Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews Nov 3, 2008

Published: Mon, 11/03/08

Nov 3, 2008
     Dream Dictionary

Intuition Tip #11
Use Intuition to Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Your Work
In the work arena, the acting out of hidden agendas causes mistakes, wasted time, and unnecessary headaches, making the workplace an unenjoyable place to be. Stopping internal sabotage is a powerful way to increase an organization's effectiveness.

1. Become aware of your own and others' "yes-buts" and hesitations; learn to dissolve and move through them, and find the "gift in the garbage."

Watch yourself carefully for the places where you pull back from moving forward. For a week, make physical notes of these avoidances. Where do you say "yes, but" and let that stop your action? Go into each situation in your imagination and take action in spite of your concerns. Run it through, letting yourself encounter obstacles, and overcoming them in various ways. Make notes about what you needed to do, whether doing the thing was worth it, or if you really wanted to do it at all. Each hesitation is there for a good reason; there's often a missing piece of data you need to include in your thinking. After you recognize your own hesitations, you'll be better able to help others deal with theirs.

Tips are copyright 2005, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, Second edition, which can be ordered from Council Oak Books. 

Penney's Schedule

  • Los Angeles: Nov 20-23
  • Daytona Beach, FL: Dec 18-31
  • Lima, Peru: early Feb 09, Private women's conference.

  • My new book releases in February 2009, so expect an intensive promotonal tour after that.
  • Sun Valley, ID: Wellness Festival, Memorial Day weekend, May 2009, at Sun Valley Resort.
  • Fall Offer on Intuitive Coaching
    Ironically this is a time of tight finances AND a time when we most need some help keeping our attitudes and energy up, staying in touch with our rapidly evolving inner blueprint, and clarifying our new vision and plan for attaining it. So, from now through the end of 2008, I'm offering a discount on half-hour private intuitive coaching sessions by phone. Instead of $90, they will now be $60, with tape $65. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can reach me at 415/898-8925 or by email at [email protected]. Please book appointments by phone.

    Fall Offer on Writing & Editing
    Do you want help writing your bio? It can be an eye-opening, empowering experience to see how well someone else sees you. I'm taking on some freelance copywriting, editing, proofing, and document formatting jobs. Need some copy for your website? A manual? Or, do you just need some feedback on a business card, brochure, or website design? Clean up a powerpoint presentation? I enjoy this kind of work, am fast, and bring clarity. Let me know if I can assist you in something of this nature. [email protected]

    What's Real Underneath? Editorial (cont)
    (continued from righthand column. . .) So, politically, why are we reacting, or snapping back to a time when the world was highly divided and separatist? We are living into a time of global commonality, of shared humanity, where solutions are going to HAVE TO involve everyone and class distinctions are going to have to eventually disappear in the light of our Soul Awareness. Is this Marxist? I think not. I think we are headed toward an evolution of the best in capitalism and the best in socialism and even the core truths in imperialism and in dictatorships, etc.. . . We have to reexamine core motives and concepts, and reinvent politics, governance, nationality, and commerce.

    So I'm asking those of you in reactionary mode right now: What are you so afraid of, and why are you choosing to live in a fear-based reality, unconsciously leaping back into the past, instead of being fully engaged in this super-alive moment, creating a new reality directly from soul, something that is fresh and new? Security is an issue that needs to be redefined as well, and it is now in our faces. . .

    I feel strongly that this present period offers us an amazing opportunity to reprogram our thinking, to be able to see through the old separatist logic, which is now downright stupid, into an ingenious new way of materializing improved solutions to problems, which are really not just national anymore, but part of a global healing process.


    Penney's Latest Article
    Read Penney's Article on 2012: Forgetting What We Know to Know Anew, in Your Spiritual Revolution eMag.

    Virtual U Radio Interview with Penney
    Penney is interviewed by Jeffrey Mishlove, host of Thinking Allowed and past president of The Intuition Network.

    Dream Dictionary for Dummies
    5x7 format

  • $12.99
  • Now available in Dutch and Bulgarian!

  • This book is unique as dream dictionaries go: each definition is written so you can interpret the dream symbol at the physical, emotional, and mental-spiritual levels. Understanding each symbol becomes a wonderful intuitive process. The book also has chapters that give tips on dream interpretation, and it's is highly useful. Cute and handy; perfect for your bedside or to take along when you travel! Order now from Also available as an e-book from Wiley&Sons.

    Recommended Books
  • A VISION FOR 2012: Planning for Extraordinary Change,
  • by John L. Peterson
  • BUSTING LOOSE FROM THE MONEY GAME: Mind-Blowing Strategies for Changing the Rules of a Game You Can't Win,
  • by Robert Scheinfeld

    Quotes from Rev. Charles H. Parkhurst
    Quit imagining that somehow we are going, by some indescribable means, to drift into a better state of thing... say all you please about the might of the Holy Ghost... you and I have something to do about it. If we have a brain, or a heart or a purse, and sit still and let things take their course, making no sign, uttering no protest, flinging ourselves into no endeavor, the times will eventually sit in judgment upon us, and they will damn us.

    Human reconstruction, however, is not complete unless along with the re-establishment of normal relations between man and God, the like result is achieved between man and man. The first does not carry the second along with it. It might seem that it ought to, but it does not. Being devout does not guarantee being fraternal... There are men who pray to God on Sunday and prey on their neighbors weekdays.

    We have enough to make us all happy and thankful if we will be quiet long enough to take an affectionate inventory of our commonplace mercies, and let our hearts feel of them and mix themselves with them till we become saturated with their comfort and awaken into a loving sense of the patient goodness of their Giver.


    PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. She has worked for years on her own spiritual growth and understands the many variations possible in the human spiritual path. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design.

    I wrote this in response to some of my intuition colleagues, who were expressing worry over Obama's "dangerous," socialist leanings:

    I am really surprised at those of you who are responding to the superficiality of the conservatives' charged and highly loaded accusations of Obama's being a Marxist, communist, terrorist, etc. Those words are OLD words that describe a highly fear-based reality from at least 50 years ago, when the paranoia and self-righteouosness of a McCarthy and a Nixon could be whipped to such a state that even friends could be turned against each other.

    We, as intuitives and visionaries, are supposed to be on the leading edge of the new unity-based, love-based reality--the "new paradigm." Through our ability to experience oneness via intuition, and by our ability to know the unified field via our energy-sensitivity, we are the ones who should be showing others the way into realities that are based on fellowship, mutual support, conscious communion, and the healing of ancient emotional wounds and human suffering. Obama, as I sense him, is a person who lives via his intuition and sensitivity, who is trying to live cleanly and ethically into the new paradigm--as it emerges. He is looking for the new forms, and is not caught in old ones.

    You cannot open up spiritually and enter the new energy-based reality that is presenting itself to us, without understanding--at a visceral level--the profound interconnectedness of all life, and that includes people of all political persuasions. If we really want to live this new life, we look for new organizational models that reflect the "new" truths. Both capitalism (and I like what Thom Hartmann says, that we are now in the "cancerous stage of capitalism") and communism, and all other forms of national organization, are by themselves flawed. They are functional in particular ways, and dysfunctional in other ways.

    The West functions according to one perfectly good reality, for example, and the East by another. People from both East and West think their way is "the way life is"--unless you travel and work globally. When you do see the sanity of other ways of thinking and acting as perfect designs for specific situations and conditions, it humbles you and expands your perspective. For me, being international has expanded my view of what might happen if varying world views could be merged, if we could learn "how to be" in each other's actual reality constructs. (continued. . .)

    Netflix Recommendation:
    Blue Murder: Another BBC detective series with Caroline Quentin as a single mother juggling 3 kids and grisly murder investigations.

    Take My New 4 Question Survey: INTUITION & YOU!
    I've added a short survey to my website, but you can take it from here. I'm interested in finding out what really suits your needs concerning intuitive development, learning to use your personal vibration, working with your dreams, and spiritual growth. I want to offer you more tailored products and services.

    Subscribe to Penney's Intuition Blog.

    Find a Present Moment Practice for Today: Part of the Daily Oracle section on www. (you can click on the link endless times and get different quotes. . .)

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