Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews Jan 15, 2009

Published: Fri, 01/16/09

Jan 15, 2009
Dream Dictionary

FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration
Foreword by Rev. Michael Beckwith

Available Feb 3
Because science has long taught us to depend only on what we can see and touch, we often don’t notice that our spirit, thoughts, emotions, and body are all made of energy. Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality.

In Frequency, Penney Peirce, a pioneer in the field of intuition development, takes us into new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity.

Frequency shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to stay centered in your "home frequency"—the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain—you can maximize clarity and minimize struggle. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace and fear to enthusiasm.

Awakening to the new reality that a higher frequency reveals can help you dramatically improve, and even dissolve, troublesome relationships and situations. Problems become enjoyable opportunities for innovation. Frequency shows you how to manage your own energy "state" so you can stay on track with your destiny—the life you're truly built for.

"Many independent indicators tell us we are about to experience a rapid transition to a new world—an evolutionary jump of profound proportions that will change the essential nature of who we are and how we understand reality. This extraordinary, practical book is no less than a personal primer for becoming the new human being who will co-create the new world."
—John L. Petersen, Founder, The Arlington Institute
and author of A Vision for 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change

Penney on YouTube:

Quote from FREQUENCY:
If you are to fully understand the emerging energy reality with its high frequency and unlimited perception, it helps to know there's a good reason why you may currently feel shaken up, ultrasensitive, or rudderless. The reality of the Intuition Age will be the result of a gradual, but fairly rapid, process of personal and societal transformation. It can put you through the wringer emotionally and energetically, but will eventually deliver you to an amazing destination you'll love. And, yes — there is a roadmap to help you get there. Understanding the transformation process as a whole is crucial if you don't want to jump from one popular trend in thinking to the latest energy technique, while missing key components that can make your experience smoother, faster, and more cohesive.

Intuition Tip #14
Use Intuition to Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Your Work
In the work arena, the acting out of hidden agendas causes mistakes, wasted time, and unnecessary headaches, making the workplace an unenjoyable place to be. Stopping internal sabotage is a powerful way to increase an organization's effectiveness.

Be able to receive and give appreciation and help.

Watch yourself carefully for the times when you gloss over the praise that others give you. Next time, be fully present and receive the compliment, and thank the person sincerely. Watch for opportunities to praise and thank others for the good job they're doing, or for just being the way they are. Practice speaking your thoughts to others every day.

Tips are copyright 2005, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, Second edition.

Ready for Your New Year Intuitive Checkup?
I always think the first steps of a journey, or a new year, symbolize what comes the rest of the year. That's why I always take time to tune in to my innermost self and deep motives in January and February. Why not get a fresh, intuitive point of view about what's possible for you this year? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can leave a message for me at 415/898-8925 or by email at [email protected].

Penney's Schedule
Lima, Peru:
Feb 3-10, Private women's conference.
• My new book, FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration,
releases February 3, 2009. Order an early copy!
Denver, CO:
May 16-22
Sun Valley, ID:
Wellness Festival, May 22-25, Sun Valley Resort.
Lisbon, Portugal:
1st Congress on Synchronization with the Planet, June 5-7.

In planning stage:
West Coast Book Tour, radio and media, Japan

New Website Coming!
I am STILL busy redesigning my website! It should be up and running by the end of the year, and I'll be filling in the new sections with content as fast as I can. You'll find a new section on the leading-edge content of my new book, FREQUENCY: THE POWER OF PERSONAL VIBRATION, as well as an area devoted to THE VISIONARY INSTITUTE, which eventually will have new seminars and online learning programs and products.


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. She has worked for years on her own spiritual growth and understands the many variations possible in the human spiritual path. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design.

"Love is unlimited, but it needs scope to expand and rise; without that scope, life is unhappy."
—Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan

This quote came from a friend, and I like the thought that love is a given, and our job is to provide it with a means of moving and expanding—so we can actually experience what it feels like. I'm thinking that this is a worthy motive for 2009—to experiment with making a bigger love container, a stretchier, perhaps even more detailed, experience of what love can feel like. We hold an unconscious idea that love should come to us, that we should deserve love to flow TO us. But truly, it is our job to feel love, to extend it to others, or to invest loving attention or expectations in situations, which moves it.

If you feel your aura as a "love ball" and expand it so it becomes more inclusive, you'll experience those people and situations inside your aura as lovable. How expansive and inclusive can we be in 2009? What people and things that we have previously excluded from love, can we now include in love—in other words, can we feel love as it exists in its particular form in what we've previously judged negatively?

Here's an idea: as the new year begins, write in your journal, or on your computer, describing how you feel you're successful at loving, and how you feel deficient at it. Put it aside and determine to be loving in new ways this year. At the end of 2009, get the document out and write about your growth toward being more loving. . .and in what new ways you've discovered that love works to create greater success.

Netflix Recommendation:
An old-but-good revisited film: 84 Charing Cross Road with Anne Bancroft and Anthony Hopkins. Tight, slightly creepy mystery: Perfect Stranger with Halle Berry and Giovanni Ribisi. Light, fun detective series from BBC: Murder in Suburbia.

Take My 4-Question Survey: INTUITION & YOU!
I've added a short survey to my website, but you can take it from here. I'm interested in finding out what suits your needs concerning intuitive development, learning to use your personal vibration, working with your dreams, and spiritual growth.

Subscribe to Penney's Intuition Blog.

Find a Present Moment Practice for Today: Part of the Daily Oracle section on www. (you can click on the link endless times and get different quotes. . .)

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