportunity to telepathically connect with nonphysical beings, loved ones who have died, and many other dimensions of awareness, including the magnificence of your own soul.

I like the fact that so many of our holy days are set at this time, when we may turn our attention to inner peace and the stillness beneath the outer world's constant shifting, when we may actually connect with the experience of "sacred." As you ready yourself for the new year, you might ask that dark, quiet, wise, peaceful part of yourself: What am I releasing now that is truly old, outworn, boring, and pointless? What am I no longer investing my attention in? Then, ask for the new glimmers, the little sparks, the twinkling lights to begin appearing for you. What are my new childlike curiosities, interests? Which new path seems most intriguing? Who do I want to be and how do I want to feel? Feel it first in the dark, then let it begin to twinkle and glow. All through the winter, let it gestate, and as spring comes round again next year, all on its own, your new aspects will take on a life of their own and you will be fresh and renewed.

From my heart to yours, I send my blessings. May your turn-of-the-year be conscious, sweet, and soft. Happy Holidays!!

Quote from FREQUENCY:
We're becoming increasingly aware of internal and external energy, its qualities, and the principles by which it functions — frequency, vibration, resonance, waves, oscillation, cycles, octaves, and spectrums. We're discovering that these concepts are at the heart of the newest techniques for knowing, doing, and having everything. In other words, your personal vibration — the frequency of energy you hold moment by moment in your body, emotions, and mind — is the most important tool you have for creating and living your ideal life. If your energy frequency is high, fast, and clear, life unfolds effortlessly and in alignment with your destiny, while a lower, slower, more distorted frequency begets a life of snags and disappointments.


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. She has worked for years on her own spiritual growth and understands the many variations possible in the human spiritual path. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design.

The winter solstice (for those of us in the northern hemisphere) is here: sun at its shortest, dark at its longest, and it's interesting to look at ourselves now. This year has been particularly chaotic and divisive, pressured and intense. As the outmoded collapses and fades, the new is just beginning to percolate.

Wherever in ourselves that we've been focused on preservation, fear of the dissimilar, distracting ourselves from distasteful truths, or having to be right by making others wrong, we're undergoing an uncomfortable unhinging. Wherever in ourselves we've been oriented to new ideas, growth, trust and flow, and increasing our enjoyment of love, we're experiencing openings for new movement and innovation. Tightness that stops the creative flow—what we used to think of as simply "holding a position" or "stubborn resistance"—is becoming too slow for our new world of the Intuition Age.

The winter solstice is a time for trusting the quiet of the dark, the inner-directedness that the dark allows us to so easily feel—if we just go with the natural instinct to rest. If you've been unconscious, contracted, in panic, or chronically worried, the darkest time of the year may make you feel anxious.

(continued to the left. . .)

Netflix Recommendation:
The Last Detective: BBC mystery series starring Peter Davison (of All Creatures Great & Small), about a kind-hearted detective, scoffed at by his colleagues, while he ends up solving the crimes.

Take My 4-Question Survey: INTUITION & YOU!
I've added a short survey to my website, but you can take it from here. I'm interested in finding out what suits your needs concerning intuitive development, learning to use your personal vibration, working with your dreams, and spiritual growth.

Subscribe to Penney's Intuition Blog.

Find a Present Moment Practice for Today: Part of the Daily Oracle section on www. (you can click on the link endless times and get different quotes. . .)

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