Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews Dec 5, 2008

Published: Thu, 12/04/08

Dec 5, 2008
Dream Dictionary

Intuition Tip #12
Use Intuition to Stop Sabotaging Yourself and Your Work
In the work arena, the acting out of hidden agendas causes mistakes, wasted time, and unnecessary headaches, making the workplace an unenjoyable place to be. Stopping internal sabotage is a powerful way to increase an organization's effectiveness.

2. Be able to discriminate the difference between sacrifice and true giving/service. Eliminate sacrificial motives and behaviors wherever you find them.

Watch yourself carefully for the places where you interpret situations as being unfair to you, demeaning to you, or as causing you loss. Where do you feel unrecognized, invisible, disrespected, undervalued? Then go back to your truest soul motives: usually these are things like: to help others, to play happily with others, to create, to celebrate, to experience the beauty of life. Reown your actions and do them for your own sake, for a real reason. Let others have their own experience, but you be responsible for the quality of your own. Give up identifying yourself as a wounded person and demanding from others what you need to give to yourself.

Tips are copyright 2005, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, Second edition, which can be ordered from Council Oak Books. 

Penney's Schedule
Daytona Beach, FL: Dec 18-31
Lima, Peru: early Feb 09, Private women's conference.
• My new book, FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration, releases February 3, 2009. Order an early copy!
Detroit, MI: CBS Radio Conference, later in Feb
Denver, CO: May 16-22
Sun Valley, ID: Wellness Festival, May 22-25, Sun Valley Resort.

Through the End of this Year Only! Discount on Intuitive Coaching
Ironically this is a time of tight finances AND a time when we most need some help keeping our attitudes and energy up, staying in touch with our rapidly evolving inner blueprint, and clarifying our new vision and plan for attaining it. So, from now through the end of 2008, I'm offering a discount on half-hour private intuitive coaching sessions by phone. Instead of $90, they will now be $60, with tape $65. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can reach me at 415/898-8925 or by email at [email protected]. Please book appointments by phone.

New Website Coming!
I am busy redesigning my website. It should be up and running by the end of the year, and I'll be filling in the new sections with content as fast as I can. You'll find a whole new section on the leading-edge content of my new book, FREQUENCY: THE POWER OF PERSONAL VIBRATION, which has a great foreword by Michael Beckwith, and will be available Feb 3, 2009. You'll also find new online learning programs and products. You can see a short video description of my new book at the Beyond Words website.

What's Real Underneath? Editorial (cont)
Greed only works to attract money for a limited time, since under the motive is a powerful contracted belief that there can never be enough to feel truly secure, or to feel truly good about oneself. When there is a desire to control the moneyflow, especially to preserve a sense of self worth based on the kind of buzz and power money can bring, there is always an eventual downfall, so the soul can discover the true source of worth, and the true kind of power, which is based on one's experience of the simple goodness within. Real power is the ability to call forth, or call out from the unified field, various flows of energy, and to direct them into form with your heart-mind, from a love motive, for the sake of the whole.

Societal fear motivations around amassing and hoarding huge stockpiles of "easy money" are now surfacing into the conscious mind of our culture (current events), as the ravenous, unscrupulous money-monsters (multinational banks, cartels, corporations, etc) we never wanted to look at too closely, who we gave all our power to, are failing. Now they, and we, have a clear choice about examining and recentering in the truth of who we really are, as a way for us to re-identify ourselves as people who come from simple goodness.

But because we are experiencing losses, shocks, and lack as a result of these collapses, we are contracting into the personal and collective fears that underlie the part of our identity that's based on what we HAVE. And with every fear we indulge in, our frequency drops. The market goes down, our personal vibration goes down.

Our job now is to reverse the slide within ourselves. Refuse to contract. Relax around the idea of moneyflow and expand into a resonance with the worldwide moneyflow. It's so connected to how we hold energy within ourselves and refuse to let it flow, or how we trustingly release the energy that wants to flow through us to go where it wants to go. To reverse this economic crisis, each of us can start by ending contraction in ourselves.

Virtual U Radio Interview with Penney
Penney interviewed by Jeffrey Mishlove, host of Thinking Allowed and past president of The Intuition Network.

Dream Dictionary for Dummies
5x7 format • $12.99 • Now available in Dutch and Bulgarian!
This book is unique as dream dictionaries go: each definition is written so you can interpret the dream symbol at the physical, emotional, and mental-spiritual levels. Understanding each symbol becomes a wonderful intuitive process. The book also gives tips on dream interpretation, and is highly useful. Cute and handy; perfect for your bedside or to take along when you travel! Order now from Also available as an e-book from Wiley&Sons.

Recommended Books
The Energy of Money, by Maria Nemeth
The Seven Stages of Money Maturity
, by George Kinder
Busting Loose from the Money Game
, by Robert Scheinfeld
Money Magic, by Deborah Price
Women & Money, by Suze Orman
Money and the Law of Attraction, by Esther and Jerry Hicks

Quote from FREQUENCY:
"People who are sensitive to the invisible realms — and I count myself as one — have long intuited that the subtle frequency inside our bodies, and in the earth itself, has been steadily rising. This first stirs us up internally, causing us to feel uncomfortable without knowing why. Then the external world accelerates and seems increasingly high-pitched, or even chaotic. Eventually we adjust to the new higher level of energy and our awareness increases to the same degree."


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. She has worked for years on her own spiritual growth and understands the many variations possible in the human spiritual path. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design.

The MoneyFlow: Low Frequency or High?
Lately I've noticed myself, along with others I counsel and talk to, feeling "tight" when the subject of money comes up. We say, "Money is tight right now." It's a nearly literal way of describing the energy state we are resonating at currently. Our frequency has dropped. We're contracted and jammed up. The flow isn't moving much.

This morning, as I thought about balancing my checking account and FINALLY looking at my investment statements for the past few months (which I've been avoiding for fear of the depression that is likely to beset me), I realized how I've been unconsciously contracting, then feeling "bad," when I think about money. And how this isn't helping new money to flow through my life!

I was writing in my journal and this is what came: Don't contract around thoughts of money; expand instead! Say (and feel): "The money is flowing everywhere in the world in spite of what the news says, and I include myself in that flow. I open myself to be a receiver and giver of the moneyflow. I call the moneyflow over here to flow through me, as well as through the others who've called it. It comes where it's called and goes where I send it."

I saw that I'd excluded myself from the moneyflow by contracting every time I thought about money — losing it, spending it, making it, giving it. I saw that "contracting" was both the feeling of "freezing up" and the feeling of avoiding and going into blankness and distraction. Now I'm experimenting with the idea of relaxing when I think of money; I don't have money really, I have moneyflow; it's an experience of a kind of movement in life.

I feel how the moneyflow is part of God's love, and if it's flowing in my life, it's a type of loving experience. If it's not flowing in my life, it's another kind of loving experience — perhaps its absence points my attention to something less tangible that I've neglected. The moneyflow is neutral — if I experience the Love that moves the Flow, and feel it in me, and use that Love as the core motive and content in all that I do, then the moneyflow becomes an intrinsic, natural part of my own lifeflow, or loveflow. As the moneyflow moves through me, it brings creative ideas for making, receiving, using, and giving money. It's so natural. So tied together.
(continued. . .)

Netflix Recommendation:
Driving Lessons with Rupert Grint, Laura Linney, and Julie Waters, and Smart People with Dennis Quaid and Sarah Jessica Parker. Both feature wonderful quirky characters with heart-warming scripts.

Take My New 4 Question Survey: INTUITION & YOU!
I've added a short survey to my website, but you can take it from here. I'm interested in finding out what really suits your needs concerning intuitive development, learning to use your personal vibration, working with your dreams, and spiritual growth. I want to offer you more tailored products and services.

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Find a Present Moment Practice for Today: Part of the Daily Oracle section on www. (you can click on the link endless times and get different quotes. . .)

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