Penney Peirce's Intuitive Way eNews Apr 19, 2009

Published: Sun, 04/19/09

April 19 , 2009
Dream Dictionary

Visit my new website:
For those who can't remember how to spell my name, will still get you there. Some pages are yet to be filled in with content, but I'm working on it in every spare minute! Since I am starting the active part of my book tour, please check my calendar page regularly.

Visit my new minisite:

Here you'll find excerpts, a full press kit, and other information about
FREQUENCY: The Power of Personal Vibration

Penney's FREQUENCY Book Tour

Fri, Apr 24, 7:30pm, East West Bookstore, Seattle, WA
Sat, Apr 25, 6:30pm, Third Place Books, Lake Forest Park, WA
Sun, Apr 26, 1-3 pm, Seattle Unity, Seattle, WA
Wed Apr 29, 6pm, Orca Books, Olympia, WA
Thu Apr 30, 7:30pm, Powell's Books on Hawthorne, Portland, OR
Fri May 1, 6pm, Crystal Voyage Books, Tacoma, WA
Sat, May 2, New Renaissance Bookshop, Portland, OR

Sat-Sun May 9-10, East West Bookshop, Mountainview, CA
with readings

Mon, May 18, 7:30PM, Tattered Cover, Highlands Ranch, CO
Tue, May 19, Life Readings in Broomfield, Melanie Mulhall, [email protected]
Wed May 20, 7pm, Paranormal Research Forum, Denver, CO
Thu May 21, Isis Books, 7pm, Englewood, CO with readings

Sat, May 23-25, 4:15pm, Sun Valley Wellness Festival, Ketcham, ID with readings

Sat, June 6-7, "Becoming One with the Frequency of Now," 1st Congress on Synchronization with Planet Earth, Lisbon, Portugal with readings
beginning June 4
Mon June 8, Post-Conference Training, "Intuition, Time, and Energy," Lisbon, Portugal

Tue, July 1, Changing Hands Bookstore, Tempe, AZ

Fri-Sat Jul 24-25, breathe books, Baltimore, MD, Fri evening talk and Saturday workshop, 10am-1pm; Susan Weis, 410/235-7323
Sun Jul 26, Presentation and Workshop at Unity DC, with Rev. Sylvia Sumter, 1225 R Street NW, Washington, DC 20009, 202/543-1414
Sun Aug 2, "From Here to 2012: Finding Our Way to the Positive Future," 1-day conference featuring Penney, John Petersen (futurist and author of A Vision for 2012), and Eileen Gwin and Umar Hameed, founders of Mindfood Exchange. Columbia area.
info: [email protected]

Intuition Tip #19
How intuition might give you "a feel for" something
There are many situations where you may not notice your intuition at work because the information comes quickly and in a subtle form. You have a strange feeling, the heebie jeebies, or nameless dreads. You suddenly become skeptical and critical while reading something, or you space out and can't maintain focus on what you "should" be doing. It usually turns out that you're picking up on a mistake, an important missing factor, or a warning. If everyone in business were taught to pay attention to these "feelings," and to cultivate their ability to have a "feeling for" various tasks, the knowledge quotient in organizations would rise dramatically and efficiency would soar.

4. Allocating limited resources
When you have to divide up limited resources—staff, money, time, space—what goes where and in what percentages? Close your eyes and feel into the overall coordination of all the variables. At the highest level, everything is working perfectly. Affirm that the higher perfection will be reflected in the allocations you choose. Do you have a certain amount of money that can be spent on public relations, advertising, marketing, and package redesign? Imagine the segments that need funding as three-dimensional shapes on the desk in front of you. See the funding as a pool of energy just above them. Let each of the shapes open up and draw in the exact amount of energy they need to do their job. Watch them change size and shape. When the morphing has finished, look on the front of each one for a sign showing the percentage they needed. Additionally, notice the symbology of the shapes and how they changed—this may give you insights about how things will actually transpire.

Tips are copyright 2005, by Penney Peirce, from The Intuitive Way, Second edition

The Power of Personal Vibration

Order a copy from amazon!

Everything is vibrating. In fact, each of us has a personal vibration that accurately communicates who we are to the world and helps shape our reality. In Frequency, Penney Peirce takes us into new territory, exploring the dynamics of energy, personal resonance, and our accelerating ultrasensitivity.

Frequency shows you how to feel your personal vibration and work intentionally with energy to transform your life. By learning to stay centered in your "home frequency" — the highest, most natural personal vibration you can attain — you can maximize clarity and minimize struggle. A simple shift in frequency is often all it takes to change depression to peace and fear to enthusiasm.

“Seeing ourselves as energy beings is the most important breakthrough of our times. In Frequency, Penney Peirce clarifies many of the energy principles that have previously been unacknowledged, but which we can now intentionally use to keep ourselves healthy and improve the realities we live in. I laughed out loud when I read this book, and enjoyed it immensely.”
Richard Bartlett, author of Matrix Energetics

Penney on Frequency on YouTube:

Quote from FREQUENCY

"As you sense your expanded capacity and realize you don't have to sacrifice any part of your self-expression for success, you'll realize that you can strike the tone of your tuning fork and send the vibration of your home frequency out through the field around you as THE organizing tone of your world. The more you accept that this is possible and can be real, the more you'll see the people and situations in your life coming into resonance with your home frequency. You'll be in frequency integrity."

Ready for an Intuitive Checkup?

Do the constraints of these difficult financial times mean you need to make changes in your career, business, or location? Why not get a new perspective from a frequency point of view—about what's possible for you this year?

How might a change in perception and personal vibration shift your external circumstances? Private intuitive coaching sessions, $180/hr in 15-minute increments, $100/hr for the second hour. I look forward to working with you on any issues that concern you. You can leave a message for me at 415/898-8925 or by email at [email protected].

Radio Interviews

Apr 21, 6-7pm PT, LIVE, "Walking with Spirit," with Monique Chapman, on Achieve Radio Network

May 9,
11am broadcast, with Angela Moore, "Inside the Style Scene," WADK 1540, Newport, RI, • available online the week of May 15 on at

June 1, 2pm, with Justin Sachs, Motivational Minds Radio, San Diego.

New streaming audio interviews now posted on my website:


PENNEY PEIRCE is a gifted intuitive empath and rare mentor/teacher who speaks and writes with clarity, cross-cultural understanding, and deep insight. Penney synthesizes great amounts of detail, and can explain complex metaphysical, philosophical material in a personal, down-to-earth way. She is experienced in business, writing, speaking, and design thinking.

The other day I did an intuitive consultation for a woman who was sincere and open, trusted the process of what I was doing with her, found value and validated each step we took, and put the pieces together verbally to provide meaning for herself. I felt better for having worked with her. Forty-five minutes later, I had another client who stopped me not long after we started and said, "I only want you to tell me what job I'm going to get next, and when I'll have a good relationship and what she'll be like. What you've said so far doesn't interest me."

It was obvious this man wanted a psychic, not an intuitive. If you use intuition solely to read the past and future, you become what I call a "psychic." Psychics can be accurate, but their orientation is usually toward what, not how and why; toward form, not process. When we worship form alone, it’s easy to miss the experience of the process that preexisted and created the form and the deeper experience of the state of being, or spirit, that underlies the process of life. With this bias, it’s easy to miss the overall organizing context that gives the answers their deeper meaning. I'm more interested in the process, because answers shift so rapidly these days. So, I politely ended the session with the second client, no charge.

His expectations were such that he wanted a particular form of answer and was too impatient to wait for the value to unfold, which would have encompassed his questions and gone much further. He wanted me to turn on the faucet, on demand, to do it his way. I felt bad for awhile afterward, as contracted as I had felt expanded after the first client. What had the lesson been in having this clear contrast between the 2 people?

When the mind attaches to form and expectation, that's a projection into the future and into a fantasy. It removes awareness from the present moment and, in effect, blocks receptivity. The mind is preoccupied and unavailable. The man could literally not hear me. When one person in a relationship is not receptive, the flow stops between them. If you're not receptive, you can't be giving either. In this situation, the man's constraints stopped the flow of my intuition in its tracks. The lack of trust was as disruptive as a boulder being thrown in a pond. The energy was based in a need for control, which is fear-based, and low in vibration.

I remembered what I've been saying lately: that the frequency of the physical world and our bodies is increasing, that we're entering a new reality based on energy and flow, and the old, slow ways of doing things are becoming dysfunctional, boring, even painful. We're in a process of "frequency sorting"—discarding ways of relating, thinking, and acting based on control and fear. We're letting go of locations, jobs, and people who drain us. We're choosing to feel the way we really want to feel, to transmit more of our soul through our personality so we can find our destiny.

So I relaxed. This experience was me showing myself the two realities and the choice that's always there—for me and all of us—to maintain the integrity of our high-vibration, "home frequency" while letting others grow at their own pace.

Netflix Recommendation
The Long Way 'Round: This 2-disc set tracks actors Ewan MacGregor and Charley Boorman as they ride their motorcycles from England across Europe, Russia, Mongolia, and Canada, to New York. Some parts are hysterically funny, and you get to see parts of the world that few tourists visit.

Look at Penney's Peru photos; Germany photos

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